Was Danny abused as a child?

Eh, maybe. It's starting to sound a little soapy now. I doubt the Tanglewood boys really cared one way or another if Danny joined or not, unless a) he had something on them or b) they needed to use him in some way (like Sonny clearly wants to do now that Danny is a cop).

I still think he was in for a while and got out when he saw the real dark side of it all.

I think Danny's dad or at least family was probably Mafia. How old are the Tanglewood Boys? For some reason, I got the feeling most of the gang members were young. I think Danny's family is Family with a capital F...more hardcore than the Tanglewood Boys. Probably the old school guys Sonny was ridiculing at the end.

I still think it's pretty plausible that Danny joined the gang to escape abuse at home. It would also redeem the choice somewhat...make it more understandable to Mac et al.
that's a good theory Angelica.

I was thinking about the Tanglewood connection. Danny said to Mac that all the tanglewood gang has been passed down from father to son. So the tanglewood boy's fathers were also tanglewood boys. Maybe Danny's father was a tanglewood boy and Danny didn't want to join so his father basically disowned him and abused him as a result. What do you think?

That could be a possibility. Good memory, I'd forgotten about that.
I agree top41. I'm getting carried away :).

Its seem a good possibilty that Danny joined. It was explain why he didn't tell Mac about it. He's probably ashamed of the mistake he made.

I definately think Danny's family is involved in the tanglewood gang somehow.
I think the Tanglewood gang may have done something to his father too and got away with it. Remember Sonny saying something like "Ask Danny Messer if the charges stick" And Danny started tearing up. Maybe the memory?
And I bet if it ever came up, Danny probably lied about the abuse. In fact, I bet if it came up now--like if Mac or Stella suspected something and asked him--he'd still lie about it. A combination of his trust issues and the fact that he probably still thinks it's his fault on some level.

Both of those and also if he doesn’t tell then maybe his father will love him, or even a sort of ‘head in the sand’ approach, if he doesn’t talk about it then it didn’t really happen. Even when, or if, Mac finds out what went on I think it’s still going to be a struggle to get Danny to talk about it all.

I’m actually wondering what it’s going to take for Mac to try and find out what’s wrong. I thought the end of ‘On The Job’ would have been a good time for Mac to ask Danny just why he didn’t trust Mac to go through the evidence before making his statement. Instead of trying to find out what the problem was he goes and tells Danny that he was told not to employ him, which I thought was rather cruel and certainly didn’t help the situation. Although not saying who told him that was fair enough, he could have gone into more detail of what they said. He also had a moment of hypocrisy when he said he did employ Danny on a ‘gut feeling’, when he’s always telling Danny not to do things like that. He could have said something like ‘but I was impressed with your service record’.

I hope the future confrontations in season 2 don’t damage their relationship beyond repair because there was such a cute ‘father and son’ moment in ‘The Closer’. I can’t remember the exact quotes but when Mac tells Danny to throw the baseballs, Danny’s like ‘why do I have to do the hard work’ and Mac is just like ‘I’m the boss’ and holds the speed camera thing. Then when Stella brings the machine in, Danny’s got his hands on the speed camera and Mac is just standing by his side. Mac could have carried on clocking the speed but Danny had wanted to do it earlier so Mac let him. Warm fuzzy moment, aaaahhhhh.
that's a good observation csifeline. I never thought about that. That scene in 'the closer' does dipict the father/ son relationship the two share if you think about it.

I think it would have been the perfect opportunity for Mac to question Danny at the end of 'On the job'. I just hope Mac finds out soon before Danny drives himself too far into the ground.

I really want their relationship to get better in season two. They both seem really comfortable playing the father/ son roles. I like seeing them work together when there isn't tension between them.

I think it'll take something huge for Mac to sit up and put the peices together. I think sadly it'll have to get worse for Danny before it gets better. Maybe Danny will be able to confront and move on from his abuse (if abuse is the reason, and it looks that way) and mend his relationship with Mac in the process.
that's a good observation csifeline. I never thought about that. That scene in 'the closer' does dipict the father/ son relationship the two share if you think about it.

I think it would have been the perfect opportunity for Mac to question Danny at the end of 'On the job'. I just hope Mac finds out soon before Danny drives himself too far into the ground.

I really want their relationship to get better in season two. They both seem really comfortable playing the father/ son roles. I like seeing them work together when there isn't tension between them.

I think it'll take something huge for Mac to sit up and put the peices together. I think sadly it'll have to get worse for Danny before it gets better. Maybe Danny will be able to confront and move on from his abuse (if abuse is the reason, and it looks that way) and mend his relationship with Mac in the process.
I think Mac is definitely aware that something more is up with Danny. And eventhough the ending of On The Job would have been a great opportunity to confront Danny with his troubles, I think Mac also wants Danny to figure out himself why he's acting the way he does. It's too early for Mac to confront him (might backfire!).

Mac wants the best for Danny and that sometimes means Danny can't just do what he wants, so Mac has to set him straight. Like at the end of On The Job where Mac tells Danny he's off the promotion grid! Danny might experience that as a betrayal, but it's just Mac trying to put him on the right tracks again.

I really felt for Danny, he totally thought the world was against him in that ep, but in fact everyone was trying to help him! People do crazy things when their heads are messed up!

I definitely agree that things will get worse between Mac and Danny in order for things to eventually get better. I have a feeling it'll be Aiden or Flack who will open Danny's eyes for him to realize that Mac always has his back covered! Until then, I think we've got quite a bit of Danny-angst heading our way!

I have faith in Mac doing the right thing, eventhough at this moment Danny doesn't trust him!
Train of thought.... If Danny had a criminal record he wouldn't be a CSI. If his father had done something illegal and it was on file then chances are Mac would know about it already.
Train of thought.... If Danny had a criminal record he wouldn't be a CSI. If his father had done something illegal and it was on file then chances are Mac would know about it already.
Good point! Unless he or his family were so involved in the mob-business, that they had the power to cover it all up?
that's true csi007.

Udjat i agree. Danny needs to find out the causes of his behaviour before he can open up to anyone and actually get help.

I also felt really sorry for Danny in that ep. I think it'll be Aiden who finally opens his eyes. From what i can tell (i haven't seen the ep yet) it was her that persuaded Danny to take the psych evaluation. Danny seems to slightly trust her a bit more than the others.
I haven't seen On the Job yet... but most probably Danny's like that cos' of the Tanglewood Boys experience... remember the ending in Tanglewood?

ossh... can't wait til' On the Job...
I also felt really sorry for Danny in that ep. I think it'll be Aiden who finally opens his eyes. From what i can tell (i haven't seen the ep yet) it was her that persuaded Danny to take the psych evaluation. Danny seems to slightly trust her a bit more than the others.
Crazy4Danny, you might be right, I think Aiden's our best bet to let Danny see the light in this. Eventhough Flack might get through to him to some extent, I'm not entirely sure Danny trusts him fully.

Remember the scene in the diner? Danny and Flack are talking, Flack is trying warn him, not to screw things up, but Danny already has the feeling people have given up on him and is consequently pissed off at Flack for reacting the way everybody else has so far. To him Flack's good intentions might be interpreted by Danny as a confirmation that everyone is against him.

I loved the way Aiden looked at Danny tho, as she went down the stairs to process the sub-station. It was as though she was trying to give him a comorting look saying Don't worry, it'll all be ok. Instead Mac urges her to keep going down the stairs, try not to have too much contact with Danny as Aiden's processing might become biased or something.

Right there, that little situation might have just been something Danny could easily have thought to be a stab in the back by Mac... not knowing ofcourse Mac has his best interest at heart!

::sigh:: complicated!

Danny's emotional expression was heartbreaking! :( Good job, Carmine!
Danny's trust to Aiden is a little more progressed than toward Mac or anyone else on the team. they seem to get along the smoothest
yeah they definately seem to be more open with each other. danny isn't as defensive with aiden. he told her about playing baseball and about becoming a csi after he broke his wrist in a fight. Aiden seems to have broken down some of his defensive barriers.

Hopefully she'll make him realise the others do have his back and he can open up abit more.