Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: Hodges Scenes

He seemed to nearly fall off quickly! Don't worry, if he does fall off then I've still got him in my favourites and will think of something to post :p

Do you have any pictures of Hodges with the peg on his nose? I think that is probably my favourite scene with Hodges, other than the Grave Danger one of course. Hodges and the peg is kinda like Greg and the marker pens up his nose :lol: Ah, I miss the days of Greg being in the lab. It would be brilliant if we could have both Greg and Hodges back in the lab :D
Re: Hodges Scenes

yes. i have the peg pic. i will post it later or tomorrow. i am eating salad, then i have to shower, then go to sleep. will hodges be in th finale?
Re: Hodges Scenes

the season 6 finale, showing next week in the states. i am pretty much up to the staetes pace now, so i see the eps not long after they do. you are a few months behind, right?
Re: Hodges Scenes

OMG!! I thought you meant the total finale of CSI!! Don't do that to me!

And yes we are a couple of months behind, unfortunately.

I hope he is in the finale because any scene with Hodges is a humorous one :D :lol:
Re: Hodges Scenes

dont even say the words finale of csi!!!!!!!!!
CANT BE AND WONT BE! but the s6 finale is well, here. part 1 was this week. hodges wasnt in it. i think that he might be in pt 2 though. i just checked the list and he is casted. its gonna be big. theres a huge cast. i hope that he will have a nice long scene to lighten up the heavy atmosphere.
Re: Hodges Scenes

ooo I really want to know what happens now... especially since it's a double parter :D Also, the fact that there is a huge cast makes me want to see it even more!

I've just looked and we've got another 8 episodes to go until 'Bang-Bang' which is the first part I'm guessing since it is the second to last episode in the series *detective Amy* :lol:
Re: Hodges Scenes

8 eps... do they show them every week there? i hope so.
bang bang is the first part of the finale. it was on thursday.
my friend saw last laugh yesterday, which has an adorable hodges scene. she didnt like the scene though. its the one in which he is reading a paper and drinking coffee in the breakroom and he says to catherine "are you looking at me?"
paranoia is great!
Re: Hodges Scenes

Yup they show CSI every week here, LV on Tuesdays at 9pm; Miami on Tuesdays at 10pm (are repeats at the moment though); NY on Saturdays at 9:10pm :) Triple dosage of CSI in a week :D :D :D How often do they show it in Israel?
How comes she didn't like that scene? It's a good one :)
Re: Hodges Scenes

of course its a great scene. she likes him, but likes greg more. i dont get why. i like greg very much, but hes just not hodges. the israel schedule of broadcasting is really messed up. there are the local channels and cable, and none of the channels can decide what csi shows and what seasons to show...so its all mesed up...
Re: Hodges Scenes

sounds fun fun fun! Do you have any of the seasons on DVD? Or even video (if they do them on video)? I've only got season 1 of LV, I decided last night that I am going to start watching it all the way through again. I wish I had some of the later seasons so that Hodges would be on them, but the more recent seasons are way more expensive :( I've been saving up for ages now to buy season 2, I think it's still going to be a while
Re: Hodges Scenes

i have all of s5. i have seen all of 4, most of 3 (exept for eps 1,3 and 19) half of s2, and very little of s1. you are lucky to have it on dvd. they dont sell the dvds here, and it is not easy to get a hold of eps. the only ep with hodges that i have not seen is 3x19 - a night at the movies. i know his scene there by heart though :) i know alot of his scenes by heart. at work, i quote him to myself while i climb the ladder and file files. it keeps me going :)
Re: Hodges Scenes

I think it is season 2 that I have seen the least of. Can't you get the dvd's exported to you? Or on e-bay, I haven't looked on e-bay actually...

Do you know how many episodes there are with Hodges in? Sounds like something which you would know :p

Don't you love being able to say 'at work'? :lol:

*wanders off to look on e-bay to see how much CSI DVD's are*
Re: Hodges Scenes

he is in about 5 eps in s3, 9 in s4 and 13 in s5, but that is an estimation. he is in almost all of s6. i saw 3x19 today, so now i have seen every ep with hodges in it!!! try e bay, i think that they are cheap there. how much do they cost in stores there?
hodges's best is in s5 and 6. for sure. there is no question about it. have you seen all of his eps?
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