Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

Ya hear that pabzi? We're divorced! I didnt even know we were married. :lol: Darn memory of mine. Oh no Mia, we do let David go to work. He likes it there, so when he like, we like. :) Ya know pabzi, maybe he fell asleep on the microscope becuase of our poor scheduling. :lol:
Re: David Hodges

we will let him go to work :)
we were never married. weve been friends longetr than i can remember though, so we have every right to argue :)

i was thining that he could hang out with me when i watch csi, but im not sure if hed like to see himself on tv :lol:

but really, he would fly all the way from the states to here then back to the states then to you? thats not fair, poor guy.
i love him anyway :)
Re: David Hodges

pabzi said:
he would fly all the way from the states to here then back to the states then to you?
Of course he would! Love knows no boundaries. :)

I think it'd freak him out a bit to see himself on tv. He'd scrunch up his face, spit out the coke he's been drinking and say "WHAAAAAAAAAT THE HELL?!"
Re: David Hodges

do you think that he likes coke or diet coke or other things? he might be a diet coke type whos not on a diet (like me) i think that he likes juice, orange specifically

also, do you think that he sleeps stretched out or curled up?
Re: David Hodges

He sleeps curled up with a stuffed teddy whose face looks just like Nicky.

And he wears an oversized t-shirt that he stole from Nick's locker one day.
Re: David Hodges

i think he sleeps curled up, but doesnt have a teddy or a woobie. if he is with someone, he will probably crawl up and cuddle with them in the night but not want to admit it :D

i think he sleeps in boxers. or when its cold, loose pj pants and a t shirt. but maybe sometimes naked...never know :devil:
Re: David Hodges

The teddy part was a joke, can't really see him do that. But the curling up and cuddling (and of course the denying it) is very David.
Re: David Hodges

I think if David's partner wakes up the next morning and finds David all cuddled up with him, David will flat-out deny. He'll probably tell him that he's imagining things or that he moves a lot in his sleep, so that wasnt a cuddle. He just ended up like that. :p I think he sleeps on his side, or facing up. Drinks...I dont think he's much of a coke drinker, I think he prefers coffee over anything else. :)
Re: David Hodges

coffee for sure! but cold drinks...im a coffee drinker, but its not always the right time for coffee, so i always have juice and diet coke around...
i can see him still in the offendng cuddling position saying 'no, i dint do it'. like all cozy half draped over his partner :)
Re: David Hodges

I can absolutely see that too. David is just cute like that.

I'm not very keen on coke and I don't know the difference between diet coke/normal coke/pepsi, whatever else there is. But Hodges doesn't strike me as a coke drinker either. I'd guess he's juice and water.
Re: David Hodges

some people say diet tastes better. i started drinking it when i was 14, and am totally not on a diet, buti got used to it.
david is a sweetie :)
Re: David Hodges

Guys I have a question, I need to ask, in the other thread you are discussing both "Wallace and David" and in here your discussing david, can you all tell me why two threads would be needed?

We want to hear your opinions on this question. Then I will tell you why I am asking it.
Re: David Hodges

I didn't start it, so I have no idea. I'm posting in both because they are there... And there can't be enough of Hodges discussion, right?
Sorry, guess that's not the answer you're looking for. Or maybe it is...
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