Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: Hodges Scenes

yeah, but its a really bad bio. there are 2 sentyences about him. if i had time id post a real link, but i gotta run. www.crimelab.nl
it just says that he gossips and that sara thinks hes rude. i wrote an email to them offering to help renew his bio, but they didnt answer. it pisses me off that people treat him like s***
Re: Hodges Scenes

^^ WOW :eek: that really is a bad bio! I think you should try and get in touch with them again to write another, better, one :) Even if they don't accept it then I think you should write one and post it in here :D Definitely give you something to do (if you don't have enough! :p) x-x-x
Re: Hodges Scenes

where should i post it? i would be happy to. i just wrote my opinion on him for a labrat thing on lj. i like writing about him :)
by the way, how are you?
Re: Hodges Scenes

of course i meant you!! :)
oh, everyone knows my opinion!! that he probably has been through something big, and that he has been hurt, and that he is extremely sweet, caring and sensitive under his mask of snark. one of the girls there wants to use it as a backstory for a fic. do you read hodges fics?
Re: Hodges Scenes

No I don't, don't read any fics actually - might start to though :)

I'm so-so at the moment thanks :) how are you?
Re: Hodges Scenes

im ok. ive been worse and better :) if you want hodges fics tell me, and ill pm you a link where there are a bunch. mostly slash though.
Re: Hodges Scenes

Ye some Hodges fics would be great, thanks :D

I gotta go now, but do you like my new avatar and signature that I just made?

Take care x-x-x
Re: Hodges Scenes

Sorry, I really had to go last night - really annoying, visiting, older brother wanted on (that means me off in literally one minute or I actually get thrown off!)

Thank you very much for the website :D I've only read one of yours for the moment (Snark View), which I thought was very good - really amusing! :lol:
Re: Hodges Scenes

thanks destiny ill do it later. it seems though that the bio has more to do with opinion, but ill see what i can do. you can edit it how you see fit :)

golden smile im happy that you liked it. didnt i tell you what i DONT recommend :p ?
keep reading the others. trust me they're better. they write hodges very nicely.

i saw 4x4 the other day. hodges under the sink is my s5 favorite i think.
4x4 was the first ep i ever saw. when i saw it the first time, i asked my friend "who's the nut under the sink?"
i liked hodges from the beginning, then i fell in love with him :)
Re: Hodges Scenes

ye you did tell me that you didn't recommend yours, but I didn't have much time to find the ones you did recommend so eventually stopped looking for them and came across yours, so thought I'd read that :D It isn't as bad as you think it is! I'll look for the ones you did recommend soon :)

Did you send a birthday card to the queen of england? It was her 80th birthday yesterday - well, her public birthday!

you had lust at first sight, which then grew to love? :p So you think that he is gay, but you also love him? Kinda confusing! Or is there something you're not telling me ;)
Re: Hodges Scenes

nonono, i love him as a human being!!!! not LUST! i told you that i liked him at first and thought that he's crazy :lol:
course i think he's gay. :)
im happy that you likedd my story. i write them for fun, but they are AWFUL!! my friend is here and wants to delete that i wrote that they are awful
happy birthday to the queen. what is the difference between her official b-day and the other one? why does she have 2?
read the others. i hope to see 3x19 later, and hodges is in it!!! yay!!!
Re: Hodges Scenes

I think the Queen has a public birthday and an official birthday so that she can enjoy her proper birthday, not having to be in the eye of the public all day :rolleyes:

Hi to your friend!!! :D

Which one is 3x19? I hadn't realised that Hodges came into it so early, I thought it was a lot later! :confused:
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