Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

Ah, Shipper Central. Its so weird that its the most popular forum here yet I dont go there. At all. :lol: I dunno why...maybe its because I get lost when Im there. But I see that you woke up the sleeping Hodges/Nick thread. I'll go there to say hello in a bit. :) About some people out there not appreciating David, yes, thats really sad. Where's the love? :(
Re: David Hodges

yeah. thats why i like it here MOST of the time, people are respectful. last week was a defect, but really there is so much love for him here.

is there anyone here who knows how to make banners and be willing to make one for me? i dont have photoshop or anything like that.
Re: David Hodges

How about Mia? She's good at manips so maybe she's good at making banners too. You should ask her. :) I'm horrible at banner/icon/whatever making. That's why I keep signatures instead of banners. :p

There are quite a number of people here who love/like Hodges. But its quite sad that when for instance you Google "David Hodges", you get not many hits and instead you get hits for a singer by the same name. :eek:
Re: David Hodges


true, but go to lj and see, there are many users who list him as an interest, i went into a bunch of their pages, and most also had csi as an interest, meaning that its him. but there still were some who had the singer.
Re: David Hodges

is there anyone here who knows how to make banners and be willing to make one for me? i dont have photoshop or anything like that
How about Mia? She's good at manips so maybe she's good at making banners too. You should ask her.
Thanks for the compliment ;)
I'm not very experienced with banners, I could give it a try but I'm sure it wouldn't ever look better that the one you already have. I'd suggest you go to the art forum and ask someone over there, there's very talented and helpful people.
Re: David Hodges

thanks :) maybe i will. they dont seem to be crazy about david over there, but its worth a try.
Re: David Hodges

I think there's only a handful of us who're REALLY crazy about David. :lol: Let me see...myself, pabzi, Mia, alias, gsrhappyending, and a few others. We're a rare species, which is sad, coz it'd be great if a lot more people take notice of him. :)
Re: David Hodges

we have to share him with a few more...theres csi_niteowl, helena_eterna, duckgirlie, cinaed, amazonqueenkate...and others on lj.
im happy that there are people who love him, but he is very hard to share!
Re: David Hodges

He is unsharable! I dont want to share him. :( Maybe I can steal Destiny's clone machine and zap clones for the rest of you and I get to keep the real David. Because Im nice like that. :p :D
Re: David Hodges

Okok, since Im nice we'll share the real one. You get David on nights on the days youre working and I get him during the day. When youre not working we'll draw lots. Rock, paper, scissors. Best out of 3 gets David. Weekends you get him on Saturday and I get him on Sunday. During Xmas and Hanukkah we'll share. :D :lol:
Re: David Hodges

hehe. and i get him friday, cause im off work and you have school, but i watch csi in the afternoon, so you can have him then :D
Re: David Hodges

But ill be studying all Friday. Ah well he can help me study then. Dont think I'll get much done with him sitting right next to me. :devil:
Re: David Hodges

You talk like a divorced couple figuring out who gets to see the kid on what days...

Did you ever consider that after a whole day/night with either of you the poor guy needs a bit of a break? Can't have him fall asleep at work again... That is, if you even let him work ;)
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