Wallpaper Thread #6

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Nice wall, Need4speed, that bikey in the left looks fast, but I prefer an F1-car (usersname?). Sorry I haven't come up with any ideas for your pics yet. Been busy on my last wall for the challenge. Something that just came to me.
actually the bike is the kind of bike that Rory/Speed drives. it's a Ducati. plus he looks so sexy on it. i just had to add it!! and thanks for the praise :D
Mitzi, loved the wall.
Wolfesgamergirl, wonderfull and great poem.
Katpin, you do such great walls.

Here's one I made for the Sexy when Wet thread. :devil:

Well, it's been a while since I've made a wallpaper, but I saw these gorgeous pictures of Jorja Fox and had to create one!

Gsrlove, nice Jorja wall you produced.
Whoa Katpin, you just made a very yummy Macky-Wall. Me like :devil: Don't make H jealous!

katpin .....love the speedy ones, and the mac one so hot
wolfesgg .....great delko ryan wall
csisenna loved mac sexy when wet and your mac & peyton one
(though you all know where my heart lies ;) :lol:)
gsrlove very nice jorja wall
i havent got one yet, maybe i get one up a little later, im back to work tomorrow so might not get back on till wed, so hopefully i'll manage to leave you something till then :(
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