Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

He's Hodges. Unique. There's not a living creature like him, not even the snarkiest little kitten.

And 5 month definitely explaines hyper ;) they're soo cute when they're little.
Re: David Hodges

yup :) they are :D
there really is no living creature like him. i wonder if the other characters will ever see it.
hes special :)
Re: David Hodges

He sure is. :)

I think he's gay, or at least bi. But that might just be my wishes... I want David and Nick to get together already. ;)
Re: David Hodges

me too!!!!!!!!!!!
its my wishes too, but its not just wishes. he has a gay vibe.
Re: David Hodges

Hehe. Yep, D. :D

So David's not a housecat? Noted. He can't be a lion, cheetah, tiger or leopard, theyre too scary and David isnt scary, just snarky. He's a new breed. :p

All that talk about kittens... I feel like getting one. I must be kidding myself. :lol:
Re: David Hodges

Maybe David isn't a cat after all... *starts musing* He could be anything really.

All the cat talk made me want to cuddle mine, but he's somewhere out, chasing after lady cats... not that I blame him...
Re: David Hodges

hehe. harrys jealous of your cat. he doesnt go out and will be neutred in a month.

new breed, 100%
asas for scary, as ive mentioned before, i think that superdave may be scared of him.
Re: David Hodges

awesome. so they must be snarky too. are they friendly? are they in the cat family?
Re: David Hodges


Isn't he cute? :D I wanna touch his cute button nose and pinch his cheeks! I think Hodgie is indeed a Weasel! Cute and snarky (I think! :lol:)

Thanks to you Mia, I now have Pop Goes the Weasel playing in my head. :p :lol:
Re: David Hodges

that is sooo sweet. i dont know exactly what they are like but if it is as mia says, then thats our david for sure. cute, sneaky, snarky, smart and observant. but the weasels ears are cuter than david's, i must admit :p
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