Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

Black tee. :) Do you think David's the type who fishes? Somehow I can't see him wearing a hat with fish hooks hanging off it and a vest with rubber worms dangling out. :lol:
Re: David Hodges

nah? i dont think, but i can see him sitting on a dock peacefully reading a book, or just looking out at the water.
Re: David Hodges

I can't see him doing anything fish-related either. Except eating fish 'n' chips. Have we discussed whether or not David's vegetarian? I can't recall, but I think we haven't. Do you think he is? I think he's not, but he's not much of a meat eater and only eats meat occassionally. :)
Re: David Hodges

i think weve discussed it, but i agree with you. eats meat sometimes. maybe he feels that its too heavy.
Re: David Hodges

Hmm, lets talk about holiday destinations. Which country/island/city/state do you think is his favorite place to holiday?
Re: David Hodges

i think that he likes to holiday at his house :p
if not then a little cabin in the woods somewhere. i dont think that he goes far.
Re: David Hodges

I agree with pabzi about the little cabin in the woods, I think he would rather go somewhere on holiday where he can be alone and not be bothered by many other people. IMO, things like busy beaches in Spain or noisy amusements at the seaside are just to busybodied for him and he would rather spend some time by himself where he can't be annoyed by all the little things people around him do.
Re: David Hodges

pabzi said:
i think that he likes to holiday at his house :p
You burst my bubble! That was what I wanted to say. :p

Golden_Smile said:
IMO, things like busy beaches in Spain or noisy amusements at the seaside are just to busybodied for him and he would rather spend some time by himself where he can't be annoyed by all the little things people around him do.
Definitely! Can you imagine him at the theme park or beach and screaming little kids are running around all over the place? He'll explode. :p
Re: David Hodges

i bet that if he was with someone (in a couple) and that person managed to drag him on a vacation to a noisy place, david would complain the whole time!
Re: David Hodges

Even if he got dragged to a quiet place, he'll still find something to complain about. :lol: I don't think there's ever a time where he's happy with everything and have absolutely nothing to complain about. When he's sick and is nauseous from the meds, he'll complain. When he wins a free trip to the Bahamas, he'll complain. When David doesn't complain, that'll be the day. :p
Re: David Hodges

if he wins a free trip i dont think he'll complain. also, if hes sick, he might not say anything, isnt he the type whod go to work even if hes sick?
Re: David Hodges

Really? I think he's the type who complains no matter what the occassion or situation is. :) He's definitely the type who'll go to work even tho he's down with some funky illness. He's not the type who'll mope around at home. He's the get-off-my-ass-and-do-it! kinda guy. :p
Re: David Hodges

exactly. i think that he will complain when someone comments that hes so sick that he has to go home, otherwise he will contaminate evidence by coughing.
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