Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

Nope, must've been before my time. I'm not seriously shipping Sara&Davie, they're cute but I'm more into slash :p
Still love their interaction. They have this undeniable something... I'm not going to elaborate on that, this is not a ship thread after all...but still Sara = cute + Hodges = cute => Sara+Hodges = Strangely cute :lol:

Sorry, I need sleep, I'm deranged.
Re: David Hodges

i could see them as frieds (maybe not the type who hang out after work, but at least work buddies)
i love the rash scene in turn of the screws and the crazy is as crazy does scene in commited, and of course the 'rude' sceen in 'a night at the movies'
Re: David Hodges

i still like slash better, but everyone has their own opinion. on there shipper place there is a thread 'who do you think hodges should be with'
i think that it dissapeared by now, but we could go dig it up...
Re: David Hodges

thats the flirty "throw me a bone, roll over, play dead" scene! love it.
Re: David Hodges

Ship discussions belong in the ship forum, please keep this in mind. Thank you.
Re: David Hodges

sorry bout that. *puts it in mind*
was he on last night???
what did he do?
i still havce time left...
Re: David Hodges


Here is another really cute icon.


Is that the truth or what?? Hodges Wallpaper
Re: David Hodges

can someone tell me something that i dont know?

great icons and wallpaper, btw.
Re: David Hodges

pabzi said: was he on last night???
what did he do?
Yep he was and he worked with Greg, and adding in that greg told Grissom how he and hodges worked on the finding the gas station. There was a good amount of David in the ep considering. I think they are inching him in there more and more, some eps he has alot of scenes and some he has no so much, I think the writers are adjusting the fans to him being in there more and more, instead of tossing him in and then dulling down the character.
Re: David Hodges

THATS GREAT!!! was david seen in the field?
thanks destiny. i just have a short amount of time left till its on.
cant wait.


its gonna take me a little while to fill my tank
does he look tired here or is it just my opinion?
gasshoppah that one didnt upload right, i tried a few times, sorry
funny face
i dont know why pedophiles dont just kill themselves
thanks greg he called him greg and not sanders!
checking gas samples
you can stop gassing up ive got a match
pump 6
i seem to have lost the cap in which it says the name of the gas station, but the pump 6 one comes right after it
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