Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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YAY. The first official Hodges Picture Thread :D Partaaay.

Looking forward to you caps. And while you're at it, don't forget to make some for the Nicky/Hodges thread ;)
I need inspritation, you know :)
yeah, well, i need to rewath 4x4 anyway (LOVE IT) david has 3 scenes, so his warrick and gris scenes will do here, and if i can get anything good from his nicky scene, i know where to take it :)

eta- i rewatched 4x4, but i couldnt cap, cause my copy isnt clear enough. my friend who has a better dvd than i do can meet me either late tonight or tomorrow after work...but i wrote down where the scenes are, and there are 4 scenes and some great expressions :)
ohh i love Hodges ^_^
and for some reason i always thought it was inappropriate to think of him as anything other than amusing with his snark.

but now i know BETTER!!!
and can I just say, I loved Wallace in Little Miss Sunshine...does anyone know if there are any pics from it? I don't think there are sadly as it obviously isn;t out on DVD yet!
i dont know if there are pics yet for it...dunno. souds like he was sorta undavidy there though. the movie sounds good :)
as for wallace in it, supposedly he was wearing an open shirt with chains...and it showed his chest hair...ohh, and he had a hideaous moustace. uggh...dont think hodges would ever grow one.
thats why i say that they are twins, or dopplegangers :)
Lost2MuchSpeed said:
but now i know BETTER!!!
and can I just say, I loved Wallace in Little Miss Sunshine...does anyone know if there are any pics from it? I don't think there are sadly as it obviously isn;t out on DVD yet!
I've been searching high and low for caps of LMS too. But there aren't any...not that I know of anyway. He looks creepy from what I know, creepy but kind guy. :)
i think that he helps the girl. sidler did you see the movie?
im capping 4x4 later, and i have the anal pic from king baby, so ill be back :)
I wanted to see it, I think theyre still screening it here. If only I have the time. Oh well, i'll just wait till they release the DVD. :) I think someone mentioned before that he helped the little girl at the ending...but i'm not sure in what way. The movie got great reviews though. Its a must-see. :)

I have some caps to share. :D I caught Room Service yesterday on the telly while I was taking a break and caught it near the middle. David came on! From his microscope! :lol: I didnt know he was in that eppie. (what the heck, I didnt even know what the episode title was. :p)

Just woken up. So adorable...he needs some strong coffee. :lol:

Explaining his dream. I didnt remember his dream from before. When i listened to it I was laughing like crazy.

David talking about his dream: "It was the 80's and I had this Don Johnson beard, you know, the Miami Vice stubble. It just gave me this air of danger. My lady loved it."

When he said "My lady", I think he meant "My man". :p Anyway, I got a picture of Don Johnson aka Miami Vice dude. David'll look pretty hot with that stubble alright. ;)
Cute pics. And I think he meant to say "My Nicky" ;)
Check the Nicky/Hodges thread for further explanation ;)
I wish I'd seen that ep by the way. Delay sucks.
Oh yeah, "My Nicky" definitely! "My Sabrina" wont be too bad either. ;) You should check the eppie out when it shows. I thought it was a good ep. And they featured a great song - Mad World by Gary Jules. And of course David and his antics...dont want to forget that. :)
Of course I'm checking it out. I'm never missing any eps, I just don't seem the originals mostly, I always wait for them to show on german TV, which takes like forever...
But I've seen a clip of Davie dozing at work. Soo cute :)
Great caps. :) alias I love your maroon icon! That shirt's always been my fav. It looks amazing on him. Its quite fitting actually. Fits him like a glove. YUM. :D
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