Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: Hodges Scenes

I have just done some research on the internet as to how much each series costs, these are my results:
Complete series 1 = £27.90
Complete series 2 = £30.00
Complete series 3 = £31.99
Complete series 4 = £31.95
Series 5.1 = £29.95
Series 5.2 = £29.95

Complete series 1-3 = £95.97

So they aren't exactly the cheapest of things, well not for me on my £5 a week. That isn't mentioning all the other things that I actually have to buy with that money. But anyway, a little at a time adds up to plenty :)

I actually just looked on e-bay and there is the complete season 5 for £19.99, and it is a buy it now :D And new!!! So that proves that e-bay is much cheaper :lol:

No I haven't seen all of the episodes with Hodges in, I'll have seen all the ones in s5 and s6 but I'm not sure how many I have seen from s3 and s4, most of them I think.
So, did you like 3x19? I think it's a good episode, one of the better ones...
Re: Hodges Scenes

i dont understand the prices... here our money unit is shekels, but i know american dollars also. do you know how to translate pounds to dollars?
i liked 'a night at the movies' it was good. it was still in hodges' earlier times and people were more unapreciative of him than they are nnow, but im always happy to see him :)
i wish that he were in more eps than he is. but he really does have a bigger part in s6 then he ever did before.
Re: Hodges Scenes

If you click on the following link then it should take you to a website that will convert sterling pounds (GBP) into US dollars (USD):
hope that helps you :)

Who would you like to see Hodges become best friends with? Anyone at all? And I mean proper best friends - tell each other everything!
Re: Hodges Scenes

best friends as in proper best friends... i think greg or archie. maybe jaqui, but i dont think that we know her all to well. i think that him and greg would make good friends because they tease each other alot, but deep inside really like each other. they both have cool personslities. but i dont think that hodges would tell anyone EVERYTHING. i think that he is a very secretive person.
who do you think that he would be best friends with?
Re: Hodges Scenes

I would have to say Greg too, he seems to be the person that Hodges gets on best with. Yeah, ok, most of their scenes they are bickering at each other but we can see through that! :lol:

Also, if Hodges and Greg were to become bestest friends then they could swap stories on being a lab technician - freaky evidence they've had to analyse for the CSI's, weirdest/biggest case they have been involved in, things like that. They could also bitch about the way that Grissom treats ('treated' in Greg's case) them as lab technicians, well all the CSI's really...

So, yes, I too think that Greg would be the best person from CSI for Hodges to become best friends with! :)

(that's the third time I've written the above! I wrote it at school but it wouldn't let me send it! So I wrote it again and it sill wouldn't let me send it. So this is a replica for you, not as good but good enough :p)
Re: Hodges Scenes

:p yeah. but hodges doesnt really seem to be the type to want to talk to people. if it HAD to be anyone, greg would fit best, but i just dont see hodges to really be the type who hangs out and just talks. i could see him sitting at home by himself cleaning the house i could see him in a relationship with someone (romantically involved, not just friends), but it being difficult because he is not good expressing himself.

do you think that he likes dogs or cats better?
id say cats. sad lonely deep people usually like cats better.
Re: Hodges Scenes

Yeah if he can't express his emotions very well then it would be very hard for him to hold a relationship, his partner would have to be very understanding to him... like you :p ...

I would have to say dogs, they would be able to defend him. They could act as a sort of bodyguard for him which would mean that he wouldn't have to talk to many people.

What type of music do you think he likes?
For that one I would have to say classical and rock. I'd say classical because he just looks like someone who would like classical music to me. But I would also say rock because it could help him to display his emotions, I think that's why I love rock so much :D
Maybe he likes classical rock :lol:

pabzi said:
sad lonely deep people usually like cats better.
You mean like the crazy old cat lady? :lol:

ETA: Sorry I just realised that you are now a 'Pathologist' - congratulations :D
Re: Hodges Scenes

before you wrote classic rock, that was exactly what i was going to answer. stuff like the beatles, the who, rolling stones, led zeppelin...
you are right that his partner has to be very understanding. you know my opinion of who his ideal partner would be. just makes alot of sense.
im not sure hed be a dog type. dogs need alot of attention. cats are a deeper sort of animal. they talk with their eyes. in my opinion, dog people are more outraverted than cat people.

eta- oh, i see that i am a pathologist! what does it mean?
Re: Hodges Scenes

maybe. i have 3. i will be happy to give him one. maybe he likes fish? he seems like the type of person who would like some sort of animal.
pirate_jimbob wellcome to our thread. we need you and others who love hodges to help us keep this thread going.
are you of the opinion that he is gay? i am.
anyway, ill be back soon. gonna go excersise walking and think about hodges for half an hour :) then i will come back and think about him some more. i love the guy!
Re: Hodges Scenes

He is definatly gay to me, I couldn't really picture him with a woman. Maybe its just the way he acts, like putting on a front so that no-one can really see whats inside...
Re: Hodges

Doesn't he have a hamster? I thought that's what he was smiling at in that picture posted in here, and PMed to me once? I think you should post the picture again pabzi :D Also, you said that you were going to send the one of him with the peg on his nose...

I can actually see Hodges as a fish type of person - fish are intriguing and extremely quiet. Did you know that you can drown a fish?!?! :lol: seriously you can! You grab hold of it's tail and pull it backwards, all the water rushes into it's gils - my brother did it when he was younger, I did not do it!

You hadn't realised that you are a 'pathologist'? You have been for about 22 posts! :p :lol: A pathologist is 'The scientific study of the nature of disease and its causes, processes, development, and consequences. Also called pathobiology.' (doesn't make much sense to me!)

I love your banner by the way pirate_jimbob :) I'm sure pabzi loves it, once you get to know her a little better you will understand just how crazy she is about Hodges! :lol:
Re: Hodges

Well I'm just glad that I have found other people who love Hodges, I was starting to think I was on my own!!

Do you remember the episode where Nick was with Sara & Hodges, and he says that studies have shown that pet owners have lower stress levels. Then Hodges tells Nick & Sara about having hamsters growing up. He said his mum hated them cos they stank his room out. Then one day he came home & they were gone. Sara then said "How much did your mother hate them" and then he says they ran away, like it was his fault, & it was so sad, I felt so sorry for him!
Re: Hodges

Yeah it was one of those scenes where you just have to go 'awww'! There are quite a lot of Hodges scenes that make me do that though, just because of how he is treated by everyone else... there are a lot of scenes in the whole of CSI that make me go 'awww' :lol:

Well as pabzi said: "welcome!" And we are sure pleased to have another Hodges lover on board (hehe, I love making puns!) You will soon learn to cope with my bad humour :lol:

The question of 'do you think he is gay?' is asked by pabzi to everyone who posts in here at least once! Don't let it scare you away - most people get baffled by how in-depth pabzi gets, don't let her baffle you! :p I'm sure it won't take her long to give you 'the prepared speech' on the topic of Hodges being gay...

If you don't mind me asking, how old are you pirate_jimbob? Don't answer if you don't want! I just have this thing of knowing how old people are :rolleyes:
Re: Hodges

i am back from my walk! the hamster scene is from dog eats dog. as well as the nose clip scene, both are 2 of my favorites. i posted the 'hamster smile' somewhere up there.
pirate (can i call you that?) YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!!!!!!!! i can give you another 6 names of people around here who love him (some of them are lurkers who dont post much, and some are too embarassed to admit that they love him, but i know that they do because i talk to them...and then if you go to lj...wow. we refer to him as david over there.) anyway, as golden smile said i am extremely intense when it comes to hodges. i am intense about the things that mean most to me. ask around. you will see. anyway, i will let golden smile give you my 'hodges is gay speech' since i am tired (srarted working a couple weeks ago, witch is great, but the whole going to sleep early and waking up early is not, and i dont have much time for 'thje speech'. if golden smile doesnt give it to you by friday night, then i will) btw, you are fully entitled to any opinion that you may or may not have about him.
as to golden smile's age thing, she knows, but you should know that i am 22.
if allready we are doing introductions, im 22, live in israel and LOVE hodges.
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