Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

maybe it stays there, or maybe it comes out in other ways. never know. maybe he writes, or plays guitar, or draws, or maybe his bitterness towards the world is his way of dealing with the pain.
Re: David Hodges

If he plays the guitar, he's my man. I think he deals with pain and anger by being snarky and bitter. But wait, when he's happy, is he still snarky?
Re: David Hodges

i think that hes still snarky, but a less bitter kind, like how he was in built to kill part 1.
Re: David Hodges

Did you notice anything different about him in BTK? Less snark, nicer maybe? Can you imagine it if he's nice and un-snarky throughout the entire season? That's scary! :eek:
Re: David Hodges

I'm looking at your avatar pabzi, and I notice that his hair is grayer there than on tv. Is his hair really that gray on CSI? I dont really notice. Too busy staring at his cute expressions. :)
Re: David Hodges

I don't know what I would do if I had to wait to get my Hodges fix for the week. I would probably go crazy. Be thinking about all day during school and wouldn't be able to concentrate
Re: David Hodges

Guys, try waiting for months to get your Hodges fix. :p Luckily I have schoolwork to keep myself busy with. pabzi, I can't believe I just said that! Luckily and schoolwork in the same sentence! I'm whacked! :lol: Anyhoo, keep me updated with Hodgie news okiedokes?
Re: David Hodges

you will know...you have your resident lunatic here :D
i need my fix too. im very happy that i dont have to wait long, i get to see it a day after the US.
sidler, im proud of you that you are thinking positively about schoolwork!
Re: David Hodges

Another good that is that they have the dvd's so you can watch old episodes and get your hodges fix that way. That is how I survive through the week.
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