Was Danny abused as a child?

Yeah that's a good point. Although i think danny and mac do have a kind of friendship. Mac joked with danny in 'till death do we part' and they have joked together in the past.

I think, confronting danny will require someone who is close to danny but who can step back and look at it objectively. I think mac will be able to do that. Plus he has the authority over danny to make him go to counciling.
Yeah that's a good point. Although i think danny and mac do have a kind of friendship. Mac joked with danny in 'till death do we part' and they have joked together in the past.
I have to agree with you. Maybe Danny and Mac don't have a deeper friendship as do Stella and Mac, but I think Mac would be there for Danny if he thinks Danny needed it. Mac knows Danny needs a certain guidance, especially since he knows Danny has a short-fused temper sometimes. Because of Mac's objective business-like attitude, eventhough he doesn't always show it, he's got Danny's best interest at heart.

I can't remember who said it and whether it was in this thread or another, but someone said Mac almost poses himself as a kind of father figure. I think there might be some truth in that.
I agree with JediCSI72 , Crazy4 Danny and Udjat that there is a level of friendship between Mac and Danny. Obviously it's not on the same level as the Mac/Stella or Danny/Flack/Aiden friendships, but I feel their relationship is more than just 'me boss, you worker'.

lament commented on the Stella/Danny shipper thread that Stella would be the best person for finding out what is wrong with Danny. I actually think Mac and Stella should work together on this. It's a big problem and will need a team effort to overcome it IMO.
Yeah, I definitely should clarify--I didn't mean to imply that Mac didn't care about Danny, just that a mentor/trainee relationship is somewhat different from a friendship. Mac cares about Danny very deeply, which is part of the reason why Danny's behavior is upsetting him so much.

I liked lament's idea about Stella being the one to confront Danny. I could see Mac being in on it, but I guess I think it's more likely to be one or the other of them and not both. I think if two people approached Danny, he'd feel ganged up on (not unlike how he felt in "On the Job") and withdraw.
I agree that one person needs to confront Danny and not a slew of people. I still think that mac is the best person for this job. Stella, of course would be the next person on my list, but Mac's role as a supervisor and mentor to Danny is an important factor in this case. Danny is still Danny and he is going to have issues with whoever speaks to him. does anyone think that it will hit harder if Mac talks to him as opposed to Stella or anyone else?
Mac and Stella do work well as a team. They don't have to approach him at the same time, but both should be aware of what is going on and maybe work like a relay team. If one starts to get frustrated they can back off and the other one steps forward.
The same if Danny tries to turn from the one helping him, he'll just run into the other one (not literally of course).
^Yeah, but then wouldn't he feel boxed in or trapped? I just worry with too many people on his case, he'd start to get very defensive and feel like he's being ganged up on. Danny's so sensitive and doesn't take criticism well; plus, it's going to be hard for him to open up. I don't see him doing it with two people. One will be hard enough.
I agree with Top41. Perhaps if two people approach him he'll withdraw and become defensive. I think he will find it hard enough to open up to one person about what's wrong with him, i don't think he'll be able to do it to two people.

I still think mac should be the one to confront danny. he seems a mentor/friend/boss so he'll have the authority, respect from danny and danny's best interests at heart. I just hope he conveys well enough that he isn't out to get danny. That he just wants to help because danny can get defensive.
I think this sort of situation would be something the whole team would wind up dealing with, in one way or another. Mac would be the steady presence, the rock, the one who Danny would be able to put his trust in without fear of being betrayed. Not that the others would betray him, but he'd have to start with trusting one person and I think Mac would be that person. Stella's approach, I think, would be the "tough love" approach. She'd be like,"Ok, this bad thing happened to you and you have every right to what you feel, but it's time to deal with it and move on with your life. I'm here for you and I'll help you through, but it's time to get some help." Aiden and Flack would be the ones to be there for him by getting him out doing things and not letting him wallow in a depression.
I hope the team find out what's wrong with him soon because the way he's going, he's going to crash and burn. We haven'y seen him smile in a while and he has a lovely smile. :D
it's just so hard because Danny isn't making this easy for anyone to deal with. he trusts NO ONE, and thinks that everyone is out to get him. I am anxious to see how the writers will handle this once season two gets under way.
I agree that one person needs to confront Danny and not a slew of people. I still think that mac is the best person for this job. Stella, of course would be the next person on my list, but Mac's role as a supervisor and mentor to Danny is an important factor in this case. Danny is still Danny and he is going to have issues with whoever speaks to him. does anyone think that it will hit harder if Mac talks to him as opposed to Stella or anyone else?
Eventhough I think each of the different characters would be able to get through to Danny on different levels, I think Mac would be the one person to get results. I'm not sure how I can explain it, but I do think Danny has a lot of respect for Mac, not that he doesn't for the others, it's just a gut feeling I have that Danny considers Mac to be the Man... am I making sense?

And Top41 I agree, Danny doesn't need people ganging up on him. If that happens Danny might feel cornered like a skiddish little kitty and then he'll really be screwed up, things might just totally escalate beyond repair :(
i have to agree that it should be only one person that goes to Danny.

otherwise i don't think that he will open up and he will get all defensive!
Eventhough I think each of the different characters would be able to get through to Danny on different levels, I think Mac would be the one person to get results. I'm not sure how I can explain it, but I do think Danny has a lot of respect for Mac, not that he doesn't for the others, it's just a gut feeling I have that Danny considers Mac to be the Man... am I making sense?

Oh yes. Danny definetly looks up to Mac and wants his approval, which makes it so confusing when he does something that he must surely know Mac won't like. I remember in 'American Dreamers' Stella asked him to get creative with the video clip and when he'd finished he said 'is that creative enough for you?' but he looked at Mac, not Stella. I thought it was sweet.

JediCSI72 , what do you think Mac would say to Danny then, because your 'tough love' speech for Stella also sounds like something Mac could come up with.

Danny might feel cornered like a skiddish little kitty

Ahhh, so cute. He needs a cuddle. :)
I didn't mean they gang up on him, just that each member of the team can maybe help him in different ways.
CSIFELINE, I think what Mac would say would depend on the situation. If Danny was directly confronted with his abuser(the person turns up on a case), Mac would probably tell him to look at it from the standpoint of a CSI and try to gather evidence against the person. He would tell him that while there is nothing they could do to him for what he did to Danny,they might be able to get him for something he's doing now. If a case just brought it all back up for Danny, then Mac would probably sit him down for a talk and try to convince him to get some help. His speech in that situation would probably sould a lot like what I wrote for Stella.