Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

pabzi said:
thanks. i love my initiation questions. but im still waiting for you to inroduce me to hodges_alias_47. i like your introduction of me :)

I will definitely give my introduction of you to hodges_alias_47 soon, but am too tired to do it at the moment, and I still have loads to do! :( Drinks a hell loads of coffee (and I hate the stuff!)

I can just imagine you screaming at your mum and her shouting back at you, asking who Hodges is! How can she not know who he is when she has you as a daughter?! :lol:
Re: David Hodges

oh, she knows, but doesnt seem to care much which pisses me off. all she really knows about him is that he has an attitude problem and that i love him. (i cant get into gay discussions with her, she once saw me sharing a bottle of juice with my gay friend and told me to be careful that i dont get aids- she doesnt know that it is not transferred mouth to mouth, and that he doesnt have aids :p )

you dont like coffee? wow.
i see hodges as the kind of person who cant open his eyes without coffee. do you?

why are you so tired?
Re: David Hodges

About your question pabzi, I'm not too sure if they put in new scenes in the credits for every new season. I think they include the latest scenes here and there but not change the entire sequence. :) Gotta check to be sure. :p I am insane, that's why I come here, to un-insane myself. :D But funny... I don't feel any different. :p

Golden_Smile said:
Drinks a hell loads of coffee (and I hate the stuff!)
You hate coffee too?! And I thought I was the only non-coffee drinker on the planet! Take good care of yourself. I hope you'll feel better soon. :)

I think Hodges is a heavy coffee drinker. I can see him sneaking around the pantry poking his nose in the cupboards trying to find Greg's Blue Hawaiian. I can't imagine him w/o coffee! How'll he survive the long nights? Maybe that's really the reason why he fell asleep on the microscope. He couldn't find Greg's coffee stash. :lol:
Re: David Hodges

i also think that he is on a quest for blue hawaiin :) he probably has snark wars with greg over it :)
how can people live without coffee?
Re: David Hodges

Whoop! He's a regular! :D Thanks Destiny. :)

Langham plays the lab's grumpy technician David Hodges
He'll give Grumpy the dwarf from Snow White a run for his money. :lol:
Re: David Hodges

:) You're welcome when I read everyone was wondering it brought me back to that interview done here.
Re: David Hodges

Yes, thank you for the information Destiny :) I never really read those things! Thanks!

I don't see how people can like coffee! It is one of the most vile things in the world - I am so glad I have found someone else who doesn't like the stuff too! :D I remember having a small conversation about coffee before in here, it was funny :lol:
I'm tired because of everything that is going on at the moment, which is a hell of a lot. Thank you very much for the good wishes SidLer :) Sorry pabzi, I said I was going to PM you about a week ago but haven't managed to yet, sorry!

I can see that Hodges could live without coffee quite easily, I think he has enough self-motivation to keep himself going other than coffee.

Introduction to pabzi (finally!):
Well, she is completely and utterly crazy about Hodges - although I have known her for a couple of months now I still get surprised at how crazy she is about him, how totally obssessed she is! :lol: When she asks the question of 'do you think Hodges is gay?' most people get baffled because of how in-depth she goes, with all her sources that support her strong feeling, such as the time he is talking to Catherine about going out with a 'she' but pabzi thinks it is a 'he' by the way he says it. She has a sort of speech to people who do not think that Hodges is gay (which I was given the opportunity to give once!!! :D) which is actually what swayed me more towards thinking he is gay, but I am still not completely sure. Oh, also, she has a mass amount of photo's of Hodges, as does pirate_jimbob, so if you ever want/need a pic of him then they are the best people to go to - a picture for every occasion! :lol:

That went on a lot longer than what I was expecting! :eek: Hope I didn't bore anyone :devil: Well, I think that is about it all, is it? Let me know if I have forgotten something!

If you could ask Hodges one question then what would it be?
I'm not sure what mine would be... *wanders off to think (and give my fingers a rest from typing :lol:)*

ETA: WOW this is a looooooooong post! I just looked at it and realised! It must be my longest post ever! :lol:

ETA 2 :)lol:): just to enforce how extremely crazy pabzi is about David, and just everything in general! (I was told, in the below post, that I don't know exactly how crazy she is so thought I would quickly add this to try and enforce it even more!)
Re: David Hodges

i like reading long posts. thanks for the introduction. i am more crazy (about him and otherwise) than even you think :) you did a great job.
you didnt bore me at all :)
if i could ask him a question...JUST 1?????????? id want to sit with him for 4 hours discussing life. (4 hours minimum :)
Re: David Hodges

What a post Golden Smile! :D I tend to go overboard sometimes too, but I think long posts are great. Makes an enjoyable read. :) I like your intro to pabzi. I think you've got her craziness spot on. :lol:

assumenothing said:
My question? It would have to be:

What the heck happened in LA that is so bad they never mention it on the show???
Mine too! That's the age-old question isn't it? :p :lol:
Re: David Hodges

i think im even crazier :) long posts are fun. i tend to ramble, but hodges does the to me. he interrupts my allready insane thought process :)
you know, in my favorite hodses fic of all times, it refers to his thought process being a mix of the muppets and the davinci code. i always LMAO when i read that. the context was that the person who was talking with him had to pay extra attention to hear the things under what david was saying, and he was musing over how amusing and intricate david is :)
Re: David Hodges

pabzi said:
you know, in my favorite hodses fic of all times, it refers to his thought process being a mix of the muppets and the davinci code. i always LMAO when i read that.
I've read that! :lol: I wonder what that'll look like if they put it on screen. :p
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