Wallpaper thread #5

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Re: Updated to add new Ducaine wallpaper

I was going over the brushes I have and most of them are for PSP8 and are .jbr files so I'm not sure if they will work for PSP7.

No it doesn't. I tried one of the links you'd posted. I have to convert the .jbr to .abr & I really don't know how to do that. I really appreciate the help though. Am still looking. Glad you like the walls. I need to find the site that helped me make my own texture. :lol: Should've saved it. :lol: Will try the link. Thank you.
Re: Updated to add new Ducaine wallpaper

O.k. just curious. I have the problem with the .abr extensions with my program lol. I know with PSP8 you can just import the custom brushes and usually that works. I guess there isn't a button like that in PSP7. ( Sorry for going off topic mods.)

Thanks dragonflydreamer I may just have to take a look at the challenge.
Here's a simple one I just made:

Awesome wallpapers everyone, they're all amazing!! :)

katpin, I really like the texture you made. Very nice.
catwarfan said:
fruitbat Here you go. I hope you like this Mac one. I had actually a lot of fun making it.


Thank you Thank you Thank you, Thank you Thank you Thank you, Thank you Thank you Thank you. I love it :D :D

There is not enough Mac fan art out there... :D Only one thing I cant get any work done now cause I keep drooling at my desktop...
Wow, amazing work in here! :eek:
I don't jump in here that much, but I should definitely change this!

Sharon, I hope you're fine and your new WPs are great, I can see such an improvement - go on girl!

csi_fan_uk extremely wonderful last batch, I esp. love the Grissom one.
But please - for the next time - keep in mind to only post 3 images, even if they are thumbnails, alright? ;)

gsrLove, I adore the coloring of your last WP, looks very atmospheric - if this makes sense, hope you understand

catwarfan, first: your Mac Wp is just wow! Fantastic work!
Now to your question: sorry, I can't help you out, but if you won't get an answer in here, you can also try it in the Fan Art Forum Guide
Dayna I believe I forgot to tell you your wp's are gorgeous. Thank you once again for trying to help. Have downloaded some brushes I found, Theysay the're compatible with PS7 but......we shall see. LOL Thanks again. Love your mac wp also. I couldn't pull up the pics to try to do one. LOL

gsrlove wow what can I say? I love it. Glad you like the texture I made. Wish I had bookmarked the site to go back to make more cause I don't remember now. LOL

msgirl love your smack wall. I love M/S together.

Keep up the awesome work everyone.
You are very welcome ::blushes:: fruitbat. I'm so glad that you loved your Mac wallpaper. ITA there is not enough Mac fan art out there. It was easy since wet Mac is well ::swoon:: I was planning on doing a wallpaper of him anyway from "Snow Day". I've had it on my desktop for a bit as well.

No problem on the wpkatpin. Thanks for the feedback. I hope the new brushes work for you.

Thanks for the link cinegirl. I took a look over there and found a couple of goodies. I was just trying to answer a question for katpin. That thread you sent me is really good to use. It gave me a couple more textures to look at. A lot of useful links in there. I may have to try CS2. I've used PSP8 for so long now.

Take Care,
Thank you very much catwarfan! :) It's a beautiful wallpaper :D And msgirl, yours are beautiful too. Great job al of you, keep up the good work :D
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