Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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i think both too.

david himself, do you think that he has acted in school plays when he was a kid? i dont think so.
No. can't see that. David was a shy boy I think. Always smaller than the rest of the kids, probably close to invisible. But dangerously smart. I'm imagining a cute little boy hiding behind a book that's half his size, trying not to be seen.
Only years later he started to realize he had to open his mouth every once in a while in order to make people notice him. (That's after he realized he did want to be noticed) In high school he's probably been an outsider, a geek. That's when he turned snarky, he might have been bullied there, as well.
I think it took him a very long time to grow into the person he is now and to get comfortable and confident with his brains. He wouldn't have been good on a stage, he'd have fainted or wet his pants. (As a kid of course ;))
Maybe not when he was really young. As I said, I think he was a very quiet and shy little boy. Most of the other kids probably assumed he was dumb instead of smart because he hardly said anything.
But I can see him being made fun of when he was older, and it became more obvious that he was geeky. I'd say it wasn't just about the fact that he's so smart, more a combination of the smartness and the shyness that lead to him being an outsider.
And of course, David has never been one who would try to adapt. He might have envied the popular kids at times, after all he does crave for attention a lot. But he would never have wanted to be 'average' like them.
that's what usually happens to the smart kids pabzi. that's what happened with me. they usually made fun of because it was the cool thing to do. but i think they made fun of me for some other reason.
Sorry those a**holes made fun of you alias. People make fun of other people because they're insecure. That's just the saddest thing. Not to mention pathetic.

I think little David is the same David he is now. Attention-seeking, snarky and incredibly brilliant. He wasnt the shy boy in school, he's just not the cool kid (not that he wants to be.) But you've stated some great points Mia. :)
Could be he was like that, but I prefer a cute little David to a snarky one, just can't see a six year old being snarky. ;)
I do however believe that he was craving for attention and recognition already as a child, he just didn't know how to get it. I still think he was too shy.
Maybe he wanted to attract his teachers attention by doing extra work and being orderly and quick. The snark must have come in later :p
i dont think that he was snarky as a kid. i agree with mia cute and shy.
i also dont think that he wanted to be average. i think that he got alot of anger from those years though.
alias im sorry that they made fun of you.

does anyone think that kids knew that david is gay in highschool and made fun of him? i think that it is a possibility.
They probably assumed. Or just spread rumors without even being aware of what they were doing.
Kids do that. In many schools being 'different' in any given way will be interpreted as 'you're gay'.
He might have been called names even before he himself knew that he was. (We gotta be a bit careful here, since David's sexuality is something that we can only speculate about, he never stated he was gay)
Re: David Hodges

SidLer said:

Isn't he cute? :D I wanna touch his cute button nose and pinch his cheeks! I think Hodgie is indeed a Weasel! Cute and snarky (I think! :lol:)

Thanks to you Mia, I now have Pop Goes the Weasel playing in my head. :p :lol:

This is too adorable,
Re: David Hodges

im not capping today. sorry guys. i was planning all week to cap on saturday, but ive been having computer trouble all morning and the slowness of it is making me crazy. if i can some time during the week i will cap 4x4 or DED. im really sorry.
if not, burnout is next week. accordind to a preview, david will be in it.
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