Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: Hodges Scenes

I hadn't even noticed that he had that much grey hair! And I'm normally observant with these things :(

Thank you for the pictures (also website) act_of_passion :)
Re: Hodges Scenes

Sure he does, but it's attractive, remember? ;)

Hodges is awesome, we love him BECAUSE of the grey and the marker, not despite them
Re: Hodges Scenes

hes awesome NOMATTER WHAT!!!!
he doesnt have that many grey hairs, but it doesnt matter. i love him just the way he is. have you been to that link lately? maybe you should go check it again...
Re: Hodges Scenes

I don't see why people find grey hair attractive, it just reminds me of this one teacher at school - he went grey at 13! :eek:

Been to which link pabzi?


ETA: <---- LOOK!! I got to 'Police Officer' :D :D :D
Re: Hodges Scenes

its ok. :)
im still in hodges withdrawal.
oh by the way, one of my friends who saw rashomama told me that hodges has a ton of grey hair in the back of his head, so the sharpie thing makes more sense :lol:
but why not just dye his hair? :lol:
Re: Hodges Scenes

i just saw rashomama. he really does have more grey hair on the back of his head :)
he had SUCH a cute expression!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Hodges Scenes

I wondered how long it would take you to post that :p I've actually been trying to think of something to post in here - I can't think!! :eek: well... me not being able to think isn't exactly anything new :rolleyes:

I'm suprised that you don't have your location set to something like 'Hodges bedroom' or 'Hodges lab'. Somewhere that Hodges would be... or that you would be waiting for him :p :lol:

I've started a quote book, also a song book but I'll tell you about that in the next PM I send you, which has some quotes from CSI in it. I keep meaning to add 'vanity, thy name is hodges' :D I will get around to it eventually


Looks like I had a little more to write than I thought... :)
Re: Hodges Scenes

i used to have quote books too. i wrote them years ago :) i resaw kiss kiss bye bye today. i love the sharpie scene. i really dont think that he is vain. hes just not the type. i think that he was bored.
im waiting desperately to find out what he said in the new ep. i wil know soon :)
Re: Hodges Scenes

sharpie scene? :confused:

I would have said that he was more bored then he was vain - although he should have enough work to do, saying how many crimes Las Vegas has to analyse! If he was being vain then how would he have managed to do the grey hairs around the back of his head where he can't see? Maybe there was a bit of vainity going on, but I think mostly boredom :)

What is the 'new episode' to you pabzi?
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