Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

Oh,I really like Hodges too !!!
He's so fun and sarcastic,I wish he's got more screentime next season.
I should visit this thread more often.
Re: David Hodges

you should. we have fun here. welcome :)
im still in wsithdrawal by trhe way. if i had time to breathe id watch room service. hopefully on thirsday. where is everyone?
Re: David Hodges

i see you!!! pirate and golden arent here today, so it feels empty :)
i heard something today and thought of hodges.
the word cynical. the origin is from a story in greek mythology. the guy who told me is good at confusing people, but from what i understand, there was a philosopher who lived in a barrel and had dogs. a general on a horse cam up to him and asked how he could help him. the philosopher said "move a little, you are blocking the sun". because he had dogs, from the latin word canine, comes the word cynical. im not sure how true it is, but the word cynical made me think of hodges, and the dogs made me think of dog eat dog. hot dogs...hodges...nosclip...LMAO!!!
Re: David Hodges

Yea your right cynical does describe him really well, I have never heard that story before but is very interesting if that's the origin of the word.

Eh what letter were we on in the alphabet game?
Re: David Hodges

I'm here! :D Sorry I haven't been around the past couple of days but I just can't describe how bad things have been at this end!

We were up to letter K:
Kinky ;)

What can everyone else come up with?
Re: David Hodges

i understand you. feel similar.
cant think of any k words.
the other day, when my friend was sad, i sent her a ton of pics of hodges to make her smile. today she sent them to me and captioned them to make me smile :)
Re: David Hodges

You like to send pictures of Hodges to people when they aren't feeling great, don't you? But I have to say that it works! :D :lol: Keep 'em coming! I love when people have captioned pictures, especially since they can come up with many better captions than I can...

How about kaleidoscopic? Meaning colourful! :D

I can't think of any other K words. I'll move onto L:

I'm not much of a word theif today :devil: Well not in my terms - I know there are some other L words :p

In the UK we just had the episode with Hodges in the suit on Tuesday - he looked so adorable! :D I thought it was a wonderful fit!
Re: David Hodges

the suit was great :)
i cant think of l words. my head isnt screwed on tight enough i guess :) hodges definately is a good cause for a smile :)
does the word Ludicrus mean insane? just thought od that. sounds familiar.
Re: David Hodges

Ludicrous mean absurd. And if you are trying to get at something with the 'sounds familiar' then that isn't true! You are not like that! But if you are not hinting at that then I just made a fool of myself :rolleyes: I will PM you some time soon :)

Loyal is a good one! :D
I was also going to say likeable but I know that isn't a very good one - can't remember the other one I was going to say :rolleyes:
Re: David Hodges

what? i didnt mean anything!!! when i said sounds familiar, i meant that the word sounds like it MIGHT mean rediculous :) i have no clue what you meant.
loveable is better than likeable and you allready said that :)
i cant think of anymore words :(
Re: David Hodges

ah, but if lovable is better than likeable then there is some difference :p (I'm just blagging now!)

So, yes I did make a fool of myself then! I thought you were putting yourself down if you see what I mean? And I was telling you that you had no reason to put yourself down! I'm going to shut up before it all sounds extremely wrong to what I want it to say - but do you see what I mean?

And yes, my mind has kind of gone blank too, I only had those L words because I was bored the other night so thought of some :lol: I didn't get any further than L though. Let's lay off the game a while and pick it up when we can both think more clearly :)
Re: David Hodges

i think that we should continue the game. it will help us to use our brains for better things instead of thinking too much :)
why dont we try M? not that i can think of any M words...
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