Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

There is no right or wrong answer to the question, since its an opinion. let me re-word the question better.

You have two threads the "Wallace/David discussion thread" and then this one which is a "David discussion thread" aren't the two basically the samething?
If so why have two on the same subject, if not how is it different?
Re: David Hodges

One is solely David, the other isn't. Though I guess we mainly discuss David in both...
The 2nd was originally called Hodges Scenes though. Maybe it was more to be a discussion about his actual screentime and the facts we get to see, the other is more for the personality we don't get to see but have to speculate about.
Re: David Hodges

Okay that makes sense in some way the problem is we have done away with timelines, (remember the "nick Timeline"?) its no longer being done, all discussions regarding ep/character/actor talk on him is being done in the Character/Actor thread. To keep from possibly having two threads with similar discussions. But There is a way to work around that, but it would have to be something you all agree to.
Re: David Hodges

If it would be better and popular enough a picture thread. This way you could have your character/actor discussion in one thread, and in the second thread the pictures or screen caps in another with a discussion, like the other picture threads.

The other side of the idea is that some hold off on picture threads because they are building up more members to the character/actor. Example of this would be the "Gary/Warrick" thread. They have the Character/actor, Ep/Pictures discussions all in one thread.
Re: David Hodges

Hodgie picture thread sounds GREAT. I'm just afraid there aren't all that many... But I'm all for the idea.
Re: David Hodges

there are many. i learned how to cap, but im not always in the right mood. it does sounds great and mia you have alot that you can add to it, with your art abilities :) i think that it is a good idea.
destiny do you have the ability to cange the title here? or do we wait till it gets to 1000? i was actually going to maybe make caps later from 4x4 in honor of the new thread...but should i put them here?
Re: David Hodges

Mods in this forum are able to edit any thread and make any changes. you all can either finish this out or change the title.

But I caution that art pics should go into the Art forum, for example if you have a thread in the art forum, and you add a new pic to that thread, just post a link to that thread here when you update. The picture thread would be for such things as screen caps, celeb pics, promo pics, ect.

Let me know if you want to finish this out or make the change.
Re: David Hodges

hmm. im worried that the thread will die out if its just pics. as ive said, i can cap, but im not always patient enough to deal with photobucket. does anyone esle cap? we can take turns. and mia can always link us her art pics :D
Re: David Hodges

Not every post needs to contain pics. You can discuss them too. Don't worry, we won't let the Hodges love die down :)
Re: David Hodges

Well you can also discuss the caps or the celeb pictures, pictures from other projects and so on. for instance like they do in the WP/GG, MH/CW, JF/SS picture threads. they aren't all just about the current character but other projects, or ceremonies, ect.
Re: David Hodges

What do you want it named "Wallace/Hodges Picture thread"? its simple until a new thread is up.
This thread has officially been changed, note the name and the new first post on page one which states the following.
Due to the change this thread reflects the following.

This thread is dedicated to Picture of the hot, snarky and loveable lab tech whose sense of humor and seriousness landed him into the hearts of his fans.

Please remember the rules of picture threads.
**Pictures Max Size 400 x 400.
**If they are bigger use the "URL" Code.

Pictures per post:
1 large (400x400)or
2 medium (130x130)or
3 small (115x115)

URL Links: try not to do over 6 in one post please and when you do them (if your using the UBB Code box) paste in the addy you have then, when it asks for a name PLEASE do not paste the address in again.
But rather give it a name like "Cutie Pie". The reason we suggest that is because the addresses are sometimes so long it stretches the screen.

Please remember that "Hotlinking" is not allowed at any point, and will be edited, hotlinking is: when you link a picture to be viewed from a site that you do not own or operate. If you wish to have a picture viewed that belong to another site use the URL Link.

And Please not post any 'Adult' images, the mods may delete your post.
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