Was Danny abused as a child?

I don't think Mac had to necessarily handle Danny gently. If anything, he should have put Danny in a straight jacket and thrown him in a padded room for 48 hours; or sent him to help Stella so she could keep an eye on him.

It was mentioned before that Danny looks to Mac as a father but doesn't actually know how to positively interact with him in that role due to bad experiences growing up. It seems to me that Mac is coming at it from the other way. He looks at Danny as a son and cares about him but, maybe just because he doesn't have a son, he doesn't know how to handle the situation either. The feeling is there but he can't get it across.
^Yeah, sticking Danny somewhere where he couldn't have caused trouble would have been smart. I think Mac trusted him to listen to him, which maybe was the wrong thing to do.

And great analogy about Mac not knowing how to be a 'father' to Danny, either. He clearly favors the stern approach, but also the hands-off approach. He basically told Danny what not to do (talk to IAB) but his message of what to do (get a lawyer, lay low) didn't get across to Danny. Mac is better at getting the stern/angry message across than the caring one.
on their experience together, Mac should have known to handle Messer's situation with special care, noting that Danny is sensitive to the way that he treats him.
^Yeah, sticking Danny somewhere where he couldn't have caused trouble would have been smart. I think Mac trusted him to listen to him, which maybe was the wrong thing to do.

It was Danny, it was definitely the wrong thing to do! Mac needs to work out how his people tick a bit more, otherwise he's going to end up like Grissom.

He clearly favors the stern approach, but also the hands-off approach.

I'm kinda reminded of Speed and his gun. Horatio gave Speed a gun cleaning kit but that approach obviously didn't work. Although personally I like the hands-off approach, this just doesn't work for some people. For his own good, I think Danny needs a more hands-on approach otherwise it's his career that's going to be killed, if not more.
That's the thing with Danny...you know he's going to bumble into a really dangerous situation someday and get himself in big trouble. I think Mac needs to get Danny to the department shrink so that Danny can work out his issues. It's not really Mac's place to learn how to handle him better (though he sure could try!), but getting Danny help is something Mac could do.

I wanna know what that psych report said!
As the head supervisor he should know about the strengths and weaknesses of his people and how to work with them. Actually sorting the weaknesses/issues out wouldn't be his job but would make for more interesting viewing, rather than just sending Danny off to the department shrink which we wouldn't get to see. I think it could build up trust between them if Mac helped Danny rather than just passing him off to someone else.
i can see them mending their relationship as Mac helps Danny confront his issues.

I agree. Mac should have been a little bit more reassuring. He allowed Stella to stay on the case even though she took it too personally (i think it was Supply and Demand). Mac seems to expect too much of Danny. He has high expectations like a father does for his son. Danny seems to want to meet those expectations but he doesn't know how.
I'm not sure which way it would go, honestly. It depends on how personally involved Mac wants to get with Danny and his issues. But you're right--it makes for better drama if we see Mac being the one to help Danny. And seeing a father figure take some interest in helping him might improve Danny's self-esteem/morale. It seems like someone needs to show Danny he's worth something, though ultimately that needs to come from Danny himself.
yeah. Perhaps he's been told that many times during his life that he's worthless he believes it.

I agree with you Top41. I think Mac has to help him a little. Danny sees him as a father figure so Mac telling him that he is worth something would perhaps have an impact on Danny.

I think it'll take a dangerous situation, life Danny's life is in danger, for Danny to realise the team do have his best interests at heart. I think it'll take something major for Danny to start to trust them.
It would be nice to see the team work together to help Danny out in a dire situation, although that's kind of what they did in "On the Job," and he didn't trust them then. Maybe another dire situation, where Danny has no choice but to rely on them? I wonder if that's how Tanglewood Pt. 2 will end up. Though I also wonder if things are going to get worse before they get better.
yeah i think 'Tanglewood pt2' will be the crucial episode. Everything will come together and the truth will come out. Perhaps Danny gets into a dire situation where his life is possibly in danger from the Tanglewood boys.

If the episode is aired in sweeps (i think i understand it :)) then that will leave some episodes at the start of the season for Mac and Danny's relationship to deterorate (not sure spelt right) further.
My apologies for not explaining about Sweeps week. :eek:

I don't think Mac handled things well with Danny in "On the Job". He should know Danny fairly well by now and should have some idea of how he's going to react in a bad situation. Danny strikes me as someone who if someone asked a favor of him, he would try very hard to come through for him/her. Maybe if Mac had said to him, "Danny, as a favor to me, please go home and let me handle this." I think if Mac had put it that way Danny would have had an easier time doing what Mac asked of him.

I also thought that Mac was very biased in his handling of the case. Once they found the 7th bullet and saw that it wasn't from Danny's gun, he immediately jumped to the conclusion that Danny had killed the cop, even though all of the evidence wasn't in on the case. Not good for a CSI who tells his people to follow the evidence. :eek:
thats a good point JediCSI72. I never thought of that.

I agree, mac could have been a little more understandingw when handling danny. he should have known that Danny could possibleyly do something stupid, he didn't try and reassure him or reason with him. He just ordered him, i know there are boundaries but it was possible danny had killed a cop, mac should have realised he's be emotional and so not thinking clearly.
Mac is really hard on Danny, now that I think about it. Do you guys think it's because he wants him to succeed (a la, "A Man a Mile" and "Outside Man") or do you think it's because he was already frustrated at Danny for being rebellious ("Crime and Misdemeanor")?
My theory on Mac's relationship with Danny is pure speculation, I don't think Mac has always been so uptight and by the book. I really believe that he joined the military in an effort to find himself, he sees something of his earlier "rebellious" self in Danny and wants to curb those tendencies. I also think Mac's relationship with Danny mirrors Grissom's relationship with Warrick, who is his favorite CSI; both Danny and Warrick are naturally gifted. Mac doesn't want Danny to blow this opportunity, because he could be so good if he would just fly right.

But, Mac also is old enough to realize that Danny must make his own way and his own mistakes, I think we saw some of that in On The Job. But, I agree Mac is brutal when it comes to Danny and turned into an ass, for me, during those final few episodes. His "we'll see" response was so cold and disapproving, and in fact spoke of their relationship on a personal level rather than a professional one.
