Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

I was reading the back pages of this thread and look what I found! This is something you posted on Wed Jun 14 06 pabzi:

HODGES IN THE OPENING CREDITS!!!!!! that would be a dream com true. i wish.
Looks like your wish came true!! :D

A dragon tat is possible, but it seems too harsh on him in my opinion. What about a ship's anchor tat? It'd be possible if 1. He was in the navy 2. Was a sailor at some point during his life or 3. Have an obsession with anchors. :p
Re: David Hodges

hehe your funny>
yup> the dream came true! i cant wait> i hope that the network is up and i get to see it at the same time as the americans again>>>we will see>
sailor? dont think so> hes not the type> maybe he curses like a sailor< but other than that>>>
Re: David Hodges

Hodges is going to be in the opening credits?! :D It'll be ages until we get s7 over here so please try not to say many spoilers :)

I can actually see David as a sailor, in the navy. I think it is his hair that makes me think that. Since I said I can see him having a tattoo, I really do think it could be an anchor, I think that would look brilliant on him! :lol:
Re: David Hodges

yup. he is going to be in the credits! sofia is too.
destiny said that it is not considered a spoiler.
Re: David Hodges

Oh, I didn't mean that was a spoiler - I want to know that! :) I just meant for when you do start watching the actual series, I really didn't mean about the credit thing!
Re: David Hodges

Golden_Smile said:
I can actually see David as a sailor, in the navy. I think it is his hair that makes me think that. Since I said I can see him having a tattoo, I really do think it could be an anchor, I think that would look brilliant on him! :lol:
I think an anchor tat would look good on him too. :) I wonder if he was in the army or navy or anywhere before he joined the lab?

I watched a couple of CSI episodes on DVD yesterday (Seasons 2 and 3) and when I watched the opening credits, I can't help but wonder how they're going to fit David and Sofia in there. It's a little cramped. Do you guys wonder too? Do you think they will extend the opening song or shorten each character's time in the credits?
Re: David Hodges

i think that they will do both. extend it a bit, and shorten some parts :) they'll fit our david in!
Re: David Hodges

I think they'll add in a couple of extra who-who's to the song. Anyway, I can't wait to see it! :)
Re: David Hodges

i cant wait either. the people on the spoiler threads are upset about the credits. im so excited that hodgie will be there!
Re: David Hodges

I can understand why some viewers are upset. I guess the opening credits will be a bit cramped. CSI started off with Gil, Cat, Sara, Nick and Warrick at first, then Greg, Brass (is he in the credits?) and Doc, and now Hodges and Sofia. Thats kinda many dont you think? :lol: But hey, Im happy Hodges will be featured in the credits. :) But if they keep adding more casts into the credits with each new season I think they'll have to play the entire 'Who Are You' song. :p
Re: David Hodges

the entire who are you is about 8 minutes long! im just happy that davids there and that is that.
a little present for everyone. this is from committed and i think that it is one of my all time favorites:


(Sara adjusts the scope as she looks through it.)

HODGES: Would you ever bleach your hair?

(Sara glances up at Hodges nearby.)

HODGES: I wouldn't. It's so Greg Sanders.

(Sara goes back to the scope.)


(Dark colored hair with yellow tips.)

HODGES: Most of the hair is the vic's, but I also found that bleached sample as
well. In my continuing quest to further my standing, I took it upon myself to
get you the tox report.

SARA: Thanks.

HODGES: You're welcome. Blood came back with pretty hefty levels of

SARA: That's a potent anti-psychotic.

HODGES: Good for drooling. And also there's the, uh, not so potent smattering
of ibuprofen.

SARA: That's it?

HODGES: That's it.

(Sara looks at the report. It reads:

FROM: Forensic Toxicology Laboratory
Forensic Science Laboratories

SUBJECT: Coroner's Case Number LVP -

In accordance with your request, tox -
Performed and are now completed on the -

------ ---- -------

(Hodges pontificates.)

HODGES: If I were institutionalized, I think I would hope for something better.
Clonazepam, maybe.

(Sara gives Hodges a look.)

HODGES: What, you, uh, think I'm crazy?

SARA: Crazy is as crazy does.

(Hodges doesn't know what to make of that one.)

SARA: His chart indicated at least four other anti-psychotics. Why wasn't he
getting those meds?

HODGES: (shrugs) Do I look clairvoyant?

Re: David Hodges

8 mins long means that they can put more people in to the credits. Not a good idea tho.

Very long pabzi! Good scene. :) So, is he clairvoyant? :p
Re: David Hodges

hes not clairvoyant. i love that scene. how does he know that he would want clonazepam? i wonder...
Re: David Hodges

How does ANYONE know they want Clonazepam? What's that drug for anyway? I think he's worked in traces long eonugh so by now he knows which drug is what exactly. ...Or do you think he's been on that meds before?
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