Wallpaper thread #5

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whooooooo i love them both. Thanks so much.. they are so lovely that i cant choose so i will use them both..Youre the best.

^^ SamStokes - It doesn't look rubbish at all! Nice job! :D

fallenthrough - love the committed wall - I've snagged it - thanks! :D

catwarfan - Lovely Stella/Mac wall. :)

Joycie84 & dutch_treat - wow! :eek: Two gorgeous Emily walls. Both so unique yet both so incredibly talented! Great work! :D

I have five walls to share tonight. One GSR and two Sara ones using caps from the Tuesday's UK episode "Fallen Idols"; one Grissom using promo pics from the eppy Happenstance; one Mac/Peyton wall.

Here they are - hope you like!:

Credits: Large image from Modern Day Gallery; small caps from Beyond Imagination; large masking brush by Mutsie; small butterfly brush by Sunira.

Credits: All caps from Beyond Imagination; grunge brush by Jenn's Sanity; background texture from Appendix Squared.

Credits: All caps from Beyond Imagination; large masking brush by Mutsie; flower stock photo from stock.xchng.

Credits: pics from Modern Day Gallery; large masking brush byMutsie.

Credits: Caps from Past My Shoulder; background compiled from masking textures by Ca-Pris Papersweets.
csi_fan_uk all those walls are beautiful.
Joycie84 & dutch_treat amazing Emily wallpapers. So beautiful.

I have a new one to share. Hopefully though, my muse will be extending to New York & Miami soon, as I recently got into those. But for now, it's of my favorite subject.

csi_fan_uk Love the wallpapers and the Mac Peyton one especially.

catwarfan Love your Mac Stella wallpaper.

Everyones work here is amazing. Keep it up guys!

I have a request could someone make me a Mac wallpaper from any of these shots from Snow Day.
Snow Day pics1 and Snow Day pics2

Wasnt WET Mac so nice...*g*
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I love the new wallpapers. csi_fan_uk I love your new walls. I snagged a couple. Thank you also very much for the different websites. I had fun finding new goodies.

ITA Fruitbat wet Mac was very swoon worthy. I'll take a crack at it for you. Thanks for the feedback on my Mac and Stella.

New One ( Yes another Calleigh and Horatio.)

The only thing that matters is you

" Going Under" screencaps thanks to Random Scribblings Gallery Texture thanks to csi_fan_uk for finding it and also Appendix Squared.

Take Care,
Loved the links also but apparently not compatible with my PS7. I've been finding that alot. :D So it says when I try to use it. Appreciate it much anyway csi_fan_uk. Lots of awesome brushes. :D Oh well. I do love the new walls. They're all sooooooooo gorgeous. Here's one I did of Eric with the little girl. Hope ya like.

fruitbat Here you go. I hope you like this Mac one. I had actually a lot of fun making it.


Screencaps are thanks to Modern Day Gallery. Raindrop texture is thanks to Baracuda Backgrounds Font is Shinji Blues from DaFont. Gunshot brush can be found here : http://www.inxplicable.org/design/links.html

Katpin You can use the masks by Mutsie if you have PSP. You just have to do it differently with PSP. I found a way around it. Unzip the folder when you download it from mutsie. You will have a folder with the pictures. Put it somewhere in your computer where you can find it. I use a folder called Brushes that I made. Open up PSP. Click on the picture you want to use. Open up the folder with your new brushes and click on the picture that you like. Copy it as a layer and add it to your picture. Make sure it's another layer. Then go up to the top and click on Layers on the top. Then click on New Mask Layer > From image. Make sure that it is registered as source luminance. Make the new image from mutsie the mask layer. You can play around with the different features in it. Hope that helps. It took me a bit to figure it out. The Inexplicable link above has psp7 brushes plus other goodies. If you want some psp brush spots just tell me. I have a couple of spots where I go.

Just saw your Delko. It's gorgeous. I'm snagging it. Thanks :)

Take Care,
Thanks for the lovewly comments all! :D

No probs on providing links to resources - I like to credit my sources and share them too. Sharon - that's a shame about the brushes. I use Photoshop CS2 so all my brush links tend to be to Photoshop resource providers - Dayna has some great advice about getting around that though! :) Also, a lot of the brush providers who also have accounts oin deviantart.com provide PSP alternatives and/or image packs - you might want to check the site out.

fallenthrough - I love that GSR wall! :D I will snag it when I get home (currently in work before my shift starts)

Dayna - that's a lovely DuCaine wall! Beautiful! :D

Sharon - aww! gorgeous Delko wall! Great work! :D

Well, I'm gonna absent myself for a week or so to catch up with my real life. So, see you all later! Happy wallpapering! :D
Would appreciate the help Dayna thanks. Have gotten some things from deviantart. I just get confused when it says compatible with PS7 then I can't open it. I've been putting all my brushes directly into my PS7 presets/brushes cause I'd read somewhere to do that. Has worked out until now. LOL Guess, I just don't know what I'm doing as far as this. LOL BTW love the wallpaper. Was gonna try my hand at doing one but for some reason couldn't get pics to come up. When it rains it pours. LOL
Love the new walls everyone. Here's one more for me for now. It's Mike Keppler from CSI. I'm a huge Liev Schreiber fan so I enjoyed Mike.


Variety of sources : Caps are from "Sweet Jane" and "Laws of Gravity". Caps can be found at Beyond Imagination. Texture is from Miss M. Gunshot and fingerprint brushes are from Inexplicable Design

Ducaine Night

Thanks goes to : Miami Online for the screencaps of Calleigh and H and the Miami skyline. The far Ducaine pic is a manip that I did of a screencap. Texture is thanks to Appendix Squared again. Small heart brushes are thanks to jadedicons.

Katpin This is a link to a tutorial about PSP7 brushes. It talks about compatability. It may help you. http://www.inxplicable.org/design/brushtutpg2.html. I was going over the brushes I have and most of them are for PSP8 and are .jbr files so I'm not sure if they will work for PSP7. Sorry :( Love your new wallpapers. The new texture is gorgeous.

Take Care,
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