Was Danny abused as a child?

I had a post typed out and lost it! Blech.

I can kind of see Mac's current personality being a reaction to a former, wilder personality. It's kind of hard to imagine Mac being anything like Danny, but then, maybe that's why Danny produces such a strong reaction in Mac, both positively and negatively. Danny's Mac's protege, but he's much harder on him than anyone else.

You make a good point about the "we'll see" being personal. I'm sure Danny took it that way--he was positively dejected when he left Mac's office. Danny takes everything personal though, because for Danny it always seems to be personal. He can't really separate himself from anything. For Mac to make it personal means he really cares. I think Mac's really furious with Danny--his comment about him being told not to hire Danny was pretty harsh, and well, almost mean-spirited. He knew that would hurt Danny.
Come to think of it, Mac is kinda hard on Danny. I mean, just how long can it go before someone loses it?

Sometimes I feel really bad for Danny, especially when Mac berates him. It's not like he really means to make mistakes, especially if he has had a difficult past- how messed up do you think his judgment could be?

I had a post typed out and lost it! Blech.

I think Mac's really furious with Danny--his comment about him being told not to hire Danny was pretty harsh, and well, almost mean-spirited. He knew that would hurt Danny.

I'm sorry you lost your post :(, I've had it happen and when the post is forever lost I'm convinced it was the most genius post I've ever devised and now the world will miss out on my brilliance. :lol:

You're right Mac telling Danny about the hiring was mean-spirited and a little childish, like I've got a secret ha ha ha ha ha and now that I've wet your appetite I'm not going to tell you. Not to mention I want to know who told Mac not to hire Danny and why. Why would you not want someone who is college educated and graduated first in their academy class. Maybe it's Danny's mob ties, who knows? The deeper we go the more questions we have. I hope the writers' are catching all these discussions.

That is messed up like whoa. Why would Mac tell him that? And who didn't want Danny to be hired, and why? Like JDonne said, maybe it was his mob ties, or maybe it could be jealousy, if it was a fellow student of Danny's or someone that was trying to get someone else in on the team but Mac chose Danny instead. Danny did graduate top of his class, and who wouldn't choose him for a job, so...

Kid never gets a break.

Mac is really hard on Danny, now that I think about it. Do you guys think it's because he wants him to succeed (a la, "A Man a Mile" and "Outside Man") or do you think it's because he was already frustrated at Danny for being rebellious ("Crime and Misdemeanor")?

Both of those. At the start of the season Mac was definitely pushing Danny towards promotion and now he is getting frustrated, but he’s not doing anything about it.

Mac could be looking at Danny as a younger version of himself, though I have trouble picturing our ‘by the book’ Mac as being like Danny. However, everyone was young once! When he mentioned Danny being with the department for 3 years in ‘Outside Man’, which would have put Danny as being employed either just before or just after 9-11, I thought that Mac could have been looking on Danny as his ‘project’ rather than just a protégé. Someone to focus on after he lost his wife. Not such a good theory when they changed it to Danny being a CSI for 5 years, though.

Maybe, now Mac is starting to open up and move on from his wife, he will become more aware of his teams emotions. I am slightly confused over his extreme reaction to his wife’s death. I mean, they both seemed to have their own busy careers and were not joined at the hip or anything. That’s not to say that two independent career people can’t have a deep love, and loosing someone you love is always a shock, even with a long illness you still don’t know the exact day that person will die, but his extreme reaction just seemed a little odd to me. Mac may have his own emotional problems and although he might be aware of Danny’s on some level, he is avoiding dealing with it because he might have to look at himself in the process. I agree that telling Danny that someone told him not to employ him was totally uncalled for. Reminds me of the childish behaviour of Danny with the doctor, so yeah, maybe Danny is a younger version of Mac.
Danny's Mac's protege, but he's much harder on him than anyone else.
Maybe because he's more determined on making Danny succesful at his job (he knows the others don't need that kind of support, yet Danny does!). Because he simply knows Danny can do, but with the right stimuli... and Mac's taken on the job of handing Danny those stimuli.

I think it's Mac's concern for Danny that makes him push Danny more than the others.

I think the "Wel'll see" comment did sound pretty harsh, but I firmly believe that this was in fact one of those stimuli. He doesn't want Danny to think that redeeming yourself only a little bit in the boss' eyes, gives you the right to put up your feet and stop working hard at what you're good at!

Sometimes I have the feeling Mac knows Danny better than Danny knows himself.
i also think Mac was slightly harsh with Danny. If he is doing it help guide danny back on the right path he's not doing about it the right way. He's pushing danny away when he should be helping him. Mac's comments were harsh to us, they must have been even worse for Danny being as he wears his heart on his sleeve and takes everything personally.

I also agree with you Angelica. I wonder how long it will be before someone loses it? I think that person may be Danny. He's definately headed towards a crash and burn.
I'm sorry you lost your post :(, I've had it happen and when the post is forever lost I'm convinced it was the most genius post I've ever devised and now the world will miss out on my brilliance. :lol:

That's exactly how I feel when I lose a post! It was brilliant, inventive, creative, funny and clearly would change the world! Maybe I put a little too much faith in my posts. :lol:

You're right Mac telling Danny about the hiring was mean-spirited and a little childish, like I've got a secret ha ha ha ha ha and now that I've wet your appetite I'm not going to tell you. Not to mention I want to know who told Mac not to hire Danny and why. Why would you not want someone who is college educated and graduated first in their academy class. Maybe it's Danny's mob ties, who knows? The deeper we go the more questions we have. I hope the writers' are catching all these discussions.


Maybe it had something to do with him being too emotional? Too headstrong? I bet he had a reputation at the academy, too. I also wonder about his psych evaluations. He obviously had to have at least one before the one he had after the shooting. Now, Danny's not unbalanced or deranged or anything that would cause him to fail a psych exam, but I don't think he passed with flying colors either. If there's something in his past eating away at him, like abuse, that had to come out somehow. Could that combined with Danny's fiery personality have been the reason someone advised Mac against hiring Danny.

Mac's comment was cruel. I imagine he was trying to be cruel to drive the point home to Danny, but it was still cruel. Danny's first reaction was to want to know who so that he could defend himself. That's always Danny's first reaction--defensive. He wants so desperately to be allowed to explain his side of the story. That's why Mac dangling that in front of him was so cruel, especially right after Mac saw just how much Danny feels the need to explain/exonerate himself. You just know that's going to eat at him, and I'd wager Mac knows it, too.
yeah that's a good reason why Mac's words were particularly harsh. He must have known that they'd eat away at Danny because of how emotional he is. He could have taken a more understanding, suble approach. Poor danny was probably beating himself up about the incident anyway, let alone Mac making him feel worse.

All of this has to come to a climax soon. I don't think Danny can hold out much longer the way things are going.
I'm thinking things are going to get worse before they get better. Unless something gives, I think Mac and Danny are heading for a blow out. Danny has screwed up a few times and Mac hasn't handled things in the best way.
But is Mac being fair? Sometimes I think he's taking out his anger for someone else on Danny. Sure, Danny makes mistakes but most of the time Mac is a little harsh. When Danny disobeys a direct order, like in 'Crime and Misdemeanor', you can understand Mac getting angry. Danny is a lose cannon who does what he likes when he likes (at least some of the time). This could definitely get him into trouble some day, and maybe Mac is just trying to prevent that from happening.

Danny is definitely self-destructive to an extent. Why is what we're looking for. Abuse? Don't know. He's definitely got a problem with authority though. Or maybe just with Mac. :confused:
yeah it could be just mac he has a problem with. I although i doubt it, i think it's a deep rooted thing. Danny does seeem to be on self destruct mode.

I have a theory, things will get worse between the two and then something major (Danny ends up getting hurt or something) and Danny will crash and burn. Then everything will come out.
I have a theory, things will get worse between the two and then something major (Danny ends up getting hurt or something) and Danny will crash and burn. Then everything will come out.
I agree, I think we're heading for more Danny-angst, which will eventually clear up the whole situation on What's down with Danny?.
You guys could all be CSI's as you think and talk just like them.

BTW i believe that if MAC had payed more attension Danny then the circumstances may have turned out different.
Mac should already know the backgrounds to the CSI's he works with but obviously he either doesn't or just wont take into account that the backgrounds to these people may be what have led to some of their actions.
Had Mac hand-held Danny a little more, or supervised him a little more, I think the situation would have turned out differently. Danny seems to need that kind of attention and supervision; otherwise, he gets ideas into his head and well, they aren't always the right ones. ;)

Handing Danny a lawyer's card and telling him to go home was akin to leaving a two year old alone in a room with lots of electrical outlets and sharp edges around.

But Danny's not a two-year-old, and that's where we get into his issues. Had it been Aiden or Flack or even Stella in that situation, sure they would have been nervous. I could even have seen one of them showing up at the crime scene (maybe) to see how things are going. But ultimately, they're all adults and would have gone home and sucked it up and kept themselves otherwise occupied while waiting for Mac & co. to find the evidence.

Not Danny, and the question is why? Why is Danny so unable to trust others, even his colleagues whom he knows from experience are capable and reliable?

I guess the why is what we've been discussing throughout this whole thread. :lol: Childhood trauma/abuse...whatever it is, I hope we find out next season.