Was Danny abused as a child?

He hasn't actually worked them, I just meant that he'd been faced with them, like the pedophile in ReCycling. I do agree that getting angry would be the more Danny-like reaction... so maybe he'd lose his temper initially, then shut down?

He did get pretty upset with that pedophile--the hostility and anger was radiating off him, so much so that the pedophile asked Stella if he had to be there. But that guy was parolled. Possibly when faced with a newer case, Danny might not know how to deal. I'd think it would be harder for him to talk to the child about it than the criminal. The criminal he can get angry at. He might see himself in the child and not know how to cope with that.

i guess the difference is that in that particular case nothing bad had happened to the child yet and the actual reason for them being there was nothing to do with child abuse. So maybe his reaction would be stronger if he had to focus on a case where child abuse is the main subject or where something terrible happens to a child.

Agreed--a direct case would probably bring it out more. He was questioning the guy about a murder, not a molestation.

something i noticed the other day slightly OT perhaps but newhu in the dove comission when he gets really angry at the suspect when they're in the cell, i mean that could be because of the whole being wrong gypsy cab thing. Or maybe someone close to him was killed whilst trying to do the right thing. Another thing that could link into the childhood trauma thing maybe. :rolleyes:

Danny was very angry with that killer. I think part of it was anger at himself for coming to the wrong conclusion about the cab driver, but again, you'll notice he mentions that the cab driver was a family man. Danny has a problem with families being broken up or harmed by crime. That probably does relate to his own personal bio.
i guess the difference is that in that particular case nothing bad had happened to the child yet and the actual reason for them being there was nothing to do with child abuse. So maybe his reaction would be stronger if he had to focus on a case where child abuse is the main subject or where something terrible happens to a child.

If the abuser was outside of the family, say a teacher, ex neighbour or even a cop, another scenario could be if Danny came across them whilst investigating another case. If that person wasn't actually being accused of anything then Danny would have nothing to 'kick off' his anger against and shutting down might be his only option to dealing with the memories.
If the abuser was outside of the family, say a teacher, ex neighbour or even a cop, another scenario could be if Danny came across them whilst investigating another case. If that person wasn't actually being accused of anything then Danny would have nothing to 'kick off' his anger against and shutting down might be his only option to dealing with the memories.

I suspect Danny would find some way to bring it to light or charge the person, though it is possible that he wouldn't know what to do when faced with it. Still, I think if a child was in immediate danger, Danny would find a way to snap out of it and help the child. The shutting down, I suspect, would come afterwards.
I meant if Danny came across the person who abused him as a child and no child was actually involved in the case he was investigating at that time. This would make it harder for the team to find out what was wrong, however; if they saw Danny acting strange whilst investigating a child abuse case they could possibly make a connection; Danny acting strange with no obvious reason that they can see might mean they don't make the break-through Danny needs.
^Oh, yeah, if Danny had to confront his own abuser I suspect that would be quite complicated. He'd probably shut down totally in that case, or act strangely enough that the team would know something is off but probably couldn't guess just what was wrong.
We all know that Danny doesnt like to share personal info so Im guessing that there was alot more to the gypsy cab driver story than Danny let on. csifeline made a good point that Danny may have been abused be a cop. Maybe Danny's father's had a right hand man who was actually an undercover cop. Danny found out about this and to protect him or herself and fearing for his or her job, the cop, arranged for the beating as a way to keep Danny quiet and maybe this person contined to "encourage" Danny to keep quiet. Danny tried to tell his father that this person was hurting him and his father didnt believe him, which would explain the trust issues. How would Danny react if he came across this cop againg while working on a case. Danny's teammates would notice something wrong but it would be hard for them to figure out what.
Maybe Danny's father's had a right hand man who was actually an undercover cop. Danny found out about this and to protect him or herself and fearing for his or her job, the cop, arranged for the beating as a way to keep Danny quiet and maybe this person contined to "encourage" Danny to keep quiet.

That's a plausible scenario. How about if Danny didn't find out but the undercover cop just thought he did. If Danny turned his back on the mob life because of abuse, I mean we don't know why he chose the police life when he could have so easily been a gangster, it would really shake him to find his abuser was actually a cop, one of the 'good' people.
I think it all links back to the tanglewood story. I mean, Danny's behaviour really started to get worse after the Tanglewood thing. I think someone mentioned it before but, Danny may be worried Mac's gonna find out about his involvement in the Tanglewood gang. That's why he's loosing his grip. I'm not sure.
We don't yet know whether Danny was intentionally hiding things from Mac during Tanglewood when he went to the office to ask how the case was going. And then after, when Sonny said the comment about him, while his story didn't fall apart completely (he never did LIE to Mac that we know unless it's about his not getting involved; it's just possible selective ommision), it certainly brought up questions.

In "Crime and Misdemeanor", Mac chewed him out and told him he's not a one man army and that the things he does affects the department.

In "On The Job", in the diner, when Flack told Danny that Mac had his back, Danny shook his head and said that Mac was more concerned with the department image than with his back. Flack disagreed but since he hadn't heard the earlier conversations, he couldn't pursuade Danny otherwise.

When you put a small wedge in a piece of wood and hit it, the wood below splits wider and wider until it breaks in half. I think the writers are doing a great job of using this, trust as the wedge. Whether Danny had childhood issues or not (and I truly believe he has SOME), it's coming back to bite him on the can. IMHO
It's possible the abuser is a cop, though I think you guys are on the right track: it would have to be someone Danny didn't know was a cop. Otherwise, why would he have ended up in law enforcement?

I still think it was a family member, probably, though. Or someone who was around a lot.
I think that it was someone he knew, possibly a family member or TRUSTED family friend. I put that in all caps because it could explain lots about his obvious trust issues.
i have been here and reading the posts and have to say those are some interesting theories!

i want to see the Dove Commission which is on tomorrow in the uk with the whole gypsy cab driver issue and then see what i think about that too!
I think that it was someone he knew, possibly a family member or TRUSTED family friend. I put that in all caps because it could explain lots about his obvious trust issues.

That would be more realistic and logical but, from a 'storyline for an episode' point of view, the abuser being an undercover cop, that Danny didn't know was a cop when he was a kid, then Danny coming across this person in the police station would be a more dramatic storyline.
With the whole shooting the cop business not long in the past Danny would have to curb his desire to hit that person. Then, as several people pointed out, we could see Carmine do something completely different with Danny's character and have him shut down and be totally unemotional.
I think that it was someone he knew, possibly a family member or TRUSTED family friend. I put that in all caps because it could explain lots about his obvious trust issues.

Yeah, the trusted part is key. Whoever mistreated him had to be someone he trusted. That would go a long way toward explaining why he doesn't trust Mac when Mac has shown him time and time again that he does have Danny's best intersts at heart.
for storyline purposes, an undercover cop would make sense, and create the drama that is needed for the storyline.