Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

oh, i dont think that hed want to go to a club!!! i cant see him as the type at all. i actually dont even think that he likes noise. he doesnt like talking, but noise might annoy him.
are you talking about a first date? or just a date? i could see him and whoever hes dating watching a movie on the couch. just hanging out. i think that that is more his type.
i dont think that he is a walk on the beach type, cause he really does hate talking. i could see him going to a resteraunt and complaining about the food :)
Re: David Hodges

Yes I can see him complaining about the food aswell :lol: That it isn't done exactly how he likes it!
I guess I sort of meant a first date with whoever he was going out with.
If you were to have a date with him then how would you all want it to be? I would probably say staying at home, more personal (lack of the best fitting word)...

Re: David Hodges

I've just looked Wallace Langham up on IMDb and found out that he is in Daddy Day Care! I've seen that movie a couple of times but can't for the life of me remember who he is in it... I hadn't realised just how much he has been in!

Anyway, back to Hodges - if he couldn't of been a CSI then what do you think he would have been?
I have no idea why but I can really see him as a painter! :lol: Wearing the white overalls and being covered in paint!
Re: David Hodges

Hey big time lurker here! Just to tall ya that Wallace Langham played their boss in Daddy Day Care! He told them that the division was shutting down!

What can I say? I like the movie and I like Langham :lol:
Re: David Hodges

do you like hodges? you are great at trivia, but that is all that i know about you:)
ok guys. i was trying this out with a friend, and its fun. i tried to start it here before, ill try again.
the hodges game:
letters of the alphabet, in order, words that go with hodges.whoever has words with the letter A can put them up, till we are done with A and move to B, ok?
and we will discuss him at the same time.
my A words are: adorable, anal,annoying, awesome
Re: David Hodges

Yea I do like him, but because we're behind in series over here I haven't seen alot of him but the more I see the more I love!!

I agree with all your A words and add, Amusing and Acerbic (which means "sharp or cutting" cause that's what I think his lines are like! :lol:)
Re: David Hodges

im totally in love with him, but everytime i see him, i love him more and more. what ep are you up yo?
your A words are great.
acute. another word for sharp :)
edited to add : Authentic.
Re: David Hodges

I'm at Nesting Dolls in season 5 but missed some of season four, but I have the DVD's and now I am on holidays so I'm watching them all. I watched Dead Ringer again and loved the scene with Sara where he says "No I didn't say that, I don't get to say that!" Cracked me up!
Re: David Hodge

I'd say when he was colouring his hair with a black sharpie marker in (i belive) kiss-kiss bye-bye, or daddy's little girl. Confusing.
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