Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

Mulder? I'm completely lost? :confused:

I haven't posted for a little while but I have been reading them along the way and I totally agree with pabzi, I don't think David and Wallace are nothing alike, IMO. At least I hope they aren't because I don't want 2 David's, that'd meen he'd have to be shared! :lol:
Re: David Hodges

nono. there i 1 david hodges. :)
there was a classic show called the x files. it had 9 seasons (but if you ask me only 7) and it was amazing. on it, there is an fbi agent called fox mulder who has a very interesting personality. if he would meet david... what would happen? i think that it would be exremely amausing. mulder is a bit sarcastic, but not rude enough to be competition for hodges. truth is, i havent seen XF in a VERY long time, but i think that those 2 could either be wonderful friends or wonderful enemies :)
by the way, golden...from what i have seen, many now csi followers were then XF followers :) it went off about 6 years ago though.
Re: David Hodges

I was an X-phile. :) And Fox Mulder was my first bf. :)

You're right. Mulder is a little sarcastic, but not WAYYY sarcastic like David. I think they'll be wonderful friends. I can see them catching up over coffee, and David will complain to Mulder about the gang trying to ruin his life and how bad the coffee tastes and that they should get that brand Greg is drinking and how bright the lighting is because it's making him blind and why is that weirdo sitting at table 3 staring at him is it because there is a lobster sprouting out of his head. Mulder will complain to David about how crappy the government is and that the truth IS out there. Basically, they'll have a great conversation. :)
Re: David Hodges

i think it will be interesting. they would pribablly argue a ton. maybe less complaining and more arguing. i dont remember mulder being particualr about coffee, so maybe david would make him blue hawaiin and mulder woulnt notice a difference and theyd argue. not that mulder lives in vegas, but i definately could see david being annoyed that mulder has a fishtank without fish.
Re: David Hodges

Hehe. His fish tank is WAY too clean to be a fish tank. :p I think there're a few goldfish inside though. :) I wonder if David is like Mulder. Got tank, no fish in sight. Do you think he keeps a pet? Is he a dog person or a cat person? I think he's a cat person. :) At the cafe, Mulder will be munching on sunflower seeds (as always) and at some point David will tell Mulder in all seriousness that there'll be a bunch of sunflowers sprouting out of his ears soon. :p
Re: David Hodges

Ahh, I understand now, and yes I do know what X-Files is :) I love it! I've played the game and watched a couple episodes but haven't really seen that many of them, I will one day...

I think Mulder and David would get on great. I can just see them being sat in a pub or something along those lines talking about extremely weird/random things
Re: David Hodges

weird and random things!!!
that explains those 2 in a nutshell!
david has a cat. for sure. im convinced!
probably a really huge old cat with tons of fur that he talks to!
i read a fic in which his cat's name was ptolemy the great. i almost shot coffee from my nose :lol:
Re: David Hodges

An old cat with tons of fur? Wow. Is it like those fluffy white cats with soft long hair? I'm not familiar with the breeds. Does he baby-talk his cat or does he talk to him/her like he/she's a person?

Ptolemy the Great? How on earth... :lol:
Re: David Hodges

i dont think that its a persian cat (those fluffy white ones), probably a big orange cat that has a personality just like his. everytime i think of the name ptolemy the great i laugh. suits david's cat perfectly. i think that he talks to it as if its a person. snark and all :)
Re: David Hodges

Oh yes, persian cats. I remember them to be fuffy and white (marshmallow! :D) from some cat food commercial I saw. I can't even remember the brand, but the cat food looks yummy. :)

You know which cat would be a great pet for him? Garfield. He's the most sarcastic cat I've ever known. And he's orange and fat. :D I'm not sure if he's old, though. Does David hate Mondays and spiders? I can't see David baby-talking anyone or anything. Even to babies he'll talk to the poor babe like he's an adult. Snark and all. :p
Re: David Hodges

snark to everyone!
my cat says that catfood is yummy. i dont like the smell.
im not crazy about garfield. and garfield is old. im 23 and i remember him from when i was really little, i think he was around way before that. i dont think that david hates mondays and spiders. i think that he hates almost every day.
where does the name ptolemy the great come from? i read that last week and am still laughing about it nonstop.
Re: David Hodges

Claudius Ptolemaeus , known in English as Ptolemy, was a Greek-speaking geographer, astronomer, and astrologer who lived in the Hellenistic culture of Roman Egypt. You can read more about him here. :)

I agree with your kitty. Cat food tastes yummy (not that Ive tasted it, but it looks damn tasty :p). Garfield is a really old character. But you know cartoons, they never age. :p I think David hates everyday too, but he tries to make the best of each day. :)
Re: David Hodges

do you think that he wakes up mumbling everyday as to what day it is and why he woke up? i think hes the type. i also think that hes the type who cant open his eyes without coffee. he probably does what i do: put the coffee on, brush teeth, drink coffee.
why would someone name a cat ptolemy? :lol:
im vegetarian, so even if i thought catfood looked tasy i wouldnt eat it.
Re: David Hodges

Is there vegetarian cat food? Are there cats that are vegetarian? Is your cat vegetarian? :)

To answer your question, why would someone name a cat Garfield? Or a dog Pluto? I named my ex-goldfish Spike, and my cousin named my ex-hammie Buttercup, so I'm the wrong person to ask. :lol:

I think he's the sort who curses when he wakes up. It's how he says Good Morning to the world. :p He, like many, many other people in the world can't survive without coffee. So the minute he wakes up he'll brew a pot. I'm one of the few who can. :D
Re: David Hodges

my cat eats meat catfood :p i dont know if there is vegetarian catfood. do you think that david ever pondered if catfood tastes good? does he give his cat tablescraps?
ptolemy the great is such a funnt name for a cat.
do you think he drinks expensive cofee like blue hawaiin? or regular coffee beans? or instant?
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