Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: Hodges Scenes

im sure he was bored. hes not a vain type.
oh, the new ep is time of your death. i saw it today. he was cute. :)
i love his expressions,. even in the scene that he wasnt talking, just processing evidence, he makes the FUNNIEST FACES!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Hodges Scenes

anybody alive? wake up!
who thinks that hodges was oblivious in TOYD when he was 'talking dirty' to catherine? and who thinks that he was hitting on her?
Re: Hodges Scenes

not true. i dont agree. he was oblivious. the guy is so innocent. besides- HES GAY!!!!!!
Re: Hodges Scenes

If I say 'he isn't gay' will you give me your script of what to say to prove he is? I haven't heard that little speech in a whiley, go on... :p

So you are still alive then pabzi! Have you just been busy? 'Cause you haven't let me know about the trial yet :)
Re: Hodges Scenes

sorry golden smile, ive been busy. the trial isnt a trial anymore cause i got the job!!!! i am officially a medical secretary!!!
write to me and ill write back. im just busy. sorry.
i seriously think that he is gay. it is my opinion. also, i havbe 2 close friends who have never seen csi, and when i showed them a clip that i have of him, without me asking, they said "that guy HAS to be gay"
anyway, im not gonna go into my speech now, but he just has a gay air about him. :)
Re: Hodges Scenes

I just want to clear up something with this discussion heading this way, that you are referring to the character and not the actor, Wallace is married with two children.
Re: Hodges Scenes

of course! destiny, you dont know me by now? in my demented micayla aka pabzi universe, there are no actors (yeah, i know im nuts)
i will repphrase myself.
in my opinion, david hodges, the snarky labtech is gay :)
Re: Hodges Scenes

:lol: lmao! I like your 'demented micayla aka pabzi universe' - it sure makes me laugh at times :D Keep it up :p

Off topic: I like your new avatar as well, not as much as the other one, but I was just in love with the other one :lol: hehe. You should try and make a new banner - not saying that the one you have isn't brilliant, because it is, just that with a new avatar I think there should be a new banner. But I'm extremely strange like that. I'm going to stop typing before what I type becomes extremely offensive - everything I say today seems to be offensive :( :rolleyes: But hay-ho...

On topic: is it just that the lab coats are blue, or does Hodges have a thing for blue coats? Because I don't recall seeing Greg in one at all. Also, don't you think it's weird that all the CSI's (Grissom, Catherine etc.) called Greg by his first name, but call Hodges by his second name? Suspicious *shifty eyes*

(I don't know what I'm on tonight :rolleyes:) (that doesn't mean that I do do drugs - I don't)
Re: Hodges Scenes

pabzi said: of course! destiny, you dont know me by now?
It has nothing to do persae but rather avoiding another where people thing "actor" instead of "Character" when mentioned in passing, (on the actor part) been there, done that and it did not turn out pretty. :) So I figured I would add that tidbit in there to curve the "OMG" effect. :D
Re: Hodges Scenes

goldensmile- i dont know how to make banners. someone made that one for me long ago :) . i dont try to be funny, im just crazy and proud of it. i am not insulted by you.
i dont know what is with hodges and the blue coats. it really does bother me that they dont callo him david. the one time that i heard him refferef to as david on the show was in recipe for murder when he introduced himself to grissom.
destiny, i understand. when i talk about anyone from the show, 99% of the time it is the character. actors just confuse me.
Re: Hodges Scenes

oh wow. i don't come on this site for a month and we get a new hodges thread? that's my punishment, i guess! hello, good people! i am so excited that there are so many hodges-lovers now!

pabzi, thanks for referring to me in third person xD you are my best hodges-buddy ever. i don't think i can go through my withdrawal without you :D

the crimelab bios are horrible. but at least hodges gets two lines. poor jacqui, bobby, wendy, and ronnie don't even HAVE bios! LAB TECH LOVE!!! :lol:

well, i'll go on topic. i think one of the best hodges scenes is his snarkiest line: "do i look clairvoyant?" come on, admit it. he and and sara SO have a thing going on. GSR isn't my thing anyways xD

Sara: What do you think caused these marks?
Hodges: Give me more time. I'm not a miracle worker.
Sara: Well, that's obvious, Hodges. If you were a miracle worker, you wouldn't be rude.
Hodges: I wasn't being rude. I was being curt. Rude would be, "When I know, you'll know." Friends?
Sara: No.

Catherine: How about the grill marks?
Hodges: Oh, yeah, I'll run it through the hot dog appliances database.

i love that man xD

Re: Hodges Scenes

thanks elanor_fields. i am very happy to have you as a hodges buddy :) withdrawal sucks and we go through it together. (like rehab hehehe)
my best friends favorite line is the rude/curt thing.
i have not seen 'a night at the movies'- i was busy the day that it was on tv (she has a channel that i dont have) and i had no way to aquire it otherwise, so after she saw it, i asked her if she liked hodges's scene. then i proceeded to recite it word for word, even though i have not seen the ep. she knows im nuts though. last week, we had a 'snark war' over the fact that she likes greg better than hodges. then, on saturday, we rewatched kiss kiss bye bye as a reconcillation so both of us can see who we love. (we didnt really fight, it was one of thos jokind, sarcastic, laughing arguments :) )
elanor_fields, you gotta come here more often!!! why havent you been posting in forever? im not a hodges/sara shipper and my sara/grissom thing has gone away, it was just a phase. i ship a certain adorable slash pair.
anyway, i said it a million times nad i will say it again :I LOVE HIM!!!
see you guys soon :)
Re: Hodges Scenes

hm... oh pabzi, i can NEVER guess what your favorite ship is ;) i must have missed it somewhere between the hundreds of pages of fanfiction and the months of fangirlism... :D i'll GUESS that it involves a certain gorgeous texan CSI and an adorable, snarky trace technician... ^^

me and my friends fight about greg vs. hodges all the time. :lol: we came to the agreement that in earlier seasons greg was hilarious and hodges was annoying, but now, hodges steals the scene everytime he comes on. greg is still funny, but it's because the writers give him good lines... hodges can be funny EFFORTLESSLY, just because he is that awesome. ^^ don't laugh "at" him, laugh "with" him!

i know i haven't been here forever :hehe: it's just that high school sucks and i have to prepare for the SATs... -.-;; i envy you so much. at least you don't have to worry about asymtotes ever again... o_O;;

back on topic! here's a question: what does hodges look the best in? the technician jumpsuit, the dress shirts with the lab coat, the dress shirt with the CSI vest and the TIGHT jeans :)squee:) or the suit that he wore to the board meeting (the TIGHT suit :lol:)?

my personal vote goes to both the CSI vest and the suit. i'll try to find some pics... ^^

Re: Hodges Scenes

elanor_fields- you are great! :)
yup, thats my ship. but i dont think that most here like it much. :p
greg is cute, but hodges is just plain AWESOME, as you said :)
i was a ghost in highschool (like grissom) i so ****ing hated it. you are lucky that you are in the states, and most likely go to a normal school. good luck with your sat's. im happy that i am behind all that.

his best look in my opinion is the green t shirt under the dress shirt (last laugh, viva lost vegas, and i think fur and loathing too. he did look good in the suit, but i found it weird sorta. i do like the dress shirts with the stripes. the jeans were awesome. i like to imagine him sitting at home, watching tv wearing a t shirt and boxers (sqeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee).
in short, nomatter what he wears, its the inside that counts. the guy is snarky, sarcastic, and i believe that under that he has a huge heart.
well, i think that most of you here know that i write, cause someone acidently gave it away a month or 2 ago. its not a secret, i just dont think that i am anygood. i have a new idea, and when i have some time to breathe (maybe over the weekend- im greatful to have a job, but not used to having no time, but it is for the best :) )i will start writing.
i have pics, which is another thing that i want to do over the weekend. post pics. now i am tired. i have a pic of the suit, of the nose clip (another GREAT look :lol: ), of the GREAT smile from the hamster scene... remind me tomorrow night (yeah, weekend here is friday and saturday, no sunday, meaning tomorrow night i can be up late and post pics and maybe start writing)

keep up the hodges love!!!!
i just think about him and smile when im sad.

edit:posting a pic takes 5 minutes and makes people smile.

our guy talking about his hamsters and smiling :)

~Edited: Made picture clickable URL, as it exceeded the max size.~
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