Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

Intelligent and................

Damn my limited vocabulary, and to make myself feel better I'll blame you Golden Word Stealer!!! :lol:
Re: David Hodges

golden, its all your fault. :D you take all the words :)
WORD THEIF!!! true, you have been speaking english your whole life, so it is to your advantage :)

Innocent (?) in a way
Impossible-im sure that some say that about him :)

golden, what destiny was trying to say, is that you cant have both text and pic in the signature. first i thnaked pirate for making it along with the pic, but when i saw destiny's mesage i changed it. so now the credit's in my bio. understand? ill vouch for you but, truthfully, i dont think it is that easy to confuse you :)

i was too busy today to watch room service. im busy all week, but i have Hodges living in my head, he keeps me entertained :) *insane face* im seriously having a lack of sanity. i think that it is a mix of hodges withdrawal and the waether. 2 of my close friends are also having a hard time...which is sorta funny, cause out of my close friends, 2, 3 including me, like hodges, and all of us are seriously lacking sanity. the other 2, dont watch csi and are perfectly sane. does anyone see a pattern? then there is another good friend, who likes csi but doesnt like hodges, but he was never sane to begin with :lol: im rambling. seriouslty though. someone HAS to do a study about hodges related insanity :)
Re: David Hodges

pabzi said:
someone HAS to do a study about hodges related insanity :)

No one has to I think you just proved it enough :lol:

And I have spoken english my whole life and still can't think of any words, I blame the parents :lol:
Re: David Hodges

i really think that i did prove it :)

my problem is thatin both languages i lasck vocab since i moved at an odd age.

Iritating (i dont think so, but i suspect that warrick and grissom do :p)
Re: David Hodges

Does anyone here use wikipedia?
Cos I went on there today and looked up CSI, found they had a seperate page for Hodges, and then realised it had been linked to a page about a singer called David Hodges!
But they did have this little bit about him on the CSI page:
"A lab tech who first appeared on season 3. Works in the Trace department. He always tries hard to succeed, and often sucks up to Gil and Catherine, ignoring the lower CSIs. Hodges also seems to have (or pretend to have) narcissistic personality disorder."
Why do they always try to make him look bad!

Anyway i'm totally useless with words. I'm starting to think i'm insane as well, i find myself disliking people because they don't like hodges, do you think thats a bad thing?
Anyway i had another dream about hodges, but its way too rude to repeat...
Re: David Hodges

you can repeat your dream :)

it is not bad. i dont dislike people who dont like hodges, but it is a very good cause for argument. my besy friend likes him, but 2 weeks ago she admitted that she likes greg better. i went crazy "but how can you not like HODGES" she said "i never said i didnt like him, i just like greg better." and i have a good friend who watches csi, but doesnt know who hodges is. seriously the guy is nuts. he hasnt been here since i have a huge hodges album on my comp, but he might pop by this week. (he works hard, no time)
it is easy to be upset at those who dont like him. but what matters is that WE like him :)

i hate when they portray him in a bad way

letter of the day J
(haha golden, i got to it first- time zones :lol: you are still sleeping :) )


i am really bad at this :(
Re: David Hodges

Well take my friend for example, she says he's so ugly, and then bangs on about some guy on the OC (ewwww!) and im like, well if you wanna talk about him, why can't i talk about hodges!

btw my dream involved greg getting shot by grissom, me & hodges having sex in the ambulance, and getting caught by anthony lapaglia from without a trace! for some reason greg ended up on the roof! it was so bizarre, maybe i should stop taking herbal sleeping tablets for a while...
Re: David Hodges

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
you are HILARIOUS. youd better check what is in your sleeping tablets.
im happy that you used this banner. i LOVE it!!!

you know what i hate? i hate that smoe people thing that csi is just a tv show and make fun of those who take it more seriously. my friend, who got me into csi in the first place (hes the one who likes csi and has almost no clue who hodges is) cannot understand for the life of him how i see csi. i finally proved my point to him and he stopped teasing me (i explained that it keeps me from hurting myself and others)

i know that i am crazy and obsessed, but hodges is, well, hodgesy. when im sad i see him in my head. (and no, i dont need a straightjacket) :)
anyway, sorry about the rant. having a tough time.
Re: David Hodges

it says on the packet they contain hops (which are also used in beer and come from the cannibis tree!) and valerian (large doses are known to cause withdrawal symptoms when stopped, as it is mildly addictive!)

my whole family say its "just a tv show", but grissom & catherine are actually based on 2 real life people, and crimes like that happen in real life! it would be understandable to say that if it was based centuries in the future on planet mars or something.

sorry to hear your having a hard time pabzi, if theres anything i can do to help just let me know!
Re: David Hodges

so i think that it is mildly narcotic but not halucigenic.
i seriously hate that whole just a tv show line.
thanks for caring :) im fine. its the weather. happens. you can send me daid to keep me company if you can find him :)
ive been talking about david with a friend for the past 3 hours, so i feel better allready, well, were not ONLY talking about david, but she loves him too, so its great :)
Re: David Hodges

pabzi said:
ill vouch for you but, truthfully, i dont think it is that easy to confuse you :)

I meant that you would vouch that I am easily confused! Not that you would vouch that what Destiny said is confusing, just that I confuse easily!

Just (moral)

So, when I don't get to start the words off and 'steal the words' none of you can come up with anything anyway?!
Re: David Hodges

he does. his eyes are so intense also. the way the light is in the pic accents his lips and his eyes. it is amazing :) thanks :)
Re: David Hodges

i never thought about his nose :) i dont usually study noses, but yeah, he has a cute one. the thing that i like about him most is his personality. theres someone who cares under there.under the sarcasmn, snark, pretending... thats what calls me to him.
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