Was Danny abused as a child?

i think that he told both her and Mac about his wrist... but i'm not sure...

they definetly have a closer relationship, though
i wonder how much into season two it'll be before we find out?
As optimistic as I asually am, I hate to say, not too early in the season, I don't think! The development between Mac and Danny needs to escalate first before anything else.
I think we'll probably get something during sweeps week. Since sweeps week is in mid November, it would give us a couple of months of things brewing between Mac and Danny.
I've got to say, "On the Job" had to be the best episode of the season. "Tanglewood" runs a close second, but I just love the suspense and the emotion "On the Job" offers. I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, but Carmine Giovinazzo does an amazing job in it, so... hopefully you will enjoy. :)

Okay, i've been reading this post for ages now, and i've finally registered an account!
I'm not any kind of expert, nor do i have any real knowledge about any of this BUT .... everything you have been saying really does make sense.
I personally think that the physical and mental abuse really fits with danny's character. I also agree that danny joined the tanglewood as a "refuge" if you like. I hope they make it a justifiable desicion anyway.
Well i'm in England so i'm a tad tired now seen as its a little late, but i hope i'll see more BRILLIANT theories on here soon. Seriously, you lot have amaazed me how well you've made it fit!
yeah its a bugger being in England as most of the posts are done when i'm in bed. I have a lot to read when i get home on an afternoon.

I don't mind waiting, just not too long. I agree that Mac and Danny's relationship needs to progress a little before it all comes out in the open. :)

Sorry, but what's sweep?
Welcome, monkeyrabbit! :D I kind of wonder if this won't get explored in "Tanglewood Pt. 2," especially if we do find out Danny joined the gang to escape an abusive home life. It would make a lot of sense, and also help to make Danny's actions more understandable to both Mac and the audience.
sorry, how rude. Hello monkeyrabbit. Glad you've finally joined us.

I think it will get explored in 'Tanglewood pt2'. That'll be a good way of tying it all together and connecting all the peices.
Sweeps is basically a ratings intensive period (there are three of them--November, February, and May) when the nets roll out their best episodes and compete for high ratings.
Sweeps is basically a ratings intensive period (there are three of them--November, February, and May) when the nets roll out their best episodes and compete for high ratings.
Thanks for info Top. I was wondering about that for a long time. It all makes so much more sense now (judging from last season!).

::thumbs up::
^Yeah, it's totally an American ratings weirdness thing. A bit silly, but it makes for some good TV.

And if the NY writers are smart (which we know they are!), they'll capitalize on the popularity of Danny's character and explore his backstory during sweeps.
Remember the scene in the diner? Danny and Flack are talking, Flack is trying warn him, not to screw things up, but Danny already has the feeling people have given up on him and is consequently pissed off at Flack for reacting the way everybody else has so far. To him Flack's good intentions might be interpreted by Danny as a confirmation that everyone is against him.

Someone noticed that when Danny said it felt like no one had his back he paused, as though waiting for Don to say ‘I’ve got your back’ but he didn’t. Sorry, can’t remember who it was; think it was on another thread. Admittedly Don had been saying that he and Aiden were working to find out what happened but it’s like people have to say exactly what Danny wants or needs to hear, and if they don’t then he thinks they don’t care.
I loved the way Aiden looked at Danny tho, as she went down the stairs to process the sub-station. It was as though she was trying to give him a comorting look saying Don't worry, it'll all be ok. Instead Mac urges her to keep going down the stairs, try not to have too much contact with Danny as Aiden's processing might become biased or something.

Right there, that little situation might have just been something Danny could easily have thought to be a stab in the back by Mac... not knowing ofcourse Mac has his best interest at heart!

A problem is that peoples’ actions can be interpreted in different ways. Mac was trying to be helpful when he gave Danny the number of an attorney. Danny probably saw it as Mac thinking he needed legal aid because he thought Danny had killed the cop.

I know Mac had to be unbiased and find out the truth but I do think he could have put a bit more thought into his handling of Danny. This is the person, after all, who recently disobeyed Mac when told to pass on a case and then turns up at the crime scene when he shouldn’t have been anywhere near it. Hints that he needed someone to keep an eye on him to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid, like make that statement.

To be fair to Danny, Mac wasn’t all that reassuring either. I know he couldn’t tell Danny that every thing was going to be all right, because that would have been unrealistic, but he didn’t have a go at any one else either. All fingers were pointing at Danny. Shouldn’t the apartment have been searched and cleared by the uniforms before the CSIs go in? Aren’t they meant to be nearby until the crime scene is cleared? Several turned up with Mac, but Danny was on his own for a crucial amount of time. Mac also made no move to tell the uniforms off when they were blaming Danny for the cop’s death, he left that to Flack.

Also with the cop saying he was undercover recorded on the mobile phone. How loud did he say that? I mean, he’d been bleeding to death for several minutes and there was a lot of noise, what with people screaming and gun fire, and he was closer to the phone than he was to Danny. Mac made no concessions to Danny what so ever. The cop who killed an innocent unarmed bystander in CSI LV had an easier time.

The person hurt the most out of all that was Danny. Compare that to when Warrick let slip information that led to a possible suspect being beaten up by the grieving father, and the father being sent to prison. Mac was angry because he does care. Danny just saw the anger because Mac wasn’t open and honest with him.

As for how long the conflict between them will go on in season 2, I hope not too long. It has been mentioned that Tanglewood part 2 should air in November. Going on season 1 timings, with it starting in September, then episodes 5 – 8 were in November. I wouldn’t want to see them fighting the entire season.

Welcome to the debate monkeyrabbit.
Very good points, csifeline. While I don't think Mac was obligated to handle Danny gently, I do think that knowing how Danny is (I mean, Danny's been working for him for five years), he should have maybe been a tad more reassuring. Yes he was mad and yes the situation was a mess, but knowing how emotional Danny is, he could have assured him that they were doing everything they could, etc.

I just think Mac and Danny are very different people. Mac is very by-the-book and well, cold. Danny, on the other hand, is vulnerable and emotional. Mac doesn't seem to care what others think of him; Danny worries that what others think of him a lot, in part because I think experience has shown him that others' negative opinions of him can be harmful to him.

I think a lot of it comes down to the fact that Danny is very insecure and Mac isn't. But of course, Mac's behavior played into the stern, unforgiving father figure that Danny seems to have set him up as.