Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

nah, thats not hodges. he looks too wallace-y.
the tie :p
was david wearing a tie with the suit? i gotta check the pic. i just woke up.
Re: David Hodges

Yup, he was wearing a tie with the suit. I wanted to post that suit pic but i gotta dig through my photobucket. :p I'll find it later. :) We need some new David pics! My supply is running dry!
Re: David Hodges

when s 7 comes out, david pics will be running around. i think that you have the same ones i have if not more. ill chack the pic later for the tie. right now im busy sending a friend on a wild goose chase that has to do with david while i get ready for work--theres a partial fic up that she is interested in and i m giving her clues as to where it is--and i have a good reason :p
Re: David Hodges

What is it? You can tell me and I'll promise not to tell her. :) I don't like goose chases, because the goose always turns around and bite me in the back. :p I can't wait for Season 7! Think of all the David caps we're going to have! We might even have enough to make a collage. :)
Re: David Hodges

hehe. shes looking for a 5 part fic that only has 1 part so far. its rated G, so maybe i can get permission to put a link here. it will be pg-13 though, most likely, as the chapters go on, maybe it will get to R by chapter 5, so i have to see before i ask them is i can put up a link.
i cant wait for s 7 either!!
Re: David Hodges

Sounds good! :) If only the writers would use the fics the fans have written. Many are SO good! They should get tips from them, or better, hire them to join the writing team. :)
Re: David Hodges

i know. some people have good ideas as to what his past was and they can really help the writers.
Re: David Hodges

I wonder if Wallace realizes that so many fans take that ride just so they can see "Hodges", when in fact they are looking at / listening to Dr. Grant Seeker. ;) But I don't blame them really, because whenever I see Wallace in a movie or show I'd squee becuase he reminds me of Hodges. :)

The writers BETTER have a past in mind for David. If not, we can just shove the thousand and one fics the fans have written into their, umm, hands. :p
Re: David Hodges

into their hands :p
i love david. to me, wallace is wallace and david is david. they look alike. maybe they are twins. like it says on destiny'd sig, i choose the reality that i want to accept :)
Re: David Hodges

That's a good quote. :) I wonder where she got it from? Do you think there are other David look-a-likes out there? Imagine he has a doppleganger working halfway across the world who's driving his colleagues insane too. :p Do you believe in dopplegangers?
Re: David Hodges

i believe in dopplegangers (sidLer- think XF)
do david and wallace know each other?
Re: David Hodges

In Small Potatoes, was that Mulder's doppleganger?

If they're twins, I believe they know each other. I don't know Wallace's personality or if he's anything like David. But I doubt they're alike. David's snark is above anyone else's. So when they meet, there'll be a one-sided snark war. :p
Re: David Hodges

i SERIOUSLY dont think tha they are anything alike!
small potatos was a shapeshifter. in a later season there were dopplegangers. had to do with copy shops and boxing i think. if david met mulder............what would the outcome be???????
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