Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

Hi csi_fan18 and mugs! Welcome to the thread. :) I'm new here too. Grab some snark cookies by the door and join in the discussion. :) Btw, I absolutely adore those 2 scenes. Whenever I use this smiley ( :D ) I get reminded of him checking his teeth in I Like To Watch. :lol:

Who helped to convince me pabzi? Heh I have this absolutely crazy friend who's the BIGgest Hodges fan I know. :) Every two sentence that she says contains "Hodges", "David" or "Dave". :lol: I guess I was influenced by her. :p I've heard that you're wild about Hodges pabzi, but you have to meet my friend. She's fanatical! :lol: :)

pabzi said:
you didnt know my opinion about that he has been through something big?
What do you think happened to him? I think that maybe he was teased and taunted by his colleagues over at LA because of his SO, and they transferred him out just because; or he himself decided that he had had enough of the abuse and got out of that hell hole. Or maybe, he just had an attitude problem, simple as that. If the writers decide to go with the attitude problem storyline... sigh. *disappointed*
Re: David Hodges

uh sidler, i met your friend. i agree that she is totally insane. she also says rather rediculous things at hodges at a certain time if the day, right?
im learning to like her. the fact that she loves hodges helps me.
i think that something awful happened in la and he left. not just an attitude problem. he was hurt.
Re: David Hodges

pabzi said:

to all new members in the hodges thread:
do you think that he is gay? why?
what do you think he went through in his past to make him how he is now?
what is he hiding under his snark?

1) I think he's gay ... the waist thing.

2) We've already discuss this

3) Nothing, he's just guy who is kind of a jerk, but you eventually warm up to him. Maybe whatever happened to him made him put up a front. He took off the front and let people see him for who he really is ... a funny, adorable guy who does not let his guard down easily but eventually will.
Re: David Hodges

i agree with you. but i dont think that he took the front off. i dont think that he is ready to let his guard down quite yet.
Re: David Hodges

pabzi said:
i agree with you. but i dont think that he took the front off. i dont think that he is ready to let his guard down quite yet.

he maybe starting to ... not doing it yet tho ...

question: would you like to see him in the opening credits?
Re: David Hodges

I can't believe how much has been going on in here since I last posted! The word game doesn't seem to exist anymore :(
I really like that everyone is taking your 'initation questions' seriously, actually quoting you and answering them! :D :lol: Very good idea :)

And in reply to your question hodges_alias_47, yes I would definitely like to see him in the opening credits! I only just noticed the other day that he isn't, that he is always a 'special guest star'. It did take up to season 6 for the Doc and Greg to be put into the opening credits though, could take as long with Hodges, just about another 3 seasons to go, is that right? If you hadn't guessed, I am just blabbling now! :lol:
Re: David Hodges

Golden_Smile said:

And in reply to your question hodges_alias_47, yes I would definitely like to see him in the opening credits! I only just noticed the other day that he isn't, that he is always a 'special guest star'. It did take up to season 6 for the Doc and Greg to be put into the opening credits though, could take as long with Hodges, just about another 3 seasons to go, is that right? If you hadn't guessed, I am just blabbling now! :lol:

I thought Doc Robbins and Greggo were in the opening credits like the third season. Weren't they? I'm not sure anymore. I have so many episodes ... not even funny.

Hodges ... so cute. It would be great if they put him in next season, since Greg is out in the field.
Re: David Hodges

I definitely think he will be in the next season, I don't see any question of it really. But saying that I haven't seen the season 6 finale yet...

I might have it wrong, Doc and Greg could have been in the opening credits in season 3, I'm confused now! :rolleyes: Anyone else shed any light?
Re: David Hodges

i know that greg was only in the credits from s3. i dont know about doc. HODGES IN THE OPENING CREDITS!!!!!! that would be a dream com true. i wish.
it seems though that the writers dont really get how important he is to some people. :(

thanks. i love my initiation questions. but im still waiting for you to inroduce me to hodges_alias_47. i like your introduction of me :)
Re: David Hodges

Golden_Smile said:
It did take up to season 6 for the Doc and Greg to be put into the opening credits though, could take as long with Hodges, just about another 3 seasons to go, is that right?
Eek! 3 seasons to go till Hodges gets a slot in the opening credits or 3 seasons till the series ends? (Noooo!) :eek: Can't. Breathe.

I've checked, Doc and Greg first appeared in the opening credits in 3x01 (Revenge is Best Served Cold). :) If they were to put Hodges in the opening credits, do you think they'll have to extend the theme song to be able to fit in all the cast? Like maybe they'll put in more "who-who, who who's?" in the song. :lol: There're already 8 cast members in the opening credits at the moment, and Hodges will make 9, so I won't be surprised if they put in a few extra "who's" in there. ;)

If Hodges do make the credits, I wonder what scenes they will use? The nose peg MUST be in it of course! :D

PS: You know who's my friend, pabzi? I'm glad you know her. She's awesome. :)
Re: David Hodges

if hodges gets in the credits, they can put as many more whis in as they want. he deserves to be there!!!
i think that they will use the part of the nose clip scene that he was sorta punching his arm out and had a big smile. :) do they have a new opening credit scene thing every year?
sidler, you are insane, you know that? :D :lol: she is insane too. so thats what makes you guys friends. she told me that she likes you alot. she also told me that hodges really should be in the opening credits :lol:
Re: David Hodges

I watched Grave Danger last night ... when Greggo and Hodges were playing the Dukes of Hazard I was cracking up even though I've seen it so many times. I was on the phone too and my friend was like "what's wrong with you".

Anyway, I want "the full David Hodges experience"
Re: David Hodges

how can you watch when you are on the phone??? if someone calls me i pause it. i have to watch hodges intensely :)
Re: David Hodges

Oh I watch intensely; my friends are always asking if I'm there ... which I am in body, but in mind ... I'm focused on Hodges
Re: David Hodges

i agree. i have to see every line in his face, watch his eyes...
alot of times, during his scenes, i rewind and see it again and again.
as ive said before, he is so...real. there is something about him that relaxes me.
once, my mom called when i was watching 4x4. (i think that it was the 3rd or 4th time that is saw it.) i started screaming at her :mom im watching hodges" she asked me who hodges is (as if i dont always talk about him). she told me to pause it. i said that i already did. she didnt quite get why i was screaming.
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