Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

Hodges is the best techie ... Go trace and ballistics (including Bobby D there too)! I love the episode with the reality tv show following everyone. I love it when Hodges is prepping by fixing his hair and eyebrows. Sara comes in "hey gorgeous"!
Re: David Hodges

Letter of the day: O
Orderly (like neat- not messy)

have any of you dreamt about hodges? i was talking with my friend about a dream she had...i have dreamt about him too.in most of my dreams he was gay (of course) but we were really close friends and wed cuddle and talk for hours. in a few other dreams...
Re: David Hodges

Awwww thanks everyone for the b-day wishes, I've been so busy lately to be on here but i made a new nick/hodges forum! the link is in the website links section under "texan snark"
Re: David Hodges

pabzi said:
Letter of the day: O
Orderly (like neat- not messy)

have any of you dreamt about hodges? i was talking with my friend about a dream she had...i have dreamt about him too.in most of my dreams he was gay (of course) but we were really close friends and wed cuddle and talk for hours. in a few other dreams...

i have had dreams of him too ... and i'll leave at that .. hehe
Re: David Hodges

hodges_alias_47 illtell you before a mod does, when you post something and want to change it, in stead of doubleposting, you should edit it. you can edit up to 24 hours after you wrote it.

hodges dreams :) 1 of the good things about sleeping :)

do you think that he is gay (i ask everyone this, it is routine)
Re: David Hodges

Pabzi you should create a questionnaire for new members to fill out & post!

I always have really strange dreams, the one i told you about was super weird, but i find a lot of my dreams are somehow influenced by what i watch or read
Re: David Hodges

i rarely remember dreams. mostly what i remember are day dreams. and MANY of my daydreams contain hodges :)
i seriously should make a questioniere.

to all new members in the hodges thread:
do you think that he is gay? why?
what do you think he went through in his past to make him how he is now?
what is he hiding under his snark?

is that a good questionier? :lol:
pirate, if no one was hurt in your dream, im sure that it would have been better :)

edited to add:
im running late for bed, but i have to write this. i realized why i adore hodges so much. because he is real. meaning honest. i dont know how to explain it exactly. its more of a feeling than anything else and feelings cant be explained.
in my opinion, our world is a dark, scary place.it is hard to trust people. hodges is the kind of person who i can see my self trusting. hes been through stuff too, and he deals with it in a great way. sometimes, when i have a hard day, i think, wow, how does he do it? i wish that i could just be sarcastic and let things roll off me like that. but thats how the world sees him. inside, he feels everything. sorry if im rambling (i am) i really hope that i got my point across. i cant quite seem to get out exactly what i feel. i just know that he is real.
Re: David Hodges

pabzi said:
to all new members in the hodges thread:
do you think that he is gay? why?
what do you think he went through in his past to make him how he is now?
what is he hiding under his snark?
Wow sorta like an initiation for the new members ey? ;)

Hmm, I think Hodges is gay. Actually at the beginning, I didn't think he is because in Viva Las Vegas he commented to Greg that he likes Chandra because she's cute. I thought that is a typical guy thing to say. Sort of like he's checked "cute" next to her name in his mental notebook and he's flirting with the idea of asking her out one day. But the more I think about it the more I'm convinced he's gay. I'm not too sure how I know, but that scene where he checked out Nick's waist is a big hint for me. And my friend has shared with me her thoughts, so that too influenced my opinion. :) But whether he's really gay or not, it doesn't really matter. :)

I'd LOVE to know what took place in LA. Something significant must have happened to him there. The only thing I know is that he got transferred from LA because he had an attitude problem. But... really? Hmm. I'm sure it's something bigger than that.

The last question... what is he hiding under his snark? Nothing! :) He's snarky, he's annoying, he's grumpy, he's anal, he's crazy, he's adorable, he's David Hodges! Mr. Snark. :D

So, am I in? Did I pass the initiation? ;)
Re: David Hodges

of course you passed the initiation. and not from today either :)
i dont think that his snark is just snark. i think that he has been through something that made him how he is. you have seen people that resort to all sorts of defenses after what they have been through in life. i think that his snark protects him. that underneath he is a deep, sensitive, caring human :)
sidLer what convinced you that he is gay (other than the waist thing? ;) has there been a nagging voice in the back of your head that says hodges is gay? sorry if im being rude, im just always happy to see people who dont come here alot, and, oh, did i tell you that i love your banner? i think i forgot. (yeah, right, i told you in about 4 different places :lol: )
welcome to our world sideler :)
Re: David Hodges

pabzi said:
i dont think that his snark is just snark. i think that he has been through something that made him how he is. you have seen people that resort to all sorts of defenses after what they have been through in life. i think that his snark protects him. that underneath he is a deep, sensitive, caring human :)
Ah, so that Snark acts as a mask, sort of like a shield to protect him against the cruelness of the world, and perhaps, his dark past. (Daym I really want to know what happened to him then! :p) So when people come close and gets him to open up, he turns b*tchy, annoyed and snarky. To protect himself from getting hurt again.

What convinced me that he's gay? It's a gut feeling I guess but seriously, I have no idea. It's a mystery to me. :) What convinced you that he's gay?
Re: David Hodges

oh, when i said what convinced you, i didnt exactly mean it that way i guess i uh sorta meant who :p
i was convinced jusy by a feeling. i dont know how to explain it. its just a feeling that i get when i see him. as i have said, i have 2 good friends who dont watch csi. the first time they saw the pic of him (separately) they both said HE HAS TO BE GAY. one is 20, and the other one 54, one male, one female, so i guess its reallt general :)
people dont LOOK gay. its like an aura or something.
you didnt know my opinion about that he has been through something big?
keep posting here!!!
Re: David Hodges

Hi, everyone. I'm new to the Hodges thread. Hodges is a great character on CSI. He is soooo funny. My favourite scenes are in 'I Like To Watch' when he was trying to get on camera and in 'Kiss-Kiss, Bye-Bye' when he was colouring his hair. :lol:
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