Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: Hodges Scenes

NOT! You and pirate have about a thousand pics each, I've only got 999. :p

Some from Grave Danger:

Hodges the Hero
Explaining his brave (and crazy) behavior to the Scooby gang
Him and Griss looking at that damned package

When he grabbed that package from that stupid guy, I thought it was going to blow up! :eek: (With him! :() Speaking of blow ups, remember in Play With Fire when the lab blew up and Warrick and Cat were investigating who's the culprit? Hodges got defensive...

"I know what this is. You guys heard those rumors about me from LA. You know how much Grissom depends on me so you figure let's get rid of him. I'll lawyer up before I let you pin the tail on the new donkey."

I don't blame him one bit for reacting that way. Warrick and Cat were kind of rude. :rolleyes:
Re: Hodges Scenes

warrick and cat were extremely rude. i hated that ep because of how they treated him. grave danger was awesome. great pics sidler. i dont have a thousand. i think i have 50 or 60, but pirate has 500 (literally).
i love hodges (can someone please count how many times ive said that here?)
im in withdrawal. my comp comes back tonight, and i will do SOMETHING about my withdrawal.
Re: Hodges Scenes

thanks. my computer sucks. if it works, i will do something about my withdrawal, but last night, i couldnt get the thing on :(
Re: Hodges Scenes

I love all the pictures you've put up SidLer - absolutely brilliant :D :D :D Especially the ones from Grave Danger, that is my favourite episode :)

Withdrawal sucks! I thought you had more than 50/60 pictures, still a heck of a lot though... when I am back home I will at some point count how many times you have said 'I love Hodges' in this thread, that just proves how extremely boring my life is! But we already knew that...

I'm still in Scotland and having a really good time, it is very easy to get stressed out up here though - 3 kids, 4 if you count my brother's wife! Back on Monday though, straight into work experience when I get back. I'll stop blabbing about my boring life...
does anyone have anything nice to look forward to?

I have just looked and there is only one more episode of season 6 left! :eek: I can't survive when csi is in hiatus!! :( The cliffhanger of the penultimate was great, I can't wait for next week's, but then that means no more csi for ages! :(
Re: Hodges Scenes

anyone can post the tie suit picture! i love Hodges in that suit and i want to see it again!!! please!
Re: Hodges Scenes

Thanks Golden_Smile. I'm glad you're having a good time in Scotland. :) I have nothing nice to look forward to – only school, headache, and more school. :p You don't have to go into withdrawal! Just look at the many screencaps and read the many fanfics. You'll survive. :D

veggie, here's Snark Man in the Snark Suit. ;)

Re: Hodges Scenes

golden, you will like the finale. its GREAT!!
im happy that you are having fun :)
veggie, if im not mistaken, sidler posted the suit piv in 'the hotness of wallace/hodges'
if you cant find it, tell me and ill post it later.
Re: Hodges Scenes

You're welcome veggie. :) I love the 2nd one. So sexay. ;)

I wonder how they're going to develop his character in the next season. If they're going to develop it at all. Well, they better! Or I'll get snarky. :p
Re: Hodges Scenes

oh, theyd better develop his character...if not,they are in big trouble. i have a friend in the states with some connections. they should watch oout!!!!
Re: Hodges Scenes

pabzi said:
oh, theyd better develop his character...if not,they are in big trouble. i have a friend in the states with some connections. they should watch oout!!!!

who's your friend do i know him/her?
Re: Hodges Scenes

im not sure you know her.
if they develop his character, what do you think that they will develop?
Re: Hodges Scenes

Well, they can develop his snark. He's 100% snarky, so maybe they can up it to 150. :p

I want to know more about David. Where he grew up, how many siblings he has, what his favorite ice cream is. Right now I only know him as Nose Man, or the one who sucks up to Ecklie, or the guy whose hamsters "ran away". I want information! Pronto!
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