Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

I'm first in the give-tie-man-some-TLC line. :lol:

When you look good, you feel good. I think he likes to dress up once in a while. He doesn't spend half the day in front of the mirror and I doubt it bothers him when there's a strand of hair out of place. But he takes pride in his looks as he wants to give out a good impression to people that matters to him. Which is, actually, everyone.
Re: David Hodges

I agree, he wouldn't admit that people mater to him, but we know that they do really. He would strongly say that he doesn't need anyone, that he can (and prefers to be) by himself but that isn't true because everyone needs someone, we need to wait to see his person come along...

(^^ that was all a pile of bollocks really :p)
Re: David Hodges

he needs someone, but thinks that it is weak to need someone, so he wont admit it.
in my opinion.
Re: David Hodges

I think that is a good opinion, he does definitely need someone but thinks if he admits to it then he will be seen as weak.

I'm amazed/excited that we are now on 13 pages worth of talk about Hodges! It all seems to have flown by so quickly! There always seems to be something to talk about, saying that, I can't think of something new to say about him...
Re: David Hodges

there is always what to talk about about him.
i think that he is scared of alot of things.
Re: David Hodges

There're definitely new things to talk about. Just say the first thing that comes to your mind. Hair. Let's talk about that. :) Do you think he dyes his hair to rid the greys? Or was that sharpie marker a one-time thing? I don't see why anyone would want to do that. I think greys are sexy. ;)

Oh btw I love the way he looks here. He looks like he's at a baseball game and he's holding a baseball glove looking at a ball flying in the air. :lol:
Re: David Hodges

I too think the sharpie incident was a one off - who would colour in their grey hairs instead of dying them? He was probably just extremely bored. Imagine Hodges with blonde hair! :lol:
Re: David Hodges

blond? nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
i thnk that he was bored. he seems like the type who thinks alot when hes bored, but doesnt like to think too much about certain things so he has to do something
Re: David Hodges

My reaction to David with blonde hair is exactly like pabzi's. :p I say he should keep the greys grey. It looks damn sexy. ;)

I believe he's the type who has to do something all the time. He likes to keep himself busy even when he's not. David's a very smart person. Even when his lips are moving a mile a minute you can see that he is taking in his surroundings and analyzing everything in his head. He is incredibly brilliant with a hint of arrogance. Kind of like Grissom actually, but with a different personality.
Re: David Hodges

:lol: :lol: I just found a really funny picture of Wallace Langham!! :lol:

Look at the hair, and lack of cute bit of fat on his cheeks

Ah that's cracked me up! Sorry if you guys have seen it before.

And yes I totally agree with you too sidler (doesn't it feel great to have people competely agree with you?), that is probably why Grissom and Hodges clash so much - too alike. You put the words very well :) I couldn't have put it better myself
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