Was Danny abused as a child?

Well, if there was any childhood abuse going on with Danny when he was a child, I think the most likely thing that happened was that it was only his father who abused him (his mother was dead, or out of the picture somehow) and that being abused was what drove him 'into the arms' of the Tanglewood gang. It seems pretty clear that he ran with them for a while, even if he never joined. So, he probably went to Tanglewood to try and get away from something, maybe something that was happening at home.
Would the writers make three people over the shows have really bad home lives?
sara-abused as a kid, ending up in a home
stella-never knowing parents growing up in a home
wouldn't danny be one too many? so i recon something like a bad illness happened, and if he was a really small child it would have affected him a bit.
Posted by TroubledYouth:
Would the writers make three people over the shows have really bad home lives?
sara-abused as a kid, ending up in a home
stella-never knowing parents growing up in a home
wouldn't danny be one too many?

Was Sara actually abused? I know her mother killed her father. Stella didn't have a home life which is different from having a bad home life so I don't think having Danny abused as a child would be one too many.

Maybe having people from similar backgrounds choose to do the same job would be more realistic than expecting every CSI to be different.
especially if his mother died at a very crutial time in his life, puberty, etc, then it is natural, especially if his self esteem is low, that he seek out people who he feels he can identify with and accept him, because he isn't getting the emotional stability at home.
Posted by lament:
I'm supposed to be getting ready to leave, and yet, here I am posting about Danny! :lol:

Another thing to remember is that Mac did say he was cautioned against hiring Danny. So I'm guessing that someone upstairs sensed the "loose cannon" potential in Danny. Obviously, it wasn't bad enough that he couldn't pass a psych evaluation, but someone picked up on something.

Popping in quickly, but I took the warning not just as one about Danny's volatile nature, but a hint at his possible familial connections to organized crime.

My feeling is that Danny was abused, more emotional than physical, and it is connected to the beating he and his father suffered. Speculating of course, but a proud man taking a beating in front of his son would almost assuredly have deep psychological scars from the event. You see some of that in Danny, especially his need to always convey strength and appear controlled, but on the other side, Danny allows his emotions to lead the way - which are rarely controlled or logical. These all seem like learned behaviors, but Danny seems aware of the dichotomy and yet at times is unable to pull free of his past.

He needs someone like Aiden in his life, the person who will always be there no matter how many times he falls. She represents stability, a sort of unconditional love, but she always come from a place of strength and certainty never coddling Danny.

Also if Danny was abused I think it came from his father. When Danny was talking to Mac in On the Job he said something like "I swear to you on my mothers grave thats what happened." To me that sounds like Danny's mother was really important to him. Maybe she was Danny's protector. She kept Danny father from hitting him and after she died that left Danny alone. Again that would explain why he felt no one was there for him in On the Job.

Has it ever mentioned if Danny's father is alive. I think it would be neat if they had Danny's father in an episode. Danny's father shows up at the lab . Danny and his father get into an arguement, for some reason and Danny father loses his temper and the whole lab hears Danny's father tell him hes worthless. How would Danny and the rest of the team react? That would be interesting.
^ I sense a fanfic plot...

If Danny's family was under surveilence, then wouldn't the police/FBI (whoever does these kind of things) know he was being abused? Or at least have an idea?
Has it ever mentioned if Danny's father is alive. I think it would be neat if they had Danny's father in an episode. Danny's father shows up at the lab . Danny and his father get into an arguement, for some reason and Danny father loses his temper and the whole lab hears Danny's father tell him hes worthless. How would Danny and the rest of the team react? That would be interesting.

That would be good in the sense of the rest of the team would then find out that Danny had a rubbish childhood and could then start to help him. I mean, whatever happened to Danny is going to have to come out eventually and I don't think Danny's going to walk into the lab one day and say 'come sit down folks, I have something to tell you all'.
I reckon he'd tell aiden or mac first. and the whole dannys dad walk in the lab and argue with son idea sounds great. Contact CBS now!! lol
It would definately be out in the open if Danny's dad came into the lab.

He seems to be bottling up his past and i don't think he's talked about it at all. It's a time bomb. I think at some point it will all explode and all come out. Perhaps then Danny can face he needs help and let the others in.
I don't think that Danny was abused. The way he talked about his dad in the episode with the gypsy cab driver, it seems that he was fond of his father, but I think something traumatic happened in his life to make him get invloved in Tanglewood or possibly something worse than that.
There definately happend something in Danny's youth, I'm not sure yet, I think there a lot possibilty's. Definately something with the Tanglewood Boys I think (only 9 days left until it hits Dutch TV finaly :)), but this is another interesting theory!

I think the writers could get a lot of inspiration from this forum! :D
Mind you Daisy, we still have quite few eps to see until the end of the season...and we're still heading for a summer stop :(

I hope they don't decide to start the summer stop before the Tanglewood ep.