Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

Meat catfood? Do you know what meat it is? I like looking at the shiny type of catfood. It looks like meat-jelly. :p

I think David has wondered what catfood tastes like. We all do, don't we? :p But I don't think he's ever tasted it. When he's having his meals, he'll feed his cat food from his plate. Maybe that's why his cat is fat.

I don't think David's the type who goes crazy over a brand. If he likes a particular coffee brand he'll keep buying it, but if it's out of stock he'll find something else. I think he uses coffee powder. Is that regular or instant?
Re: David Hodges

what do you mean by powder? i think that regular is powder too. in my country other than at coffee shops, all there is is instant. i think he drinks regular coffee. he probably doesnt go for brands, but he needs good coffee. im sure that he complains about the breakroom coffee like everyone.
i think that he feeds his cat tablefood, but makes sure not to give it anything that is bad for it (spices and stuff).
meat jelly :p yuck.
Re: David Hodges

Oh, what I was trying to ask is the powder-type of coffee, is that classified as regular coffee beans or instant? Nescafe is instant right? I think he drinks that brand. I'm not a coffee fan but I find the aroma and taste nice. :) If everyone else complains about the coffee in the breakroom (what brand are they using??) David will complain 2 times more. Or maybe 3. Depends on his mood that day. :p Did you know that gelatin is made of animal skin, connective tissues and/or bones? Yuck! :p I call that meat-jelly. :p
Re: David Hodges

nescafe is instant. i think that he's too finicky to drink instant :p i dont know what brand they use in the breakroom, probably state supplied coffee cause it is law enforcement. im sure he has what to sat about it :p
Re: David Hodges

He always has what to say about nothing, anything and everything. :p You think he brews his coffee using coffee beans every morning? Wow! That takes patience. I think the coffee in the lab is some cheap, Grade C coffee. Actually the law enforcement supplies them Grade A coffee but Ecklie switched it with his own because he's cheap like that. :p
Re: David Hodges

i dont think it takes patience to brew coffee! i think that david has patience for certain things, like coffee, cars, trace, but he doesnt have patience for things like HUMAN STUPIDITY
Re: David Hodges

Who's got patience for human stupidity anyway? :p David's got patience for cars? Uhh, why cars? I'm not a very patient person. If I want a cup of coffee (about once a year :p), I'd want it NOW. So I'd use instant and not scratch. I think David is like that too. When he has time he'll brew it, if not he'll use some good quality instant coffee. :)
Re: David Hodges

i dont know about the coffee. i think hes ficicky.
he knows cars. you never saw hoe good he is with cars when it comes to trace?
Re: David Hodges

In answer to if there is vegetarian cat food, yes there is:
Veggie cat food

There are a couple of other places aswell, just try typing it into google :) I definitely have to say that my cat woulod not be getting vegetarian food! She is so picky of what she eats, I think all cats are. If you are in a supermarket down the pet food aisle, you see dog owners just putting anything in their trolleys but cat owners are looking very closely at everything thinking "well she/he won't eat that, or that... ". Don't get me wrong, I like cats (other than mine) but they have to be one of the pickiest animals on the face of the planet!

Anyway, sorry for the off-topicness...

I watched Grave Danger again on Monday and I had forgotten just how funny the scene with the package is! :lol: One of his better ones I think :D I love how he is slightly out of breath when he is talking to Grissom just after he managed to get the package off the guy. It makes him sound so cute as he is talking (cute is the wrong word but I can't think of the right one).

When can you see that David is good with cars? IMO, if you are working with trace then you pick pieces of information up all the time and store them all up in your head until they become useful, as with most things really.

I can see David as having road rage, and major road rage at that! He would be making loads of sarcastic comments thinking that the other drivers can hear him. As most drivers do...
Re: David Hodges

whats road rage?
he just seems to know alot about cars, or maybe its just a feeling that i have. dont know.
his vast amounts of knowledge constantly amaze me!
Re: David Hodges

Golden_Smile said:
I love how he is slightly out of breath when he is talking to Grissom just after he managed to get the package off the guy. It makes him sound so cute as he is talking (cute is the wrong word but I can't think of the right one).
Nope, cute is the word! :D Actually I use "Awww, Hodgie you big teddy bear you!" but cute is good enough. :lol: The veggie cat food looks like Waffle Crisp Cereal without the holes. :lol: I think David curses when he drives. Babies and kids should NEVER be in the same car as him unless they wish to expand their vocab. :p

pabzi, he amazes me too. :) I never thought I'd like him this much, but you crazy people changed my thinking and I thank you all for that. :p
Re: David Hodges

hes a cutie!!!
he definately has road rage! i think that he probably has some extremely interesting curses that he invented. the term road rage reminds me of when him and bobby were talking about road rash in a bullet runs through it part 2 :)
im crazy and proud of it!!!!
Re: David Hodges

David's got some cursing issues I'm sure!

David in the morning: @!#$ you alarm clock!!
David in the car: Watch the road you *BEEP*!!
David in the lab: What the %!$# do you want now Sanders?!
David at night: Sh!t what a tiring day.

Cusses are a part of him. :) pabzi, you're crazy. :D
Re: David Hodges

im sure of that too. i agree with every word except for 1 thing you got wrong: i am *VERY* crazy!! especially about david!
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