Was Danny abused as a child?

I think you've done it again. The evidence is certainly stacking up. It would probably be more annoying now if it turned out Danny wasn't abused as a child, not because I actually want him to have gone through that, but because so much points to it; and the shows tag line is 'everytning is connected' after all.

Yeah, I'm kind of thinking along the same lines. Danny's behavior can't really be explained away by an "oh, he's just really emotional" line at this point. There's a lot more going on with him it seems.

Like you, Top41, I wondered at the time about the interaction between them and didn't really connect it to this thread. It was rather creepy that when Danny asked if he was too old for the paedophile the man didn't say yes.

It was definitely weird that the guy didn't say yes, and the way he looked at Danny kinda suggested that he was looking at him in a sexual way. He didn't look at Stella the same way he looked at Danny. Danny's question in itself was weird, though--he was kind of challenging the guy to look at him in that way. Which, you know, doesn't seem to be a normal reaction to me.

Maybe he knew why Danny was so hostile - though he wasn't so bad that the man's comment of "Does he have to be here?" was justified - which leads onto your comment on how the man focused on Danny during the scene. In the book I'm reading it mentions how children are often abused by several people because abusers can pick out the vulnerable ones that could easily be abused or have already been abused. It's like that man sensed that to Danny this was personal.

And if he was fixated on Danny, that could be why. If the guy has a long history of abusing children then he might be able to pick up on reactions like Danny's that could be related to abuse. Danny, for all his bravado, exudes vulnerability in spades. I don't think anyone watching "The Dove Commission" just thought he was being a prejudiced jerk for no reason. No, it was more like, "what happened to him to make him react this way?"

In "ReCycling," both Stella and Danny are obviously disgusted by the guy, but Danny is the only one who makes it personal and who purposefully draws the guy's attention with a tough-guy confrontational attitude that's almost daring the moslester to look at Danny in a sexual way--again, the direct reference to asking if he's "too old for him," the hip-badge thing--don't they usually take their badges off their hips to flash them? There was no reason to be subtle about it in an ordinary diner. All in all, it's a strange way to behave in that situation.
Yeah, I'm kind of thinking along the same lines. Danny's behavior can't really be explained away by an "oh, he's just really emotional" line at this point. There's a lot more going on with him it seems.

Unfortunately I don't think the writers read these threads, I mean they haven't given us the shower scene, but to be serious, I think they'd find it easier just to relate all Danny's trust issues back to the Tanglewood gang. I'd be disappointed but what can we do!

Danny's question in itself was weird, though--he was kind of challenging the guy to look at him in that way. Which, you know, doesn't seem to be a normal reaction to me.

Challenging but hoping for a rejection, perhaps?

Danny, for all his bravado, exudes vulnerability in spades.

And yet Stella didn't pick up on it and do /say anything.

I don't think anyone watching "The Dove Commission" just thought he was being a prejudiced jerk for no reason. No, it was more like, "what happened to him to make him react this way?"

That ep shows here this coming Saturday. Part of me can't wait and the other part is already cringing. I read a couple of reviews which had a go at Danny, though.
In "ReCycling," both Stella and Danny are obviously disgusted by the guy, but Danny is the only one who makes it personal and who purposefully draws the guy's attention with a tough-guy confrontational attitude that's almost daring the moslester to look at Danny in a sexual way--again, the direct reference to asking if he's "too old for him," the hip-badge thing--don't they usually take their badges off their hips to flash them? There was no reason to be subtle about it in an ordinary diner. All in all, it's a strange way to behave in that situation.

I remember Catherine confronting Nick about why he was acting strange in a case and it turned out he was molested when he was 9, but no comment from Stella. Why not?
Unfortunately I don't think the writers read these threads, I mean they haven't given us the shower scene, but to be serious, I think they'd find it easier just to relate all Danny's trust issues back to the Tanglewood gang. I'd be disappointed but what can we do!

Well, maybe, but Danny's issues are much more serious than our desire to see him in the shower (heresay, I know! ;) :D ) While we might never get our shower scene (though my hope springs eternal! ;) ), I do think we'll get some sort of explanation for Danny's behavior. It's been played up way too much for things to be otherwise, IMO.

As for the Tanglewood involvement, I think it's another symptom rather than the cause of Danny's behavior. His behavior patterns would have already been formed by the time he joined the gang (if he did indeed join the gang)--he would have been in his early teens at the youngest probably. I suspect Danny joining the gang would have had something to do with a need to feel protected and a desire for a sense of belonging, more than anything else.

Challenging but hoping for a rejection, perhaps?

I'm sure, except he probably knows differently. Danny probably knows the type. Whether or not he's consciously aware that abusers feed on vulnerability is another question.

And yet Stella didn't pick up on it and do /say anything.

No, she didn't, but then, taken alone it might not have seemed strange to her. The CSI team would have to sit down and talk about Danny to put together the different pieces of the puzzle they have--Aiden seeing Danny so upset in "The Dove Commission," Flack seeing Danny's inability to trust in "On the Job," Mac seeing the defiance in "On the Job" and "C&M" and Stella seeing this in "ReCycling." Without a pattern it might have struck her as slightly odd, or just more of Danny's hotheadedness.

That ep shows here this coming Saturday. Part of me can't wait and the other part is already cringing. I read a couple of reviews which had a go at Danny, though.

Danny's a brat in the episode, no doubt about it. But there are some issues behind it which luckily you find out at the end. It's a good episode though through most of it Danny comes across as hostile and angry.

I remember Catherine confronting Nick about why he was acting strange in a case and it turned out he was molested when he was 9, but no comment from Stella. Why not?

Catherine is a little more intuitive than Stella and Nick is much more even-tempered than Danny. Stella probably took it as more of the same behavior from Danny. Also, given Catherine's past in the sex industry (she was an exotic dancer) she might be more familiar with the signs of sexual abuse than Stella, as the sex industry does attract a fair amount of people who have been abused in that way. From what I've read, it's a way to turn the tables and feel in control, which is kind of similar to what Danny was doing with the molester in the diner.
Yes! I think that 2 about the summer stop!! Poor us!!!:( But then we have something 2 look for after the summer stop! :p
btw...are you from holland 2 !! Nice :D
Well, let's hope we'll at least see some re-runs then, eh?

Yup, am from the Dutch Mountains as well, Utrecht calling, remember? :D

Yes..but thats nice 2..:p then we see danny as well :p

Ow..you are that girl!! oke!! I was fogotting it :p
Hi! I think that Danny was mental abused as a child he has some serious trust issues with the team especially Mac after the tanglewood stroyline so maybe that could be the start of his problems.
^I'm sure whatever happened to Danny, there was a psychological (non-physical element) to it. To have trust issues as severe as Danny's, it would have to be something major.

csifeline (was it you? I thought it was!) mentioned in another thread that she heard Danny tell Flack that he didn't want to go through the system again in "On the Job." What could that mean? It could be that Danny was in trouble as a kid, but given that he's in law enforcement, it's doubtful that he did jail or juvvy time even.

So could it be that the system didn't help him out when he was in a bad situation? Maybe he was being abused and was removed from the situation only to be put back in it?

What do you think Danny meant by his comment?
csifeline (was it you? I thought it was!) mentioned in another thread that she heard Danny tell Flack that he didn't want to go through the system again in "On the Job."

Well seeing as it's 'The Dove Commission' on this coming Saturday, so I'm still a few eps away from 'On The Job', I can safely say it wasn't me. :lol:

What could that mean? It could be that Danny was in trouble as a kid, but given that he's in law enforcement, it's doubtful that he did jail or juvvy time even.

Well we still don't know just how he was involved with the Tanglewood gang. I'm still worried about Tanglewood part 2, but I'm hoping the writers don't have him in so deep that he looses his job.

So could it be that the system didn't help him out when he was in a bad situation? Maybe he was being abused and was removed from the situation only to be put back in it?

What do you think Danny meant by his comment?

Could be. I suppose I'll have to wait until I actually see it, but from reading the spoilers I got the general impression he was either talking about growing up under surveillance (as mentioned in his bio), or has been investigated since he became a cop or CSI; though obviously he was cleared that time.
Apologies! It was Khanada. I knew I had seen it recently in a thread (the quote thread). Khanada is the one who caught the "again." I still have to rewatch that sequence. I love that scene with Flack and Danny in the diner.

I doubt Danny will lose his job over whatever involvement he had with the Tanglewood Gang. However it might further drive a wedge between he and Mac, though I can't imagine how the gulf between Danny and Mac could get any bigger at this point.

OTOH, it could provide Danny with an opportunity to redeem himself.

Surveillance, maybe, though I would think it would be more extreme than that from his reaction. Maybe he or a member of his family suffered some sort of injustice at the hands of the system.

I doubt he's been investigated as a cop or someone (Hilborne or even Mac) would have brought that up by now. Hilborne was quick to bring up Stella's record when talking to Mac. I'm sure he would have done the same with Danny if Danny had one.
I was thinking about this topic for a while (hey, what better is there to do when you're stuck in bed with a cold? :lol:), particularly the idea that Danny might emotionally shut down on a child abuse case. Since he's already been exposed to some cases of kids getting hurt or abandoned, I'm thinking that the thing to make him shut down would have to be really major (moreso than just working a child abuse case). Like, for instance, if he walked in on somebody beating their child. Then I could definitely see him shutting down. Any thoughts on that?
OTOH, it could provide Danny with an opportunity to redeem himself.

Good point, that would most definitely make an interesting storyline and might even bring on interesting character developments, for both Danny and the others.
Apologies! It was Khanada. I knew I had seen it recently in a thread (the quote thread). Khanada is the one who caught the "again." I still have to rewatch that sequence. I love that scene with Flack and Danny in the diner.

I'll be looking out for it. ;)

I doubt Danny will lose his job over whatever involvement he had with the Tanglewood Gang. However it might further drive a wedge between he and Mac, though I can't imagine how the gulf between Danny and Mac could get any bigger at this point.

OTOH, it could provide Danny with an opportunity to redeem himself.

Something dramatic, with Danny being all heroic running around, getting a little hurt, maybe through saving Mac, and everyone fussing over him...sorry, getting carried away there. Yes, I think Danny should get the chance to redeem himself, get back on the promotion grid even.

Surveillance, maybe, though I would think it would be more extreme than that from his reaction.

Sounds logical. If his family was under surveillance it should have been in the background and he shouldn't have even noticed it was there.

Maybe he or a member of his family suffered some sort of injustice at the hands of the system.

Can't think what at the moment but I'd go with that.

I doubt he's been investigated as a cop or someone (Hilborne or even Mac) would have brought that up by now. Hilborne was quick to bring up Stella's record when talking to Mac. I'm sure he would have done the same with Danny if Danny had one.

Good point. Is this Hilborne character one to hate or is he 'just doing his job'?
I think someone made a comment, sorry cant remember who, that if Danny's family was under servailance wouldn't someone have noticed that there was abuse going on. Maybe there was a cop who was working undercover trying to get evidence on Danny's family and he or she knew that Danny was being abused and couldnt say anything for fear of blowing their cover.
I was thinking about this topic for a while (hey, what better is there to do when you're stuck in bed with a cold? :lol:), particularly the idea that Danny might emotionally shut down on a child abuse case. Since he's already been exposed to some cases of kids getting hurt or abandoned, I'm thinking that the thing to make him shut down would have to be really major (moreso than just working a child abuse case). Like, for instance, if he walked in on somebody beating their child. Then I could definitely see him shutting down. Any thoughts on that?

Something interesting to note...has Danny actually worked any cases where kids were victims? I can't recall that he has.

I would think if Danny actually witnessed a kid being abused he'd react quite angrily and do something to stop it. I think he'd act in that case. But then, maybe not. That would be an extreme reaction from him if he didn't--if he just couldn't deal with it and then shut down entirely.

I think someone made a comment, sorry cant remember who, that if Danny's family was under servailance wouldn't someone have noticed that there was abuse going on. Maybe there was a cop who was working undercover trying to get evidence on Danny's family and he or she knew that Danny was being abused and couldnt say anything for fear of blowing their cover.

That's a really, really good point. The undercover cop would have to look at the bigger picture: bringing down a mob family or helping an abused child. Obviously the job is going to dictate he/she do the former. And what if the person who got taken down/arrested wasn't the one who was abusing Danny? He'd have been screwed over twice, then.

The jury is still out on Hilborne. He's kind of a jerk--he was really kind of mean to Danny after Danny gave his testimony. And the ep before he brought up Stella's record of complaints, even though most of the complaints against her were bogus. I don't think he's evil but he's definitely political and trouble for Mac.
Something interesting to note...has Danny actually worked any cases where kids were victims? I can't recall that he has.

He hasn't actually worked them, I just meant that he'd been faced with them, like the pedophile in ReCycling. I do agree that getting angry would be the more Danny-like reaction... so maybe he'd lose his temper initially, then shut down?
Something interesting to note...has Danny actually worked any cases where kids were victims? I can't recall that he has.

He hasn't actually worked them, I just meant that he'd been faced with them, like the pedophile in ReCycling. I do agree that getting angry would be the more Danny-like reaction... so maybe he'd lose his temper initially, then shut down?

i guess the difference is that in that particular case nothing bad had happened to the child yet and the actual reason for them being there was nothing to do with child abuse. So maybe his reaction would be stronger if he had to focus on a case where child abuse is the main subject or where something terrible happens to a child.

something i noticed the other day slightly OT perhaps but newhu in the dove comission when he gets really angry at the suspect when they're in the cell, i mean that could be because of the whole being wrong gypsy cab thing. Or maybe someone close to him was killed whilst trying to do the right thing. Another thing that could link into the childhood trauma thing maybe. :rolleyes: