Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: Hodges Scenes

the hot dog scene was in dog eats dog.
golden? where aaaaaaaaaaare you? :lol:
hodges is THE BEST. as i say all the time WE NEED HODGES.
hes the king of the lab :)
Re: Hodges Scenes

Dog Eat Dog pics! :D

Who would've thought a clothes peg would look so good on him. :lol:
I love the 2nd pic. He's got that charming look. ;)
Re: Hodges Scenes

i love the pics of him from dog eat dog. i have all of them :)
i also saw the ep 3 times. its a cute ep, and theres a ton of hodges in it!!!
the nose clip really does look great on him. that guy has such amazing expressions :)
Re: Hodges Scenes

I thought you'd already have all his pics. So there's nothing left for me to post. :p Yup, Dog Eat Dog is filled with Hodgesy-goodness. :D I hope there'll be more episodes showing more of him in the future. He's got so many amazing expressions doesn't he? Imagine if in one episode, he accidentally injects himself with Botox and is stuck with the same frozen expression. :lol: That'll be his worse nightmare! :eek: :lol:
Re: Hodges Scenes

Sorry for the delay, but this is for the new people:

Introduction to pabzi:
When she asks the question ‘do you think Hodges is gay’, if you don’t say yes then she has a lot of examples that can make you think twice. For example, when he was telling Catherine about how he was going out with a ‘she’, [/b]pabzi[/b] believes that he actually means a ‘he’ but is trying to cover it up. This is called ‘the speech’ :lol: Just like the speech I am giving now! (After a while of being in this thread you start to make up a speech about something :lol:) Many times she confuses people with how in-depth she can go if you open it up for her. Both pabzi and pirate_jimbob have a photo of Hodges for every occasion – if you are feeling down then they are the best people to tell because they will find one of their wonderful photo’s to cheer you up! :D I have known pabzi for a couple of months now, but I still get extremely surprised at how crazy she still is about him – I don’t think she will ever stop loving him! :lol: None of us will ever know just how obsessed she is about David – she suffers from withdrawal symptoms, worse than anyone else seems to!

Hope that was good enough for you again pabzi! :) Sorry it took me so long but each time I sat down to do it I only managed to get a sentence done and then be called off the computer :rolleyes: Ah, my family! :lol:

I think dog eat dog is one of the best episodes in terms of Hodges - the nose peg is just hilarious! :lol: :D
Re: Hodges Scenes

my com is having coniptions, it didnt even show me that there was a new post here. :p
NO ONE will ever know how deep my obsession is. i cant go 5 min without thinking of him.
today one of my friends who doesnt watch csi was over. i had ants in my pants, cause i couldnt talk about david (well i could, but she doesnt understand what a wonderful, deep person he is, so it wasnt woth talking to air :p ) she doesnt even want to watch csi :( she likes dramas. i make fun of her. but she is still a good friend :)
another withdrawal symptom: ants in pants.
also, i havent watched an ep in a million years, cause my computer restarts itself every few minutes.
if anyone is down, tell me and ill send a pic.
his expressions make me melt!
but pirate has more pics than i do. she se4ems to have dissapeared though .
Re: Hodges Scenes

Golden_Smile said:
Introduction to pabzi:
When she asks the question ‘do you think Hodges is gay’...
...you BETTER say yes! :lol:

Hehe j/k pabzi. ;) That's a great intro Golden_Smile. You are right, she is crazy about David, much crazier than the rest of us, but that's what makes her special. :) She's got an entire collection of David pics, so get in line if you want 'em! :D
Re: Hodges Scenes

thank you all of you for appreciating my craziness. it is the only thing that i like about myself.
im not just crazy about david-what word is bigger that crazy?
Re: Hodges Scenes

welcome back disprncss358! where have you been? you've got just a few pages to catch up on! :lol:
glad to have you back! :D
Re: Hodges Scenes

welcome back. you have what to read :) our thread gets more colorful everyday!!!
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