Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: Hodges Scenes

hodges came on in 3x11- recipe for murder. i just answered the question over in trivia- they thought that a hodges question would get passed me heheheheh
3x19 is a night at the movies. i may not see it today because its on a channel that i dont have and i dont really feel like going out. ill try to get it though.
it has that scene in which sara says that he is rude.
it is not exactly a positive scene. his best are in s5 and 6.
Re: Hodges Scenes

My favourite scene ever with Hodges is in Grave Danger, just being able to see that funner side to him. Also, to see Greg (old lab person) and Hodges (the current lab person) being really friendly together :)

I'm not too fond of Sara, there are a couple of episodes that I like her in. It's not that I dislike her, there just doesn't seem anything in her that is appealing to me. So I find it very mean that she calls Hodges rude! WHY?!
Re: Hodges Scenes

I never doubted it! :D Hodges has a very cute way of saying anything! He has a kind of charm that he can make what ever he says seem nice - even if it is meant mean :)
Re: Hodges Scenes

no i have not!!!!!!!!
i never run out of what to say about him!!
my friend saw 3x19, which i have not seen, and when she called me afterwards, she told me that hodges had a good scene, and i preceeded to recite it to her (the scene in which sara says that he's rude) word for word. she knows that im obsessed, but she just realized how bad it really is :lol:
Re: Hodges Scenes

My favorite ep with hodges is when he's coloring his hair with a black marker. That was so hilarious!
Re: Hodges Scenes

Hi, I'm de-lurking. this thread is just too cool not to take part in.

I loved Hodges right from the beginning when Grissom asked "You're the new guy?" And of course he steals the stage each time he's on. I'm curious pabzi, why do you think he's gay? (I totally agree with you, but it's always interesting to hear someone else's reasoning)
Re: Hodges Scenes

im so happy that you found us act_of_passion it is so much fun to have more of us here!!!
hes the best.
i think he's gay for no real specific reason. he just has this air about him. i dont know. it has nothing to do with how he looks or acts. its just something that i feel. why do you think he's gay?
Re: Hodges Scenes

Thanks for the welcome, I'm happy to be here

I think he's gay just because he's too cool not to be! Actually, it's that one scene when he's asking Sara (I think :confused:) about whether it counts as a date if there are other people there. I felt really sorry for him because that whole scene was just so pathetic until I realized that maybe the reason he seemed so awkward has nothing to do with his alleged difficulty scoring a date :lol:. Inexperience with women isn't always a bad thing you know ;)

He also seems a lot more comfortable with men, but then again maybe that's because there are more men in positions of authority for him to suck up to.

Go Hodges!!! :D
Re: Hodges Scenes

i have a monolougue for this one :lol:

when he told catherine that he was seeing "someone", he might not have meant a woman. also when he said that "she" is cooking him dinner, he seemed sorta uncomfortable. my take is of course that he is seeing a he and not a she :)
he definately is too cute to be straight. he just seems like the type who would go good with a guy. i could go on and on. but in short, i really dont think that he was dating a woman :)
Re: Hodges Scenes

pabzi, I seem to remember seeing the first part of that post somewhere in this thread before :p :lol: You could have a Word document with answers for every question that could possibly be asked about Hodges! :D
Re: Hodges Scenes

hehehe. thats my monolougue. i write it when ever the subject of hodges being gay comes up.

crimelab.nl has asked for my help writing a bio for hodges, including quotes and facts. im sending it out in 6 hours (about &:30,eastern usa time, about 11 pm uk time, about 7am australia time which will be 1 am my time!)
whoever has quotes and facts which they will like to add, is welocome to pm them to me. i will credit you-the fact or quote will say under it the name of who it came from) id better go start writing the bio!!!
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