Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

good analogy :) we have been reading the same fics for sure, but what i said doesnt only have what to do with that.you think he knows random facts? i know he does :)
Re: David Hodges

David is THE random fact go-to guy! He knows a bunch of stuff... like all porcupines float in water, or that there are 63,630 inches in a mile. Like you've said before, I can totally see it when one day his lover says those 3 magic words and he casually throws a random fact.

David's lover: ...I love you.
David: Lizards communicate by doing push-ups.
David's lover: :confused:

As far as he's concerned, those 3 words don't exist in the dictionary. :p
Re: David Hodges

:lol: can lizards really communicate ny doing push ups? i can sooo imagine him saying that. also, running to the kitchen claiming that his toast is burning, when there is no toast in the toaster anyway :lol:
but he definately is a doer and not a sayer. if he loves someone, he'll show it. hes not mushy (flowers and all that) but he will show it in his own way.
Re: David Hodges

This may seem random, but in "Kiss Kiss, Bye Bye," when Sara says "Hodges don't you know that grey hair can be attractive," is she talking about Grissom or Hodges? Mostly like Grissom, but I wanted to make sure.
Re: David Hodges

grissom! he was standing right there and she was trying to impress him, but it did confuse hodges. my opinion, and NO, i dont think that he is attracted to her.
Re: David Hodges

scenes like that are confusing. everyone has to analyze it by their own opinion.
Re: David Hodges

pabzi said:
grissom! he was standing right there and she was trying to impress him, but it did confuse hodges. my opinion, and NO, i dont think that he is attracted to her.
i agree pabzi i dont think he likes her like that and that grey hair comment was definately ment for grissom his expression sed it all!
Re: David Hodges

I got that fact about lizards off a Snapple bottle cap. Push-ups... pretty cool isn't it? :p I totally get you pabzi. David's not a flower and chocolates guy. When he loves someone he'll show it in other ways. You know what I mean.

That scene in KKBB, IMO Sara was talking to David and indirectly to Grissom. You can tell Grissom got the hint by the look on his face. I think David didn't even stop to think for a second if Sara was hitting on him. When she said that to him you can tell he sensed there was something going on between those two. He's sharp.
Re: David Hodges

I've seen your avatar so many times and I still like it pabzi. :) Did he say that? I like the previous one you used too. The one that says "Who, me? What? What did I do?" That one cracks me up. :lol: I was thinking of printing that onto a shirt. I can definitely hear David say those words. He's the type who can get really paranoid at times. :p
Re: David Hodges

hell yeah!! paranoia is a good thing :) i love my avatar too!! i dont think that he ever said that. someone made it and put it up for grabs. you can get some too. you have to go to lj and scroll back and you'll find a ton!! not all of them are that great, but alot are worth it!!
Re: David Hodges

Do you know the song 'I Think I'm Paranoid' by Garbage? "You can look, but you can't touch.. I don't think I like you much.." It fits David to a T. :p Thanks for the info. I'll go look. :D
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