Was Danny abused as a child?

very good point... he would have a bad reaction if it were someone close to him, but it would be different...

the reactions he is having are result of personal experiences, because of the way he's acting...
Thanks for the congratulations. wow, 100 posts. Its a milestone. It didn't take as long as i thought it would. Its a kind of funny feeling, knowing i've made 100 posts. :)

I don't think Danny's abuse was sexual. Mental abuse definately, like being told he was worthless all the while. Probably physical abuse as well. I'm not sure.
...yeah... sexual abuse is still the least suspected abuse, at least on my part... it just doesn't connect as well as the other two do...
Sexual is definitely the least likely of the three possibilities, but his reaction and interaction with the pedophile was weird enough that it stuck out to me.
...maybe it was just a clever line that the writers came up with...

...it could be nothing...
I agree that sexual abuse is the least likely of the three as well, but again, his behavior towards the pedifile was still odd at that.

As we all recall, Stella calmly went over to the man to discuss what she needed to with him and Danny immediately started to provoke the man, asking him, 'What, am I too old for you'? As much as I dislike pedifiles and such, how Danny handled the situation, was strange.
^That's what struck me as so off. Stella's distaste for the guy was apparent. But her reaction was normal. She was able to question the guy without making it personal.

Now, knowing Danny, no one expected him not to be lippy ;) , but basically he didn't just express disgust for the guy, he specifically provoked/challenged the guy to look at him in a sexual way. Like I said, that's weird, especially for a guy.
...i think, maybe, that that's just the way that writers want to make Messer out to be...
^Off? Provoking pedophiles? Making everything person? I don't know. Possibly. Like I said, it could have just been a line, but it's still odd.
well... he's a cop... and from New York, no less... i wouldn't say he was neccissarily making it personal... just making himself a bother to the guy.
*shrug* Maybe...it's possible. But Flack's just as sarcastic and I don't see him saying that line. It was probably nothing, but it did strike me as off.

And again, I noticed the body language. His little hip-flash of the badge was somewhat sexual as well. Or could have been interpreted as such.

The bit at the end, too, when he rubbed his hand over the sugar picture the guy and the kid had done? It just felt like Danny was making it personal.

I'm pretty split on what I think happened to Danny...I do lean more towards physical/emotional abuse rather than sexual, but I think there have been some puzzling scenes all around. It seems pretty certain this guy had a rough growing up.
..i get what you mean... it makes sense, and the writers are teasing us like bloodhounds on fresh scent... maybe they're throwing different things out there get us to watch more LOL... they want us to want to know what screwed Danny up so much...
It's an interesting possibility. I could sort of see it, though I'm not sure Danny has the older sibling vibe. Aiden and he have a kind of brother/sister relationship, and she seems to be looking out for him more than vice versa. Of course, Aiden is a more stable person, so maybe Danny doesn't see any need to be proctective. I guess I have this image of him as an only child. I'd love to know one way or another.

Up until Crime and Misdemeanor I agreed about Danny not having an older sibling vibe, but some of his phrases in that episode made me reconsider. The scene where he told Aiden they were good to go after Mac told him to drop the case and then towards the end when he told Aiden he took all the heat from Mac and she shouldn't worry. Those all seemed like the statements of the eldest child in a family. I also have a suspicion that Aiden is the oldest and is naturally drawn to Danny's closed off tougher than tough attitude. Danny seems needy to her and maybe she feels a great need to comfort.

Did anyone else notice that Danny was gnawing on the inside of his jaw while confronting the pedophile in "Recycling?" I don't think Danny was sexually abused, but it seems like someone close to him was.

See, I thought his behavior in this scene was really weird. He was confrontational, but not in the way he was in say, "The Dove Commission" once they got the killer, or in "Hush" when confronting the husband. It was strange. He was putting himself in front of the guy and taunting him. Which is what led me to believe that Danny might have been sexually abused...he was almost trying to provoke a reaction.His question to the molester, "What, am I too old for you?" That was weird. It was challenging the guy to look at Danny in a sexual way. There's something off with that, especially coming from a guy.

That's good! He put himself in the position of a sexual object, but Danny took his hands off the table and withdrew when the pedophile gave him a sexually predatory look up and down his body.

Like I said before, I kind of doubt they'd go the sexual abuse route with Danny (though it's not impossible), I don't see Danny's issues with abuse coming from observing bad things happening to other children. I think whatever has given him a complex is something that happened directly to him, not something he observed happening to someone else.

I don't know if the writers would do sexual abuse again, since it is part of Nick's past on LV, but it is viable as a possibility. I think Danny's issues are the result of several incidents in his childhood from a myriad of directions. Some I think that happened to him directly and others that simply caused dramatic shifts in his childhood, but were not necessarily perpetrated against his physical person. I feel like the two catalysts for Danny's issues have been mentioned, the gypsy cab incident and his mother's death. I'm also interested in Danny's deadpan response to Aiden's joking about him being dangerous, when he said very dangerous it seemed loaded and lacked the humor of her jest.
