Was Danny abused as a child?

...i still don't know if Messer would just stand there... especially if he felt the abuser was "overpowering" Mac physically...

...if Mac ever got into it with Messer's abuser physically, i think, at some point or another, if Mac was knocked down, that Danny would feel all of that anger coming back again.

...maybe that rage could compel him to fight back against the abuser, especially when he noties that he's not that little boy anymore, and that his abuser has hurt maybe another important person in his life.
Yeah, but I don't see Mac getting overpowered by the abuser in the first place. I imagine the abuser wouldn't take a swing at Mac, though. Abusers tend to pick on people weaker than them...Danny would be much more likely to be the target. Though still, I don't know if the abuser would try to hurt Danny now that Danny is an adult.
i don't know.... he's Italian... and in New York... there are BIG Italians in New York...

...and in 'Tanglewood', it implied that maybe his family, or Messer, himself, was involved in one (maybe more) gang(s)...

...so chances are, Danny's abuser is/was (assuming he's still alive) a big man with a LOT of power.

...so if Mac were rubbing up against this guy in front of Danny, chances are, whren push comes to shove, that, rather than Danny being the target, that Mac would become the temporary target to get to Danny.
I was rewatching A Man A Mile and I could be seeing something that is not there but I noticed something in the scene where Mac and Danny are at the hospital questioning the brother. If you watch closely in the corner of the screen you can see Danny figiting (not sure of the spelling), Also he doesnt seem to be able to look Pete in the face. He keeps dropping his gaze to the floor. Did anyone else notice this.

Maybe Danny and his father spent some time in the hospital because of the beating they took from the gypsy cab driver and his cohorts. That could explain his fidgeting.

i dunno... that's kinda stretching it a little...

but it does bring up a point that Danny and his father weren't too far apart, because he was so distraught when they had the case with the Gypsy Cab Driver in it...

...it kinda implies that Danny wasn't abused by his father, or he wouldn't have brought up the subject in the first place...
^I don't know...for all we know, after they got away from the cab driver, Danny's dad beat him again. If he was a proud man, it could have been an embarrassing experience for him. And Danny was ten then, so that makes it more likely that his dad was the abuser, unless Danny's dad was in jail when he was very young. I still think the abuse occurred when Danny was 7 or younger.

I still don't see Danny's abuser attacking Mac. Why go after Mac and not after Danny? And I still think Mac could more than hold his own. He's a former Marine.
^I don't know...for all we know, after they got away from the cab driver, Danny's dad beat him again. If he was a proud man, it could have been an embarrassing experience for him. And Danny was ten then, so that makes it more likely that his dad was the abuser, unless Danny's dad was in jail when he was very young. I still think the abuse occurred when Danny was 7 or younger.

I still don't see Danny's abuser attacking Mac. Why go after Mac and not after Danny? And I still think Mac could more than hold his own. He's a former Marine.
^I don't know...for all we know, after they got away from the cab driver, Danny's dad beat him again. If he was a proud man, it could have been an embarrassing experience for him. And Danny was ten then, so that makes it more likely that his dad was the abuser, unless Danny's dad was in jail when he was very young. I still think the abuse occurred when Danny was 7 or younger.

yeah... of course, it is much more likely that it was before 10, but i've seen many cases where physical abuse continues well into the teens.

...i'm not saying that Mac couldn't hold, or that the abuser wouldn't target Danny, i'm just thinking that if Mac became involved, that he would become a target, as well.
^I agree with Top, I can't see Danny's abuser going after Mac. Most abusers prey on the weak, Mac shows no signs of being a weak man. What would be the point of Danny's abuser coming after Mac.?

I lean towards Danny's abuse being more of the emotional variety. I think he shouldered a good deal of responsibility after his mother’s death. I bet his father changed a great deal after that, maybe drinking and ignoring his responsibilities. However, that by no means rules out the possibility of even earlier physical abuse.

yeah... Danny maybe was only physically abused a few times... i'm thinking the whole was that he was more emotionally abused than physical.
Would just emotional abuse cause all the trust issues and cowering posture though?
I don't know...it's the physical reactions we've seen from Danny and the severe distrust that make me think he was physically abused. I don't know why emotional abuse would produce a physical reaction from him (like in C&M). Anything's possible, but I really think it's both.
no, that's the reason why i believe that he was only physically abused a few times, not on a regular basis. the emotional abuse probably what was carried on.
^What led you to the conclusion that he was only physically abused a few times? I don't know if we can tell how many times it happened (if it happened). It seems awfully specific to me.
yeah... i'm just thinking that Danny's abuser wasn't his father...

...he has an attachment to his father... so maybe something bad happened to his father (other than the Gypsy Cab incident) and was left in the care of his abuser... OR was already with his abuser a lot of the time, and when he was with his father and something this impressionable happened, it just stuck in his mind.

...a lot of the time, when a child doesn't see his father a lot, when the child is with them, they remember things a whole lot more vividly.
Well, I guess we know for sure he was physically abused once (the gypsy cab driver incident). But all he really said about his dad was that he got beat up, too. He didn't say how he felt about that, just that getting beat up prejudiced him against gypsy cab drivers.

But I'm kind of leaning towards the theory that his dad went to jail, his mom died and he was left in the care of a relative who abused him physically and emotionally when he was very young. That would account for the emotional scars, the physical instinctual reactions, the trust issues, and his focus on how crime affects children. His father may have gotten out of jail later on, but the damage would have already been done.

Just a theory, though. Only the writers know for sure!