Was Danny abused as a child?

i like that. it's one of the only theories that i really agree with.

i think that if Danny didn't value his father, that he wouldn't have mentioned him in that ep... he would have just said that he got beat up by a Gypsy Cab Driver because he wouldn't want to bring up the subject of his father.
Well, I guess we know for sure he was physically abused once (the gypsy cab driver incident). But all he really said about his dad was that he got beat up, too. He didn't say how he felt about that, just that getting beat up prejudiced him against gypsy cab drivers.

I agree with you Top41, I do think it was both physical and emotional abuse, to what extent either, as you say only the writers know. It would explain so far what we have collated reaction and behaviour wise from Danny over this first season and as you said, explain both the emotional, physical and trust responses from him and his reaction and viewpoint on crime and children/family. Something connects it all.

Of course if they widdle out of this they are going to have a number of very disappointd fans here

It just seems so obvious to us. :rolleyes:

I thin something asked this a while ago, but I wonder how Carmine is playing this. Whether the writers have given him a brief or idea or something as to where this character is coming from or whether or not this is just his interpretation of him.
^I tend to agree with that, except that even if Danny's father did abuse him, that doesn't mean Danny doesn't love his father/have conflicted feelings for him. I think his feelings are probably very complicated and confused if it was his father abusing him.

And look at how Danny related to Mac, a father figure--he wants his approval, while at the same time he's constantly disobeying Mac. That alone suggests that Danny is pretty confused about how to relate to/deal with father figures.
yes! that's what i was getting at before...

...but that was befor the shower, and i wasn't too awake... oh well, i guess it just didn't come out right.

"..somehow the right thing to say, just won't come out." -Paul Doucette
I took one psychology class in college so Im definetely no expert but dont alot of abused kids believe the abuse was is their fault. If Danny was abused and it was his father who was the abuser maybe Danny felt he deserved it. If I remeber correctly dont abused kids want the approval of the abuser. Danny seems to excel at what he does. He had to be a good baseball player to get a stint in the minors and he said that he graduated top of his class at the police academy. That would explain why Danny still values his father even if Daddy Messer is the abuser. If he could please him the abuse would stop.

I hope that makes sense. Its been a long day.
interesting point, adder574. Danny's life has had many trials and tribulations and he did excel in baseball and when that fell through he went into the academy, again excelling. (sp?) I wonder if he suffered from emotional abuse as well?

good senario, adder574
I didn't read far enough on the thread, EasetheMoment ,my apologies!!! :)

but, I too suspect that there might have been some emotional abuse as well.
^I tend to agree with that, except that even if Danny's father did abuse him, that doesn't mean Danny doesn't love his father/have conflicted feelings for him. I think his feelings are probably very complicated and confused if it was his father abusing him.

I agree that Danny having some attachment to his father doesn't mean he didn't abuse Danny. I saw a program ages ago, that secretly recorded mothers who were suspected of abusing their children. It showed one mother hit and yell at her baby. The baby sat there crying for a moment and then held up her arms to be picked up, even though she was asking comfort from the person who had just hit her.

Also, when faced with a stranger a child will generally turn to the parent. Sort of a case of better the devil yoiu know. The abuser could also say things like ' you made me do it' or 'I'm trying to make you a better person'. This could make the child think it was their fault or they deserved the abuse and not place the blame where it should be, and that's on the abuser. To an outsider, seeing the child seek comfort from the parent and not accuse them of anything, it could be perceived as love.

And look at how Danny related to Mac, a father figure--he wants his approval, while at the same time he's constantly disobeying Mac. That alone suggests that Danny is pretty confused about how to relate to/deal with father figures.

There was another mother on the program who was more neglecting than abusing, though you could argue there's a fine line between those points. The baby kept on glancing at the mother and edging towards her, she obviously wanted some comfort, or at least some interaction with her mother, but wasn't sure of the response she'd get, if any at all.
Whatever the relationship between Danny and his father, I'd say it's far from perfect. It's like Danny wants a father/son relationship with Mac but doesn't know how to handle it, or perhaps really even understand how it works, because he has no experience with that sort of thing.

I think your theory is realistic and do-able, Top41. Danny mentioned an uncle in 'The Dove Commission'. I thought it a bit odd that he corrected Sheldon on the canopy name. It didn't matter to Sheldon and I don't think it's something Danny would really care about. However, if Danny had to stay with said uncle when he was little and the man thought that was something a child should be 'corrected' on, so much so that he repeats such a banal detail in adult life, think what an arse that man would be.
yeah... it's kinda an 'Angels or Devils' thing that goes on with the child... seriously messes (hehehe... Messer... sorry...) them up... more common in children than in adults... adults tend to stray away from the abuser because they don't know how to react to them...
I didn't read far enough on the thread, EasetheMoment ,my apologies!!! :)

but, I too suspect that there might have been some emotional abuse as well.
no worries... ;)
ok so i have been here and reading the posts and have to say there are a lot of interesting theories you guys are coming up with.

i can't think of anything smart or even semi-intellegent to add right now though :lol:
no worries... you'll be in it soon... it really makes you think and you'll come up with something...
I can completely and totally see Danny blaming himself, no matter who the abuser is, but especially if it's his father. Danny just seems to have a warped perception of things: his lack of trust even in his colleagues and friends, his inability to mask his emotions, his willful defiance of someone who could fire him. All of these aren't really normal reactions. So I kind of see Danny as someone whose reactions are off anyways, in part because he does seem so damaged. It would make total sense if he still didn't know how to react to his abuser and still has a lot of conflicted, unaddressed feelings with regards to the person.