Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

The pic wouldn't open? I can see it. Do you think it's been photoshopped? He should never dye his hair blue. :eek: Unless it's Halloween or um, he feels 18 again. :p

Glad you guys see the point I was trying to make. David and Gil are very similar, that's why they're always at loggerheads.
Re: David Hodges

gil isnt exactly like david, but their way of thinking is similar. not their way of acting.
Re: David Hodges

Golden_Smile The pic that you posted said forbidden request, is this the picture that you were trying to post?

Blueish colored Hair?

If so the problem was the start of the address in your's started out http://i.imdb .. where as this one is started http://imdb .. no extra "I" at the beginning.

Remember everyone when posting URL Clickables to use the "preview Button" to make sure the link will work, by clicking on to it. :)
Re: David Hodges

oh god...as i always say... wallace and david are 2 totally different ppl who just happen to look alike. thats my opinion.
Re: David Hodges

I can see both Golden's and Destiny's pics. Weird. And yup, that's the pic. Imagine if Hodges wakes up one day suffering from a midlife crisis. He goes out and dies his hair blue and buys a leather jacket. As horrible as it sounds, it's kinda cool, especially the part about the leather jacket. Just a little fantasy of mine. ;) And since it's not suitable for the audience here, I'll spare you the details. :p
Re: David Hodges

the middle life crisis part with the hair and jacket...NO!! but the fanrasy part...
Re: David Hodges

Yes that is the same picture Destiny, thank you :) I did do the preview button, I always do, and it worked for me too... strange :confused: Hay-ho...

If there is anyone I would love to see have a midlife crisis it would be Hodges, no matter how horrible that sounds!

If David were to change his hair colour, then what would you recommend him to change to?

I would have to say ginger, just so I could laugh at him everytime I saw him! Ginger with green eyebrows...ah, I crack myself up sometimes! :lol:
Re: David Hodges

But what if he absolutely had to! Someone had a gun to his head and told him he had to change his hair colour otherwise they would shoot him, then what would you say? I mean, I know it's completely unlikely, but it's hypothetical! :p
Re: David Hodges

hey...things like that dont happen :) david would make the guy so crazy with his attitude that they guy would either shoot himself or dye his own hair!!!! :lol:
Re: David Hodges

:lol:! Loving the twist - I can see him doing that to the gun guy!

pabzi, did you manage to see the picture that destiny reposted for me? I don't think he looks extremely bad with his hair that colour, it's better than if it were ginger.

Random quote of the day: I like David's nose :)
(each day I have some random quote and today it happened to be about David)
Re: David Hodges

really? I thought it was David! :p Just imagine how everyone in CSI would react if he turned up to work in the lab with his hair that colour one day! :lol:

His nose is just so slim and slender :)lol:), seriously though, there is just something about it which makes it cute :D

ETA: (how many smiley faces could you use in a post without just randomly placing them? :lol:)
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