Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

I can picture the camera zooming in Hodges' head CSI-style revealing the muppets going blah blah blah with codes and numbers and pyramids flashing in the foreground. :p I don't know why, but when I typed muppets I thought of Greg. :lol: So maybe he's also got Greg in his head. :lol:

Would you like to see a Hodges-centered episode? (I know the answer already but what the heck :p) I think it'd be nice if the writers write an episode entirely in his POV. I'd like to see what REALLY goes on in that snarky head of his. :p
Re: David Hodges

i would LOVE to see what goes on in his head :)
muppets, davinci code... :D
that would be so funny (the muppets going bla bla bla with codes and numbers :lol:)
hes such an adorable goofball :)
Re: David Hodges

You know, I would absolutely love a CSI musical. Just think of all the wonderful things that can happen! Hodges singing a song and the muppets singing along with him in his head. :lol: And of course, he won't be happily singing it, he'd be snarky. Typical Hodges style. :D Maybe he'll even sing about his hamsters that "ran away". :p
Re: David Hodges

heheheheheh :lol: :lol: :lol:
i hate musicals, but you make it sounds HILARIOUS!!!! you mean that you think hodges can sing? :p
im still laughimg.
every time i think of him and the muppets in the samr thought i laugh :)
Re: David Hodges

Of course Hodges can sing! Everyone can sing. But not me. :p A CSI musical is a stretch, but hey, I'm a dreamer. ;) So many tv shows have done a musical episode; 7th Heaven, Buffy and even Xena. I'm positive that if CSI does one it'll be a hit. But if it's cheesy then... :p

I guess I just want to see, at least once, Hodges in a different persona doing something different than what he usually does (which is snark, annoy Grissom, and snark some more :p). Maybe in one episode he can de-Hodges himself and be nice and sweet and shock the hell out of everyone. :lol: I'd fall out of my chair when that happens. :p
Re: David Hodges

i say that he is nice and sweet and doesnt know how to show it. im sure that if we got to know him we'd see how beautiful his heart is.
i HATE musicals (no offence sidler) i think that they are all cheesy :( )
but the muppets...i cant get that thought out of my head :lol: hodges and the muppets :lol:
Re: David Hodges

He's DEFINITELY nice and sweet, but unfortunately most people in the lab see only the snarky side of him. Take Grissom for instance, Hodges has tried to be nice and useful on more than one occasion but he always cuts him off or sends him away like he's a nuisance. Hodges can be a pest, but a kind and helpful (and totally annoying) one. ;)
Re: David Hodges

grissoms behavior toward hodges bugs me(hehe- grissom/bugs :lol:). he doesnt give him a chance. he reffered him to a psychologist, agreed with greg that hodges is annoying, and told him to close the door from the other side. i like grissom, but on the day that he will actually sit with hodges, have a talk and show him his bugs, will be a VERY happy day for me :)
hes the sweetest pest there is. id let him pester me anytime!!!
Re: David Hodges

pabzi said:
grissoms behavior toward hodges bugs me
Pun fully intended eh? :p

i like grissom, but on the day that he will actually sit with hodges, have a talk and show him his bugs, will be a VERY happy day for me :)
That is SO cute!! :D You have no idea how big a smile I've got on my face right now. :) Aww, it's like a Daddy showing his son his most treasured coin collection. The bugs are Grissom's babies, so for him to show Hodges is truly grand! :D Maybe when they're close enough he'll even give Hodges miss piggy in a jar. ;)
Re: David Hodges

hehe. it really is like a daddy shoing his son his coin colection :)
mis piggy :lol:
i wish they woul;d talk. without grissom being mean to him. hodges desrves much more respect than he gets.
Re: David Hodges

Ok, suddenly I've got Erasure's 'A Little Respect' in my head. :p

I think Grissom is slowly starting to warm up to him. :) I think they're both hard-headed individuals, don't you? So that may be why they can't really get along. Both of them are proud. So when proud meets proud, it's disaster. :p I think Hodges really craves the respect, attention and acceptance of his superior, so that's why we don't see him giving up. :)
Re: David Hodges

he wont give up. he cant give up!! im not so sure that gris is warming up to him though :( the "close the door from the other side" was in my eyes, extremely disrespectful. it is not like grissom to traet him like that. grissom has said once or twice that he doesnt judge people. they are both proud.
Re: David Hodges

Hey, don't worry, he's a fighter. :) What he wants, he gets. But even if Grissom does not warm up to him or treat him better, I don't think it'll affect him that badly. Check out my signature – I think he's got that mantra going on. ;)
Re: David Hodges

yeah :) hes definately a fighter. its true. it doesnt bother him really what people think about him...or maybe inside it does and he wont show it.
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