Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

SidLer said:
Happy birthday pabzi! :D Where's your cake? I think you didn't include your birthdate in your profile. Anyway, here's a pic of Hodges in his birthday suit. Click. What pic did you think it was? Naughty. ;)

I think what alias is trying to say is that the name Hodges and the person himself is too divine for someone else to be referred to. Oh, I was looking for books for research and I came across one that's written by Hodgetts. I grinned for what seemed like forever. :p

thats what i meant ... sorry
Re: David Hodges

pabzi said:
silver thin frames would look good on him.
i hear that spike tv in the states is always showing reruns...but i dont know when they will show it.

i figured that i would wait until they showed the reruns of season 6 on spike tv. i think they showed the season 5 episodes on spikle right before the sixth season started on cbs
Re: David Hodges

thanks. i guess that i did forget to put my bday on my profile. hodges sent me a cake this morning. i had to go to the crimelab to get it (actually, it was a birthday card that i got from a close friend who likes hodges :) she sent me a talking picture saying that he ordered me a cake :) )
sidler, you are evil, i am naughty and that is that :) usually when people say birthday suit, they dont mean the kind that can be worn with a tie, but i love the pic anyway :)
Re: David Hodges

Happy Birthday pabzi!!! :D Hope you are having/had a good day (confused by time difference again. I am thinking it is now 1:00am in Israel so it isn't techincally you're birthday so it should be 'had a good day'! (there was some random Amy blabble for you)). Anyway, my main point is happy birthday and it is a shame that you haven't got your birthday in your profile 'cause it is so cool to come one here and see a birthday cake next to your name!! :D :lol:
Also, a tie could be used if someone were wearing their birthday suit - use your imaginations :p I didn't use the word 'worn', but 'used'... :lol:
What a lovely birthday present! Can't wait to see what pic you're going to send SidLer, I'm sure it'll be brilliant since any picture of Hodges is brilliant :) When is your birthday sidler? Also, when is yours alias?

(all of the above is mainly Amy blabble - a sort of rant that makes sense but only if you talk the same sort of mental language as me. My god I am still rambling as I am explaining that I am rambling! Grrrr :mad: :lol:)

ETA: I am so stupid that just as I was going to sleep I realised that I didn't need to ask you when your birthdays are, sidler and alias, because it says in your profile! :rolleyes: ah, the dumbness of me! What makes it even more dumb is that in this same post I was talking about it not saying in pabzi's! Holy crap I get dumber every day!
Re: David Hodges

:lol: Golden you crack me up. Aww hun, you're not dumb. The brain gets a little mushy when it's night time. I know mine does. ;)

Golden_Smile said:
Also, a tie could be used if someone were wearing their birthday suit - use your imaginations :p I didn't use the word 'worn', but 'used'... :lol:
Naughty! *calls the PG13 police* Hehe j/k! "Used" as in use it to tie a bow around his head like he's a birthday present? ;)

Looking for diamonds under the sink. :p
Re: David Hodges

Well I am glad that my dumbness can humour some people :D It's strange because when I'm not on the internet I am actually quite smart - in top set for everything (except science) - so there is something about a keyboard that makes me go dumb... *wonders off to ponder the meanness of keyboards* :lol:

What episode is that picture from? I don't recognize it! But I am loving the slight rear view :devil:

And yes, of course I meant to tie a bow around his head - what else would I mean? :confused: :)devil:) :lol: I've been making quite a few comments like that recently, haven't I? Hmmm...
Re: David Hodges

it is from my favorite (one of my favorites) 4x4. he is looking for mold under the sink.
a tie would be nice...:devil:
Re: David Hodges

The keyboard always dumbs me down, Golden. I always make spelling mistakes and I sound a LOT younger than I actually am. :p Uhh, slight rear view? Okaaay... :lol:

Thanks you guys, now Hodges will be forever linked to ties! :devil: :lol:
Re: David Hodges

hehe. he just wore a tie that one time with his suit, but i imagine that techs probably get called into court, so when he has to go he wears a suit. do you guys think that he likes wearing suits?
Re: David Hodges

I think he likes to wear suits. He should, he looks suave. Mr. Smooth. :cool: And you can see that he likes it by the look on his face. He had the suit-pride look. And not to mention the attention he got from Warrick and Greg. He had to have enjoyed that. ;)
Re: David Hodges

i saw room service yesterday and again i felt bad for my Hodges! the poor guy need some love. i would give him some love!! ;)
Re: David Hodges

i feel bad for him alot. he needs much more love that he gets.
im not sure if he likes suits. he did look proud, but never know
Re: David Hodges

He needs some TLC. ;)

You don't think he likes to wear suits? It's fun to dress smart once in a while. Well, whether he likes it or not, he looks fab in it. :D
Re: David Hodges

he does. he just seems like the type who prefers to dress simple. nice, but simple.
Re: David Hodges

I think that he boths looks good and feels good in a suit. He seemed to have such a big grin on his face when he was wearing it. To me he seems like the sort of person that likes to dress up now and then, not all the time, like every night, but just now and then it makes him feel really good of himself.

It would probably be easier to ask, who here doesn't want to give 'the tie man' some TLC? :p :lol:
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