Was Danny abused as a child?

Posted by ThumpyG:
I wrote a long speech about this subject, but my computer decided to act out and it didn't get sent :mad: so, I don't want to rewrite it. I do work with that population of kids, so I have seen lots in that area.

Argh--I hate losing long posts! :( I would have liked to read it.

Danny does have some of the symptoms of abuse, whether it is physical, emotional,neglect etc... and I won't be surprised if there was something very traumatic in his life that triggers his attitude, trust issues, and all around behavior.
perhaps later when I have more time I will go into detail about my observations! :)

I wish we knew what was in that psych report. Mac wasn't ready to forgive Danny, but maybe he was also troubled by what he read in the report. The way he told Stella, "he's trying..." suggested that Mac really isn't sure Danny's going to be able to overcome his issues by simply trying to be on his best behavior.

ODD, anyone??? (Oppositional Defiant Disorder)

It's been several years since I took Abnormal Psychology (probably 8-9, so long ago that no doubt they don't call it Abnormal Psych anymore!)--refresh my memory?
Posted by Top41:

I wish we knew what was in that psych report. Mac wasn't ready to forgive Danny, but maybe he was also troubled by what he read in the report. The way he told Stella, "he's trying..." suggested that Mac really isn't sure Danny's going to be able to overcome his issues by simply trying to be on his best behavior.

Maybe Danny will be able to overcome his issues if all the team pull together and help him. One of the things that attracted me to CSI NY was the team dynamics but they seem to be loosing that a bit.

Someone mentioned that in 'On The Job' we learn that Danny's mother is dead. Did they say, or even hint, when and how she died?
Posted by csifeline:
Maybe Danny will be able to overcome his issues if all the team pull together and help him. One of the things that attracted me to CSI NY was the team dynamics but they seem to be loosing that a bit.

Maybe, but he's going to have to let them in for that to happen. It's hard to help someone who doesn't want to help himself/herself. Danny's constantly pushing people away who try to help him--Aiden, Flack, and Mac at various instances. In the finale, he does finally take Aiden's advice on something--to get that psych evaluation done--but he's not good at letting people in. Even after he does the evaluation he won't give her any details about it.

Someone mentioned that in 'On The Job' we learn that Danny's mother is dead. Did they say, or even hint, when and how she died?

No, all he did was say something like, "I swear on my mother's grave." There's no indication as to whether she died recently or when he was a kid.
ODD is basically defensive, defiant behavior that one exhibits to authority, mostly but could be to others as well. Deliberately not doing something that they are told to do. He could have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder too, but I digress.

I have clients on my caseload who exhibit some of the same personality issues that Danny has. Those individuals have experienced some form of trauma in their life that have made some of those same issues manifest. Abuse, and neglect are two large ones.

From what I have seen from Danny, it is very obvious that whatever his ISSUES are, they have not been adequately addressed, and I am sure that Danny hasn't taken any inititive to address them either. He probably doesn't even think that he has anything wrong with him. Aiden had to coax him into getting the evaluation done and when she asked him how it went he clammed up, refused to take. Another survival mechanism that he has had to use to many times before, thinking that it has helped him, when in reality it is only making things worse. We see that now in his work environment, with his co-workers, offenders, victims, and just random people on the street (remember the kid who Danny ruffed up when he and Aiden were investigating his father's death (Gypsy cab driver)? Danny went balistic on that kid. For whatever reasons, Danny hasn't ever in the past been held accountable for his actions. His past, whatever it may be is slowly bringing him down.
Mac's reply to him when Danny asked about the evaluation was good. He isn't ready to talk to him about it yet and there is so much unfinished business that Danny hasn't taken care of. The writers haven't even scratched the surface on what Danny's issues are. In order to help him, he needs to be willing to accept help, realize that he needs help and be a willing participant in that help. He needs to be torn down completely, in order to be built back up. With him being older, good luck! His behaviors and personality as it is, have been set, he has gotten by for so long, I am surprised that it took this long for something to happen for Danny to have to face up to his problems and deal with them. At that, I don't even think that he is. Aiden had to pretty much TELL him to get his evaluation done.

anyway, enough babble for now... more later! :)
Posted by Top41:

Maybe, but he's going to have to let them in for that to happen. It's hard to help someone who doesn't want to help himself/herself. Danny's constantly pushing people away who try to help him--Aiden, Flack, and Mac at various instances. In the finale, he does finally take Aiden's advice on something--to get that psych evaluation done--but he's not good at letting people in. Even after he does the evaluation he won't give her any details about it.

Do you think it's a case of him actually not wanting to help himself or more maybe not really knowing what help he does need and how to accept help when it's offered. He's pushing people away because he's scared and doesn't know how to handle it. They say the first step is the hardest and even before you do that you have to be honest with yourself. Perhaps Danny has just been so busy trying to get through life he hasn't really looked at his life.

No, all he did was say something like, "I swear on my mother's grave." There's no indication as to whether she died recently or when he was a kid.

Well if they don't give us details we'll just have to make it up ourselves. :lol:
OK, well here's a theory, his mother died from a long drawn out disease, so he watched her slowly die and the adults didn't handle him very well i.e didn't explain what was going on or give comfort. Sounds rather lame and I actually go more with the child abuse, but it's another idea. Or you could have both, his mother died and his father took his grieve out on Danny.
Posted by ThumpyG:
ODD is basically defensive, defiant behavior that one exhibits to authority, mostly but could be to others as well. Deliberately not doing something that they are told to do. He could have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder too, but I digress.

I didn't get the feeling he was being defiant just for the sake of being defiant. I think he honestly believed he was right in "C&M" to pursue the case, and in "On the Job" all I saw was fear. Despite the fact that everyone was supporting him, verbally and in action by working on the case round the clock, Danny kept insisting he was alone in this. It was a traumatic situation sure, and for him to be upset was totally understandable, but he showed no faith or trust in his colleagues. To me, that suggests he's had enough bad experiences that showed him that the people he should have been able to trust weren't in fact trustworthy. The depth of his distrust suggests a childhood trauma/experience to me because of how irrational and instinctual it seemed to be.

I have clients on my caseload who exhibit some of the same personality issues that Danny has. Those individuals have experienced some form of trauma in their life that have made some of those same issues manifest. Abuse, and neglect are two large ones.

I wonder if the writers have consulted any psych professionals or textbooks in writing the character. Like I said, it's been a while since I had the classes, but Danny seems like a classic example in many ways.

From what I have seen from Danny, it is very obvious that whatever his ISSUES are, they have not been adequately addressed, and I am sure that Danny hasn't taken any inititive to address them either. He probably doesn't even think that he has anything wrong with him. Aiden had to coax him into getting the evaluation done and when she asked him how it went he clammed up, refused to take. Another survival mechanism that he has had to use to many times before, thinking that it has helped him, when in reality it is only making things worse.

It seems that many of Danny's actions are survival mechanisms he probably learned at a young age. Keeping people at a distance, not trusting people, lashing out--it all seems to be designed to keep people from getting close to him.

We see that now in his work environment, with his co-workers, offenders, victims, and just random people on the street (remember the kid who Danny ruffed up when he and Aiden were investigating his father's death (Gypsy cab driver)? Danny went balistic on that kid. For whatever reasons, Danny hasn't ever in the past been held accountable for his actions. His past, whatever it may be is slowly bringing him down.

Mac is really the only one holding him accountable at this point. Aiden should have had him pulled from the case when he started going off on that kid. As much as she helps him, Aiden also kind of covers for him, letting him get away with the bad behavior.

Mac's reply to him when Danny asked about the evaluation was good. He isn't ready to talk to him about it yet and there is so much unfinished business that Danny hasn't taken care of.

I thought that was good, too. Danny needs to learn to be more patient.

The writers haven't even scratched the surface on what Danny's issues are. In order to help him, he needs to be willing to accept help, realize that he needs help and be a willing participant in that help. He needs to be torn down completely, in order to be built back up. With him being older, good luck! His behaviors and personality as it is, have been set, he has gotten by for so long, I am surprised that it took this long for something to happen for Danny to have to face up to his problems and deal with them. At that, I don't even think that he is. Aiden had to pretty much TELL him to get his evaluation done.

That's the thing--how does one "fix" Danny? I mean, is there any way to get him to trust people, or is he just completely incapable of it?

Posted by csifeline:
Do you think it's a case of him actually not wanting to help himself or more maybe not really knowing what help he does need and how to accept help when it's offered. He's pushing people away because he's scared and doesn't know how to handle it. They say the first step is the hardest and even before you do that you have to be honest with yourself. Perhaps Danny has just been so busy trying to get through life he hasn't really looked at his life.

I think that's completely true. I just wonder what the approach would be at this point. The guy has so many defenses in some ways--the distance he puts between himself and others for example. But in other ways, he's completely vulnerable: he clearly has no control over his emotions. Even when he left Mac's office at the end of "What You See...," it was evident from the expression on his face, the tone of his voice, and his posture that he was really upset. It's like he doesn't the filter most people do for knowing when to show emotion and when to keep it in and be professional and collected.

Well if they don't give us details we'll just have to make it up ourselves. :lol:
OK, well here's a theory, his mother died from a long drawn out disease, so he watched her slowly die and the adults didn't handle him very well i.e didn't explain what was going on or give comfort. Sounds rather lame and I actually go more with the child abuse, but it's another idea. Or you could have both, his mother died and his father took his grieve out on Danny.

If it happened at a young age, that could explain some of his problems. Fear of abandonment? Not trusting others to not leave him alone/without any help? I think maybe that could explain it somewhat, but I'm not sure it would explain everything.
Posted by ThumpyG:
there is so much unfinished business that Danny hasn't taken care of.

Isn't that a little bit unfair? At what point are adult survivers of undiagnosed child abuse supposed to 'take care of unfinished business'?

The writers haven't even scratched the surface on what Danny's issues are. In order to help him, he needs to be willing to accept help, realize that he needs help and be a willing participant in that help. He needs to be torn down completely, in order to be built back up. With him being older, good luck! His behaviors and personality as it is, have been set,

Things aren't looking good for Danny then. Do you think it possible to sort him out, even though he is older, and what steps can he take and what can/should the rest of the team do to help? How do you tear someone down completely and then build them back up?
I don't think that you can really fix anyone and fix their problems. You learn to cope with them and how to manage.

Danny just isn't managing his problems, but it is the only thing that he knows to do. coping mechanisms that he has probably many years to hone and perfect.

to be quite honest, I do feel bad for him, but I know that Mac wants it brought to the surface. Mac does respect Danny and his work that he does, against someone's advise he hired him 5 years ago. I am glad that Mac isn't taking this situation with Danny lightly and hopefully through him we will get to see where Danny is going.

OK I just want to do naughty things to Danny I can't help that side of me! :lol:
first: he might not even be a victim of child abuse. let's not go out on a tangent about it.
I truly believe that Danny has a good heart, and the best intentions. he does. When I talk about unfinished business, I am talking about getting out what is troubling him, if it is anything at all. who knows!!! :)

there is obviously a problem somewhere with Danny.

Counseling would be a good start, just talkiing with a professional about everyday problems, getting it out. I am not saying that it is a cure, it isn't. again there may not be any issues and if there are, then Danny won't be ready to deal with them until he wants to. that cannot be forced on a victim.

Like I said earlier, he might think that there is nothing wrong. but with Mac and how he acted at the end of Wednesday's episode, he knows that there is more that needs to be said, because Mac isn't completely satisfied.
I really think that he was not abused as a child. I think that something happend to him that he has not over yet. Maybe his mother was s murdered and that is why he became a CSI. He wants to do the right thing and help the people find the killer. That is why he is deacated to is work. That is just my theory maybe that is why.
I think that if Danny was abused, my guess is that there was probably a mixture of physical and emotional. I just watched rewatched the end of crime and misdemenor and I agree with Top41 seems to me Danny has a defense posture when Mac is getting after him for not dropping the case. Plus to I noticed that after Mac said something to him and he came back with something like so it doesnt count all it takes is a look for Mac and Danny immediately backs of from defending his actions and says that he was out of line and he just looked defeated, like hes about to be hit, Also notice that when he is walking away, with head and shoulders down he looks back at Mac over his shouler almost like he is afraid Mac is going to come after him.

To me Danny looks to Mac as a father figure. Maybe Danny's father also constantly told he was a disappointment and he was no good,or would never amount to anything or not worth loving. Maybe that is why Danny looks so upset when Mac is getting after him, it makes him feel that his father was right and he will disappoint everyone. It would also explain his actions in On the Job why he couldnt believe that any one would have his back because he is not worth it.
I don't know if he was physically abused. He may have been emotionally neglected. His mother may have died when he was really young. His family was apparently under surveillance according to his bio so it wasn't a typical white picket fence upbringing. Maybe there were some traumatic events (like getting beat up by a gypsy cab driver when he was 10 years old) that he can't leave behind because he is so sensitive. Maybe there's some abandonment issues. While he's charming and outgoing for the most part, he feels alone in the world.

Whatever his story is I have to say that the complex Danny is the most 3D of all the CSI characters on all 3 shows. He has heart and soul. (IMHO).
All of these seem like signs of childhood abuse to me. But maybe not; what's your theory? What the heck is wrong with Danny?

That would explain his trust issues in all the episodes, and it would be a good twist to his character. It could also go with Tanglewood-maybe (if he was lying to Mac and was involved with them) he joined because of his home life-abuse or something like that. Most people join gangs to feel secure (i wouldn't know, i'm not in one, but thats what i think would motivate me :) ), and i think that would be a explaination for his character.

I really hope they explain it all next season-i'm already counting down until it premieres again :)
Posted by Top41:
The depth of his distrust suggests a childhood trauma/experience to me because of how irrational and instinctual it seemed to be.

How about if Danny had a childhood illness during the 'critical stage of development' you mentioned, such as leukaemia, where he would have been in complete isolation with no human contact. Again, I think this would have to be coupled with his family not caring too much to make him so unwilling to have human contact.
I reckon Tanglewood has something to do with it. The bloke who got arrested in it the one who said something like: "Danny Messer works here" may also have something to do with Danny's behaviour too. Maybe Danny was abused by both his parents AND the tanglewood boys. Danny's the only one who knows the truth........................