Weird Dreams

I had a weird dream once.

I was at school and it was at night, but all the lights were still on in the classrooms. But the bell went everyone who came out of the classrooms were made of glass. And everytime I touched one, they'd shatter into a million pieces.
So I ran around, smashing all these people when I came across this trail of silver liquid leading dow our E hallway. So when I followed it, I found an army of glass people staring at me and God it freaked me out. Of course, my defense was, they couldn't touch me, but each one of them had like a mace, or something spikey.

Of course, now you insert the classic "Running away" sequence...
Ok. I had major weird dream last night and it has disturbed me whole frigging day. These things had affection from yesterday:

I watched "Inside Actors Studio: Jennifer Connolly" She's married to Paul Bettany and my one teacher looks like him :eek:

I watched Cold Case episode where was some lunatics in the 50s and all those creepy 50s treatments

I wrote my last report of this Paul Bettaly-lookalike teacher, because it had to be returned like a month ago.

So umm... dream. My teacher (that PB-lookalike) was... bit... erm... psycho. I mean, totally nuts and then they dragged him to the frozen lake so he'd get better.

Seriously. I don't want to see dreams about my teachers *cries*

I'm upset here.
Oh good that you bumped this up Ducky. I had wanted to share about my dream yesterday.

I dreamt I was at a place like a school cafetaria standing by a table. My friend was standing there too and on the table in front of her were some cosmetic products. Then she's gone and the cosmetics were still there. I thought maybe it's hers and she forgot to take them so I thought I'd keep them for her. I was putting them into my bag when I had a thought that maybe these aren't hers. So I stopped and asked around. Another girl claimed those to be hers so I took the rest out of my bag. Then a few girls came and they all accused me of stealing those cosmetic stuff and I was soooo upset! :mad: I started explaining and explaining and they kept on accusing me...I woke up feeling really upset but was glad it was all a dream. have dreams about your teacher. :p HAHA.

I had such a horrid dream couple weeks ago and it actually was so realistic I went to check on my dog. Basically in the dream, my dog head fell off and I could see the cross-section of her neck with the muscles, bone and blood..but she was still alive, kept squirming. Put it on her head with a stick. Couldnt take her to the vets cos my mother was too busy watching Coronation Street. :lol: So I kept crying in the dream, took the dog with me to school, took her to shoppping with me...etc. :rolleyes: It WAS SO DISTURBING!
kazzy said:
I had such a horrid dream couple weeks ago and it actually was so realistic I went to check on my dog.

I really don't like those sort of dreams :eek: they really freak me out!! Heavens, I remember I had one like that about a month ago where I dreamt my best friend had died :eek: I remember waking up and feeling really awful because I thought she really had died :eek:


Thankfully, I do not have those sort of dreams often.

And Ducky, you're not alone with your dreams about teachers...I used to have those too (though that was when I was at school).
I know, when I was little my mum worked night shifts at the hospital and didn't get back till after I woke up.
I had a dream back then that mum ran away and I only found her again when I was like 20 or so and I woke up and burst into tears and had to use one of mums scarves as a comfort blanket till she got back after work.
I felt devastated after that dream. Thankfully, my mum has never yet run away.
^ Those dreams are terrible, too :( I had a dream once that my aunt stole a bunch of money from my grandparents...which...uh...isn't hard to believe, actually :lol:

I had a dream when I was really little, it was about a video game-type thing. This guy was going to destroy the world (in-turn killing everyone) so I was the only one who could stop him. Everyone's yelling at me to do something and then just before they guy killed me my dad woke me up (THANK GOD!). I was whimpering and tossing-and-turning, I guess, and afterwards, I had to sleep with my mom and dad.

I still couldn't sleep. I was sweating, having a major panic attack because I could still see everything so vividly every time I closed my eyes.
when i was pregnant with my youngest (shes now 11) i dreamt that i had to put her in the microwave to keep her warm. how weird is that, they do say that your hormones go wild when you are pregnant but that is totally scary. :confused:
Even thought this is, like, the off topic thread, I must say I had a CSI NY dream. :eek: In which Mac was dressed full Marine outfit with a rifle or something, and Danny was standing there as bait for some guy. Mac's, like, right there, and the guy they're waiting for comes right up to Danny covers, his mouth and starts leading him down the street, and Mac didn't notice until a little while later. The two guys come to a parking lot or something where there are two semi-trucks with the backs open and an alley a little way behind them. The guys straps bombs or something onto Danny (like in the CSI Season finale where Nick's kidnapped and the guy has the bombs on himself), and he walks behind the trucks with a remote control while everyone there screams and runs away. There's still a man in the back of one of the trucks and he bolts down the alley, and the bad guy drops the remote and runs after him. Then I woke up.

And I always have the same REALLY SCARY dream when I'm sick with something really bad (although in retrospect, it isn't that scary). There's a snail (good guy) and a termite (bad guy). Termite wants to destroy the world, snail wants to save it, same old same old. They decide to have a pyramid building contest to see who wins. Of course, the termite wins and the dream ends with a big explosion.

Hehehehe...not scary in hindsight at all...
I had a dream that I was enrolled to the high school dept. of my elem school (which I disliked) and I was desperate to leave. It was like "Prison Break"...
i had a dream that i was on a bus and then for some reson i just fell off and i know for some reason that i just had to get home
so i started going through this field and there was all these spider webs every where and this giant spider was chasing me and i tried to run but all the webs started closing in around me and the spider was right behind me and then i woke up
i seem to have this dream alot
does anyone know what it could mean
it really scares me some times i wake up crying
I had an odd dream last night, if you'll bear with me my dreams are always weird. I should post all of them here. Anyway...

So in the dream I was standing in a graveyard and Eric Delko and Ryan Wolfe were there. They both looked a little concerned, and then suddenly it was like I was panning all over the graveyard and zooming up on certain gravestones.

So I was going around the graveyard like a ghost or something. All the gravestones were from the last names T and S. I remembered thinking, where are most of the 'S' last names? So then I stopped at this one gravestone. It was really big and it was black around the edges. On the inside, it was a crystalized grey with black letters. I couldn't see the name on the grave stone, only that it was a short first name and a long last name.

There were two lights at the bottom of the grave, and I touched one of them and they moved. Then there was this piece of drywall on the grave, and I moved it out of the way. Suddenly, my sister was there and she was pressing buttons on the gravestone and it was spitting out money. Everytime she would stick in a piece of paper, more money would come out. I then did the same and more money came out for me. Then suddenly I turned around, and a woman with long black hair was standing behind me, wearing a short black dress, her skin was grey and I couldn't see her face. She suddenly got pulled under the grave by the hair and she was gone. Obviously I didn't think that was too weird so I didn't tell anyone.

Then I was suddenly in my house at my computer and I was looking up downloads for new movies, and I found 'A Scanner Darkly' and I was going to download it. It was going to take 8 hours and 8 minutes to download.

Then I went downstairs to my living room and I was suddenly watching a movie with people walking around in snow, and then I wasn't watching the movie anymore. Then some more stuff happened that I can't remember, and then I woke up.

Suffice it to say, I have the oddest dreams. It probably means something because all my dreams mean something, so I'll just have to wait and see what happens.
I had a weird dream last night. I was walking with a cute guy who was very close to me and a lady stopped me and told me to buy some vegetables for her. She gave me the names of those veg but I couldn't remember them. So she finally said she'd come with me. I turned and the cute guy's gone. We kept walking and went into some kind of maze-like building. Then we saw a door and went right in. It's a nursery and the lady who was with me asked to buy some veg. An old lady came out of nowhere and she gave us the vegetables. Then the old lady asked some questions(I can't remember anymore) and I couldn't answer. We all sat down and she started to tell us folktales. And while listening, I was peeling off the vegetables...then suddenly someone patted my head. I turned and saw an old pixie. In my thought, I recognized the pixie as the old lady. Then the dream's weird...