Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

I think his eyes are grey, which to me makes him more unique seen as I only know one person who's eyes could be classified as grey. Also, to me grey represents depth, which we all know Hodges has enough of
Re: David Hodges

definately. i have never before seen a person with frey eyes. his eyes definately represent depth nomatter what color they are. some people have depth in their eyes even if they are brown, but grey is even more so!
Re: David Hodges

it's like sometimes when you look into someone's eyes you seem to fall into them, it is like you can see right into their core. I believe that his eyes are like that, if you look enough then you will see inside of him :) I have yet to see a person with black eyes!
Re: David Hodges

i totally agree. you can see very deep if you look. black eyes? not sure if ive seen.
Re: David Hodges

It is easier to see into some people's eyes than others and I think that is would be harder to see into David's, mainly because of the wall that he has up around himself, the one we have talked about many a time that he has put up to protect himself from getting hurt. I think this barrier is stronger at the point of his eyes.

I don't think black eyes even exist! I just tried to look it up on goggle and it came up with 'Black Eyed Peas' and the 'Black Iris' flower! Hmmm.... I wonder, I wonder! :)
Re: David Hodges

the wall. its true. but some people who have a wall can be seen n to through their eyes by very special indivuduals.
Re: David Hodges

yes that is true, but I don't think that David has found that special individual yet, but when he does I don't think he would be shouting about it - like to keep it close to himself, do you agree?

ETA: hehe, I started page 14 - we have a page 14!! :D
Re: David Hodges

Golden_Smile said: ETA: (how many smiley faces could you use in a post without just randomly placing them? :lol:)
Alot, but then said person would get into trouble so no one has tried. :lol:
Re: David Hodges

Wow! Where have I been? You girls have been busy haven't you! Talked about hair, nose, eyes, wall... trying to cover all parts of the human anatomy eh? ;) Btw, my dad has grey eyes and my friend has the most intense black eyes. When you look into them you'll get lost. I wish I can say I have purple eyes so I can be more special, but no, my eyes are brown :p which I love. :D

I think David has blue-grey eyes. Either grey with blue flecks or blue with grey flecks. Either color is more obvious when he wears a blue shirt (which will bring out his baby blues) or he has on something grey that will reveal the gorgeous greys.

About the wall, he has definitely erected the thickest wall around himself which prevents anyone from getting close. But when he gets to know a certain someone who not only understands him, but sees him in a way he's never seen himself before, that wall will come down. He doesn't let people in, which made me think he may have trust issues, but really, don't we all?

Love. He's bound to find that special someone one day, and when he does, I doubt he'll climb up to the roof of the lab and scream "I've found my true love!!" Mushy David? :eek: Highly unlikely. :p He'll be very happy, so there might be a slight spring in his step. So watch out for that spring girls!
Re: David Hodges

mushy hehe. he is probably the most un mushy person i know. i can see the person who he is with saying 'i love you' and david throwing some absurd and useless fact like how many hairs a giraffe has just to get out of it. of course he loves him/her, but hes david!!!

trust issues. i think that his are deeper than most. i think that when he does find that person, he will still have the wall, but only that person will be able to get through.

my eyes are brown with a couple green flecks.
Re: David Hodges

Hey! I can see that too! Have we been reading the same David fanfics? ...or do we get the same dreams? :p Useless question: How many hairs do giraffes have? I think he knows many random facts and likes to throw them around, whether or not the situation calls for it.

David's like a Kinder egg. You think it's just chocolate but noo... there's a surprise inside! :D David's like that. He can surprise you with the things he does and says. Heh. Bad analogy. :p
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