Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

Golden_Smile said:
I've just looked Wallace Langham up on IMDb

Interesting... he and George Eads are both from Fort Worth, Texas... and Wallace is 2 years minus 10 days older than George. I wonder how many times they crossed paths growing up, without realizing it? :)
Re: David Hodges

an adorable scene...

sara: that's it?
david: that's it.
sara: it's not like you to be so quick.
david: even i have off days, sara.

totally forgot what episode it is... and i recited it from the top of my head, so don't hate me :D

good people! i ask for your help. i am currently working on a fanfiction with sara/hodges ship, but it's so hard :( pabzi knows how much i procrastinated on it... ^^ the truth is, i wrote a ton of different drafts, but i simply can't figure out how to do the "first date" scene. i know this was posted on the thread earlier, but can anyone give me more ideas? please? ^^

i'd also very much appreciate it if you donate some sara/hodges moments/quotes :lol:

thank you! (signing off)

Re: David Hodges

elanor- you can do it. your first 2 chapters were great. just keep it up.
didnt you start another one after you stopped writing that one? writing is hard as hell, but you know hodges, so that means that you just have to concentrate. you know how awful i think i am. just give it a try. :)
i dont know any really good hodges/sara scenes, you know, its not my ship :p the sharpie is good though (just remembering) and what about the one from a night at the movies? "i wasnt being rude. i was being curt. friends?"

it bothers me that the actors are always older than the charactors. but isnt it funny- on the show, hodges and nick are about 2 years apart :) according to nicks bio (as i remember) he is 36, and hodges looks 38 to me :)
Re: David Hodges

I still can't believe they didn't give David an age - it doesn't take long to settle on an age!

And I have to say 'mwuahahahaha' about stealing the good words! :D :lol: Let's see how I do with the next letter of the day: G:


and finally...

Godsend! :lol:
Re: David Hodges

you are a thief. :)
Hearty (its a real word, i checked, means big hearted)

the problem with me is, that english is my first language, but i left the states when i was 12, so my vocabulary is not impressive.


im having hodges-disease. i cant stop thinking about him. im in withdrawal. i really should rewatch roomservice. today i dont have time and tomorrow back to work. that is a problem
Re: David Hodges

'Human' :lol: you are right :lol:

Hilarious :)lol:)

I think 'honest' is the best one, and 'human' has to be the funniest :lol: :p

You would have to stay up late to rewatch 'room service', which knowing what your Hodges-disease can be like for you, I would suggest! :) Or, why don't you get up a little earlier and watch it at you are getting ready for work?
Re: David Hodges

hehe, waku up earlier than 6, dont think so :)
i wake up at 6 to talk to a friend on the other side of the world while i am getting ready for work. :) and i cant stay up latet than i do, cause i need at least 6 hours of sleep, but my disease is making me agitated. not good at all.

Re: David Hodges

pabzi You can have either a "banner" or "Text" in your signature but not both (see Help guide), You can give credit in the "My Home Bio" section. Please adapt your sig. Thanks.
Re: David Hodges

I'm confused again :confused: Is your banner now changed? Everything you say Destiny really confuses me - not your fault it is just really easy to confuse me, as I'm sure pabzi would vouch for me!

Letter of the day: I:

And I will stop there before I get called a word theif again...
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